




大崎娜娜(朴璐美 配音),心怀音乐梦的朋克女青年,曾在家乡和男友本城莲(木内秀信 配音)、好友高木泰(川原庆久 配音)、寺岛伸夫(关智一 配音)合组乐队Black Stones,后因莲被当红乐队Trapnest挖角到东京发展,二人被迫分手。时隔两年,娜娜也决定前往东京, 找来泰和伸夫重整Black Stones旗鼓,誓要和莲的Trapnest一拼高下。小松奈奈(KAORI 配音),永远沉浸在恋爱梦中的不靠谱小镇姑娘,因男友远藤章司(高桥广树 配音)到东京求学备受异地恋煎熬,而今终于有机会移居东京陪伴章司。两个名字发音同为“nana”的女孩相遇在去往东京的新干线上,又十分凑巧地看重同一间“707”号公寓,二人决定合租。


  • 来自网友【樱花花花花】的评论好双鱼的故事,爱和残酷都那么极端,又那么浪漫。娜娜就是理想的女性吧。即使在本作这个充斥着父权观念的社会里,依然如此鲜活、坚强、富有生命力的一位女性。 如果娜娜和奈奈结婚就好了,一起抚养孩子长大,一起在窗边聊天,在庭院里玩耍,在猫脚浴缸泡澡。偶尔乐队成员过来一起吃个饭,打打麻将。。。
  • 来自网友【阿加莎】的评论ep1 - ep14: nana英配 喜欢的台词摘录(ep1 - ep14)(娜娜)剧评 (douban.com) ep15- ep29: nana英配 喜欢的台词摘录(ep15 - ep29)(娜娜)剧评 (douban.com) ep30- ep39: nana英配 喜欢的台词摘录(ep30 - ep39)(娜娜)剧评 (douban.com) ====ep30ON: Hachi was our pet, our band mascot, well, a better term for her would be our Madonna. Her smile alone lit up the entire room. She always got us pumped in the studio, at rehearsals and especially at live shows. The energy she gave off was more than anything we could have gained by adding a new member.You probably don't have a clue, do you? Everything you do blows me away, just like that typhoon. I feel like a teenage boy falling in love for the first time. I can't fight this anymore, I think I am gonna burst.ON对KN的滤镜好深啊,竟然说KN是圣母玛利亚。。不过这段话,让我意识到了KN的优点。KN有一种母性的力量,非常有亲和力、生命力,看到后面,越来越意识到,这是非常宝贵的品质。===ON: There I go again, agreeing with him. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I so completely influenced by what Ren says or does? Before it's because I had such a crush on him, but why is it still like that? I haven't changed at all. I wasn't even gonna get back together with him, but before I knew it, I became his little wifey all over again. What am I doing? Making this stupid soup, and in the middle of the night, too!If there is a way, show me how, somebody please help me! Why does this happen to me? Why? Does my heart burn so hot?我也有类似的感受。在恋爱中会失去自我,像一个小娇妻,很不喜欢自己的状态,但又无法控制自己。===Takumi: I don't usually eat this kind of stuff, but for some stupid reason, I suddenly had a craving for it.Ren: It's because no matter what you say, you like it.对KN和Takumi关系的暗喻。看到后面觉得,虽然连KN都以为Takumi不爱她,但Takumi是真的对KN有感情。Takumi依恋KN身上的母性,也能在她面前,自在地展现自己的弱点,相比在Layla面前的小心翼翼,T和KN才是比较健康的关系。===ON: Back then, I was pursuing my dreams, I archieved a lot of my goals, but along the way, I lost something irreplaceable. I left fast and furious, never looking back, with no regrets at all. Now there is only one thing I regret. Hey, Hachi, I wonder, are you happy now?看到了我自己。在向前跑的过程中,我是不是把X和W落下了?可是我不能放弃奔跑啊。痛苦。===ep31ON: No, rejecting his parents and denying his existence are totally different. Shinichi is not a kid anymore, so he should be capable of figuring out for himself what he deserves to exist. I believe if we put our minds to it, we are all able to determine our own fates.真的会反复爱上ON,说得太好了,不要沉浸在对原生家庭的抱怨中。===KN: But when you get pregnant, it's only natural that you want to have the baby and raise it.ON: What do you mean natural?KN: I can't really explain it, it's like maternal instinct.......(In Hospital) ON: I have kind of weird question, I don't really know much about maternal instinct or any of that kind of stuff, are all women supposed to have it?Doctor: Well, I like to think so, it's part of what makes us women. However, just because it exists, that doesn't necessarily mean it manifests itself the same way in all women. I'd say that applies to most things, it's one of those internal responses that arise depending on your circumstances.对母性本能的讨论,台词写得很好。未婚妈妈不代表一个人缺乏责任,避孕也不代表一个人缺乏母性,每种决策都取决于当事人的处境。