来自网友【csiwaterman】的评论“Garrow’s Law, which dramatises 18th-century court cases at the Old Bailey, a surprise hit in 2009, returned for a four-part run in December on BBC1. It won 5 million viewers, in the most competitive Sunday evening slots, and an audience appreciation score of 90%.This is thanks to Tony Marchant’s vivid scripts and Andrew Buchan’s performance as the eponymous barrister championing the poor, who introduced the phrase “innocent until proven guilty”. The production team argued for a longer third series to milk the Old Bailey archives, but have just heard they have four episodes once again. Criminal!”From http://garrowslaw.wordpress.com/以上大意是:在2009年开始在BBC1套播出的描写18世纪中央刑事法庭故事的加罗律师,赢得了5百万的观众,好评率达到了90%。这些都要感谢Tnoy Marchant 的优秀剧本和Andrew Buchan的出色表演,制作组赞成拍摄第三季,但是听说仍然还是四集。