来自网友【icecream】的评论Well,we all know what the facts are. We live a while, and then we die sooner than we planned. You konw, Bill, no one expect you to be perfect. But there 's just a few basic things you gotta get right. Always do the best you can by the family. Go to work everyday. Always speak your mind. Never hurt anyone that doesn't deserve it. And never take anything that from the bad guys. That's all.It's not much to ask.不是所有的影片都能让人揪着心看完。也不是所有的影片到最后让人一声叹息。难得有部片子可以让我感慨良多。黑,不一定是黑,白,不一定是白。P.S. 谁能给我解释一下最后为什么法院哥干掉了参议员?