电影《相见恨晚 Brief Encounter》4k免费在线观看

相见恨晚 Brief Encounter8

导演:大卫 / 里恩

演员:Frederick Kelsey / 西莉亚 / 巴顿 / Jack May / 约翰逊 / 霍华德 / 玛乔丽玛斯 / 乔伊丝 / 斯坦利 / 霍洛威 / Edward Hodge / 玛格丽特 / 埃弗利 / 特瑞沃 / 格雷格








Laura(西莉亚·约翰逊 Celia Johnson 饰)的生活简单而幸福:有一个爱她的丈夫,一对可爱的儿女。每个周四她都习惯搭火车去附近的一个地方买东西。这天,在火车站旁的一间小餐厅,眼睛被吹进了沙子的她得到了医生Alec(特瑞沃·霍华德 Trevor Howard 饰)的帮助。几天后,她又在餐厅遇到了医生,由于桌子不够,两人便坐在一起吃饭,相谈甚欢。原来医生也已经结婚,每个星期二也来这里的本地医院帮忙。两人约定下星期再见面......频繁的见面和陪伴,让两个已经结了婚的人越来越渴望见到对方,他们知道,他们相爱了......但这样的爱情在那个年代注定无法长久,即使他们深爱着对方,最后也不得不分离。Alec告诉Laura,他即将去遥远的南非,留下了失魂落魄的Laura......
本片改编自Noël Coward的独幕剧《Still Life》,获1946年戛纳电影节“金棕榈”大奖。