===ON: You know, Hachi, I still believe that life is what you make of it, the difference is, now I understand that not everybody can be strong all the time. Because of that, I am nicer to people now than I was back then.我也是。虽然依旧不认同KN的选择,但开始理解KN为什么会这么做。===ep32Layla: But I don't really believe that fate controls who and how we love, I like to think that people are bound by trust, it doesn't matter what kind of relationship they are in.认同蕾拉的观点,人与人之间是靠信任连接的。===ON: Hey, Hachi, I wanted to keep you beside me, even if that meant putting a collar around your neck. I was afraid of myself, you know, and that's why I always kept a little distance between us. Even now, I don't make friends very easily.哎,ON的占有欲真的好可怕。===ep33Junko: I'd say he is more like a coercive, selfish control freak. He used Nana's phone to call Nobuo and drop this bomb, of course Nobuo's first reaction was to totally freak out. I am sure he did it to scare Nobuo off and force him out of the picture. And Takumi locked the door so Nana couldn't do anything about it. If he really cared about Nana, he wouldn't do that kind of crap. He is the type of guy who manipulates others without giving it a second thought, just to get his own way.Takumi的做法真的很心机,他知道孩子大概率是他的,却装出一副接盘侠的样子。Nobuo的处境太被动了。===Kyousuke: You called that pride? Sounds pretty inmature to me, like a kid who's gotten his toy taken away.Kyou骂得好!会被KN的娇妻脑气晕,还觉得是Takumi在吃醋,搁这儿得意呢。===KN: At first, I hoped it was just my imagination, I was avoiding the truth by not thinking about it. But there were signs that I couldn't ignore, so I started to worry. But when the pregnancy test turned out positive, I really freaked, because it was like I had no where to run any more. And I was scared to go to the clinic, but I thought I should get an abortion soon if I was pregnant. I thought I could just go on like before as if nothing had happened, if I had an abortion and didn't tell anyone.But at the clinic, I saw the sonagram, I saw the little baby that's inside me, and suddenly it all felt so real to me. I didn't want to just get an abortion and go on like nothing happened. All my fears and worries left me, and I knew I just needed to pull myself together.I don't know how to explain it, I just felt attached to the baby and started thinking of how I could do this. Could I become a single mother and raise this baby on my own? But the truth is, I don't have money and I can't go to work because my morning sickness is so bad, I was at a total loss. There was no way I was going to make through this.So when Takumi came over and said all that, I was shocked, but also a little happy. Maybe I shouldn't be so dependent on him.I just feel so evil, it's true Nobuo always use condoms, he treated me like I was so precious. And now I am tumbling all over that, and running to Takumi to have the baby. Is there any way to forgive such selfishness?......Junko: If you want to have the baby that bad, I won't say anything else, but don't you ever forget it was your decision. Now that you have made that commitment, I don't want to ever see you crying over this, the world doesn't need another kid raised by a messed up, depressed mother. Try to be like your own mom.......Junko: I can't believe she is having a baby. This doesn't just affect the rest of her life, but affects the kids life, too.非常煎熬的一段,翻译的时候,全程咬着牙,几次中断。对KN的厌恶达到了极点。一切都是KN自己造成的,出于虚荣和偶像上床,Takumi不戴套,她自己不反对也不吃避孕药,现在怀孕了,在这儿哭哭哭,摆出一副受害者的样子,让别人安慰她。还说什么,因为孕吐所以不能工作,之前没怀孕的时候,也没见她好好工作啊,别找理由了,她就是不想努力,现在通过孩子能傍个有钱人养她,她当然就跟着Takumi了。