电影《第七封印 Det sjunde inseglet》高清免费在线观看

第七封印 Det sjunde inseglet8.5

导演:英格玛 / 伯格曼

演员:利亚 / 因加 / 戈东 / 托尔 / 拉松 / 伦纳特 / 拉尔斯 / 古内尔 / 莱娜 / 奥克 / 马克斯 / 斯特兰德马克 / 古德龙 / 普吕塞柳斯 / 乌尔夫








海滩边,巨浪滔天,英武的骑士布洛克(马克斯•冯•西多 Max von Sydow 饰)与黑衣死神(本特•埃切罗特 Bengt Ekerot 饰)摆下了一盘生死棋局。在下棋的过程中,骑士在回顾自己的人生,所见所闻暗合圣经的图景。十四世纪十字军东征后期,欧洲大陆瘟疫蔓延,民不聊生。布洛克曾遇到过马戏团的一对夫妻,丈夫笃信神明,无比虔诚,妻子则更加现实,唯命是从。他们的相濡以沫让幸福唾手可得。骑士在树林中邂逅了铁匠夫妇。铁匠非常粗鲁,他的妻子很是风骚,他们在树林里对着路人演出双簧,仿佛一对可笑的傀儡。最后,在经历过集体膜拜的祭奠仪式后,武士和他的朋友们再次遇到了死神,曾经的无助与恐惧,愤怒与怀疑,都化作了人生的诘问……


  • 来自网友【剑心未央必有票】的评论“我会记住这一刻,这祥和的黄昏…还有野草莓和牛奶,你在暮色中的脸庞…米克尔的睡姿,约瑟夫弹着鲁特琴。我会竭力记住我们说的每句话。我会小心地珍藏这段记忆,就像捧着满满一碗牛奶一般小心。这会是我生命中闪光的一刻…”死神也不知道什么是主,他解答不了的困惑,在一对年轻的夫妻和他们的孩子身上找到了。野草莓和鲜牛奶,微风吹拂中小孩咯吱咯吱的笑声,这就是生命的意义,不需要主来解答。善良的人能见到圣母和死神。圣母会朝他微笑,死神见到他却不会勾走他。人到底要怎样活着。谁不想成为一个胆敢与死神下棋的人。他让我想起《哈利波特与死亡圣器》里三兄弟中的老三。死神来迎接老三,一起走向另一个世界。善良而快乐地活着,然后勇敢地迎向死神。这是我在这部电影里获取的力量。
  • 来自网友【Manson】的评论 Antonius Block: We must make an idol of our fear, and call it god. Antonius Block: Is it so terribly inconceivable to comprehend God with one's senses? Why does he hide in a cloud of half-promises and unseen miracles? How can we believe in the faithful when we lack faith? What will happen to us who want to believe, but can not? What about those who neither want to nor can believe? Why can't I kill God in me? Why does He live on in me in a humiliating way - despite my wanting to evict Him from my heart? Why is He, despite all, a mocking reality I can't be rid of? Antonius Block: I want to confess as best I can, but my heart is void. The void is a mirror. I see my face and feel loathing and horror. My indifference to men has shut me out. I live now in a world of ghosts, a prisoner in my dreams. Antonius Block: Who are you?Death: I am Death.Antonius Block: Have you come for me?Death: I have long walked by your side.Antonius Block: So I have noticed.Death: Are you ready?Antonius Block: My body is ready, but I am not. Antonius Block: I want knowledge! Not faith, not assumptions, but knowledge. I want God to stretch out His hand, uncover His face and speak to me.Death: But He remains silent.Antonius Block: I call out to Him in the darkness. But it's as if no one was there.Death: Perhaps there isn't anyone.Antonius Block: Then life is a preposterous horror. No man can live faced with Death, knowing everything's nothingness.Death: Most people think neither of death nor nothingness.Antonius Block: But one day you stand at the edge of life and face darkness.Death: That day.Antonius Block: I understand what you mean. Antonius Block: I shall remember this moment: the silence, the twilight, the bowl of strawberries, the bowl of milk. Your faces in the evening light. Mikael asleep, Jof with his lyre. I shall try to remember our talk. I shall carry this memory carefully in my hands as if it were a bowl brimful of fresh milk. It will be a sign to me, and a great sufficiency. Jöns: Love is the blackest of all plagues... if one could die of it, there would be some pleasure in love, but you don't die of it. Antonius Block: Faith is a torment. It is like loving someone who is out there in the darkness but never appears, no matter how loudly you call. Jöns: Love is nothing but lust and cheating and lies.Jöns: Love is as contagious as a cold. It eats away at your strength, morale... If everything is imperfect in this world, love is perfect in its imperfection.Blacksmith Plog: You're happy, you with your oily words. You believe your own twaddle.Jöns: Believe it? Who said? But I love to give pieces of advice.