  • 来自网友【柳叶刀】的评论I do like British film noir Brief Encounter, I don’t know why, maybe it’s because the older I get, the more nostalgic and sentimental I become, or maybe I just want to hold on to the bygone days for fear that if I let go all the beautiful memory will slip away from my fingertips and never could I find it again, or maybe I am so crazy about the film score by the distinguished Russian Romantic composer, yes, it is the Rachmaninoff’s piano concerto No.2 in C minor, one of my favorites. David Lean, the famous British director, shot this romantic film in 1945 and he smartly borrowed as a whole this great piano piece played by London Symphony Orchestra to heighten the emotional impact of the film and underscore the sense of tableaus at the same time. From the beginning of the film with a steam locomotive roaring past of the railway station to the end of the story when protagonist, sitting by the fireplace, narrating retrospectively her touching and pathetic romance, as well as at some key moments in the movie, such as Laura and Alec saying adieus to each other at the place they first met or Laura did her sewing work while losing herself in reminiscence, the audience can always hear that familiar haunting and lyrical melody with a touch of sorrowfulness.Of course, the film itself is also excellent and heart-wrenching, otherwise it would not have been voted by the British Film Institute as one of the most romantic films in British film history. The genre of the movie sounds quite mediocre and old-fashion, A Timeless Story of Forbidden Love. That same motif has been recycled countlessly in subsequent film and television dramas, but a canon is a canon, it can only be imitated and plagiarized, never be transcended.At its core, Brief Encounter is a simple yet tear-shedding romantic story, it tells of two strangers who met unexpectedly in the refresh room in a railway station and madly fell in love. Love never asks why; it is a most authentic and beautiful feeling only when you truly feel it. The film revolves around Laura, a married woman and mother with two kids, who, during her weekly trips to town to go grocery shopping encounters Alec, a handsome and charming doctor. What begins as a casual conversation in a tearoom soon transforms into a profound and intimate relationship that neither of them expected or sought.The central conflict of the film is the moral dilemma faced by the two leading roles. Both are married with a happy family and lovely kids, and the constraints of societal code and moral norm weigh heavily on them. Their love is a forbidden one, it reminds me of Hawthorne’s novel The Scarlet Letter. For Laura and Alec, their loving each other is a happily pathetical experience, but you shouldn’t blame them for love is never wrong and neither will it die.David Lean wisely explored the extreme tension between love and duty, individuals and families, personal passion and rationality, idealism and realism, all that draw audience into the emotional turmoil of characters who were torn between their desires and their responsibilities. Their innermost struggle is heightened by the elegant and restrained whisper, which allows the unspoken emotions and desires of the characters to simmer beneath the surface, and their agony of having to choose between one's heart and one's conscience cannot be well appreciated by our outsiders unless you are in a same moral dilemma.A romantic movie wont be great by having a happy ending, but Brief Encounter is exception, under the backdrop of the War II, audience and society couldn’t accepted the sacrifice of family and social ethics just for personal passion, Dr. Alec left for South Africa, Laura returned to home, it wasn’t the director David Lean’s choice, it wasn’t even an option for Laura and Alec, it is a decision between you and me and between the audience and the whole society Nothing lasts, really, Neither happiness nor despair, Not even life lasts very long. There will come a time in the future When I shan’t mind about this any moreThat's what Laura told herself, and that's what she told the whole audience.
  • 来自网友【叛卡门】的评论还记得《廊桥遗梦》里梅姨始终无法打开车门,将所有的遗憾和美好留在了来世。而在半个世纪前,有这样一部《相见恨晚》,女主角萝拉在火车开动后的一瞬间拉开车门跳了出去,我几乎能听见那一刻她紧张的心跳快要冲破胸腔的喀嚓声。婚外恋的美好多数情况下是在看客置身事外的身份中体会到的,我更愿意相信如《廊桥遗梦》那般儿女经过愤怒后慢慢理解,而不是《相见恨晚》中刻意完美体谅妻子的三好男人形象,再不济也会如男主角朋友那般平静的对好友的出轨失望至极。我们生活在一个满是期待的世界里。人人都在希望你更好,同样也在等待着你越轨。这晚夜没有吻别。导演将故事的结局在一开始就给了观众,我还傻傻期待着这份恋情会有一个令人愤世嫉俗或遗憾丛生的结果。而实际上它像所有的婚外恋一样被打断了,不是被各自当事人的亲属,而是一个喋喋不休的叨逼老女人。这突兀的插入即便是身怀正义感批判不伦恋的卫道士也要拍案而起,或者陷入深深地阴谋思维中:这该死的女人到底是婚外恋情里哪方配偶派来的间谍,其多嘴的毁灭威力都能维护世界和平了。他们走过了曾经走过的小桥,在相遇的车站一次次吻别,在同一家小酒馆里凝视彼此。世界上有那么多空间可以供他们一次次重温爱情的美好,却没有一点多余的时间留给对方相处。我们每天可能重复碰见一些人很多次,偏偏是这个人直接碰到了心底。好像与他相遇时自己是透明的灵魂,被他直直的闯了进来,躲无可躲。因为完全是女主角的心理剖白和回忆阐述,所以我们看到的是一个害羞又敏感的中年女人在道德约束和真情实感间的痛苦心路,雨夜的狂奔、公园的独坐、勉强的笑颜、失控的情绪筑成了一座座尖刺向内的堡垒,保护着她的同时也令她动弹不得。我不鼓励婚外恋,即便它在光影中看上去有多么的美好,当事人的心理又有多为自己选择家庭的行为而自我感动。真正令人憎恨的是他们明明从动心的那一刻起就选择了伤害自己的家庭,却偏偏要让各自的家庭成为担当自己委屈的受害者,要整个家庭为了自己的“弃爱”而负责。就好像你要杀一个人,但你怕坐牢而中途放弃,后知后觉的那个人如果不对你心怀感激的话反而会让你觉得他欠了你什么。这就是婚外恋者堕落的过程,所以那些选择诚实的人反而显得可爱许多。世间如污泥,吾非莲花,亦独自赏。又想到了极权主义中的“双重思想”,在你明知道这是错误的情况下对其正确性依然坚定不移。在普通生活里,是否也会有很多人如此:按部就班的以社会规定好的规则生活着,满腔不解和怀疑拧成了思想深处的一根筋。心底越是抗争,行动上越是贯彻执行。不抛下硬币的一瞬间难以判断自己的想法和行为,即便是错误也深深享受其中。