KN真的太自私,根本配不上Nobuo对她的珍惜。Junko说得太对了,既然KN决定为了孩子,放弃Nobuo,就别再哭了,世界上不需要再多一个过得乱七八糟的沮丧的妈妈,这对孩子太过残忍。===ON: Don't worry, everything will be fine, because Hachi and I have that female bond, but maybe that's what makes things difficult.是啊,正是女性之间的羁绊,让ON更加受伤。===ON: No matter what kind of life you choose to live, as long as you are happy, it will be fine with me. I might never truly believe that with all of my heart, but still, I at least want to appear strong and elegant in your eyes, just like a manga heroine who is too perfect to be real.哎,ON还是选择了祝福KN。成人之间,能维持体面,就已经是很大的善意了。===ep34感谢nana,从此对长发美男、angry sex、霸总强制爱 通通无感,Takumi强迫孕期的nana这段情节,已成为我的人生阴影。 我真的看不下去了,每次看到这里都会陷入恐慌情绪。===2024.7.23复更===KN真的冷漠得可怕,立刻就准备看新房子。真的气笑了,怎么这么没皮带脸,刚刚假惺惺地哭完,这就开始畅想做富家娇妻的生活,身边人的真心对她来说,什么都不是。呵呵,谁把KN当朋友,谁倒霉;Takumi毫不珍惜她,两个烂人倒是什么锅配什么盖儿。希望ON今后的人生中,永远不要再遇到KN这样的“朋友”,KN这种人,不配!恶心恶心恶心!!!!===完全能理解ON把两个杯子都摔了,我也会这么做。===Fujieda Naoki: But what about love, man?Takumi: I am pretty sure that love will come later. The people I have met usually love themselves more than anyone else, so they end up loving those who best accommodate their own desires at the time.Takumi说的有道理,但完全不认同。===音乐制作人评价的很到位,the bastard marries the bimbo.===ON: Hey, Hachi, I was like that cheap glass, I was too weak to accept you as you are. It is just that I preferred the pain of breaking into pieces, and the lonliness I felt from losing everything. I was too fragile, it's not your fault.ON不要这么自责,那种烂人,不值得你这样啊!你不是太脆弱了,任何人付出了那么多真心,结果被这样背刺,都会生气的!不需要去理解这种自私到极点的人,你没做错任何事!不要被这种人影响到身体!啊啊啊啊啊啊,KN我无比无比讨厌你!===冷静下来之后,理解了ON最后的这段话。即使是最亲近的关系,也需要做课题分离。这是KN的人生,KN有权做出任何选择,没必要一定要符合我所认为的正确,我也不应该因为别人的选择不合我的心意,就对人家大发雷霆。而且,KN真的在糟蹋自己的人生吗,至少目前来看,KN今后的日子应该还不错吧,钱和感情,她至少得到了一样。说到自尊心,这对我来说很重要,对KN来说,也许没那么重要。她可是初中就找sugar daddy的人,她也是工作时毫无事业心和责任心的人,是我过去把她理想化,不肯接受那个真实的她。因为别人不符合自己的想象就大发雷霆,脆弱的、不成熟的人,是我。===但我真的做不到完全的分离,我感觉自己碎了。太痛苦太痛苦了,我真的承受不了,哪怕不是自己经历这些,也感到心如刀绞。我完全理解ON为什么会崩溃。课题分离,课题分离,课题分离,深呼吸,你能做到。===ep35Takumi: Let's not forget that you ditched your girlfriend and your old band, then you sold your soul for success, even though I am the one who bought it. You were the full on punk rocker, you were that cool rebel playing whatever you wanted in little dive bars all over the town. Well, I mean you are still cool now, just in a mainstream way.Ren相比梦想,更在意成功,我从一开始就不喜欢Ren。但有多少人工作后,是真的在做自己喜欢的事呢。===Takumi: It's weird, don't you think? The bigger the empire gets, the more confining it feels. Before I knew it, I went to lock my precious little sister in the top of the highest tower, even I can't over there. That's the greatest sin of my life. She only knows how to sing, she is ignorant about everything else. There is nothing I can do about it now. I can only hope that somewhere there is a prince who cares enough to climb that tower and hold her.Takumi把Layla过于理想化了,这不是健康的关系。===看到一篇关于门罗女儿被继父性侵事件的文章,这段话,让我想到了ON。我无法理解ON对Ren的依赖。by 赵宏《诺奖得主,一个女性主义者,为什么会无视女儿被继父性侵?》===ep36我想,我讨厌KN这个角色,是因为她违背了我朴素的价值观。KN自私、毫无责任感、没有道德廉耻,我不希望看到她过得快乐。但KN现在真的快乐吗?她和孩子的生活,全部依托在另一个男人身上,现在Takumi有钱,可是如果Takumi遭遇意外、或者破产了呢?她没能掌控自己的人生,从来没真正努力去争取什么。她也完全没有尊严,看到38集,已经看到2次,孕期不得不和Takumi做。。待在Takumi租的公寓里,成了一只没有自由的金丝雀。就像KN之前说的,making our dreams come true and being truely happy are often two seperate things。===Takumi: Why is that girls always ignore the really important stuff, but will continually gab about the most mundane things?不仅仅是女性吧,很多人都是。因为真正重要的事情要付出努力,所以逃避。===Takagi Yasushi: But I really don't want our music to be thought of as just a business, devoid of meaning or feeling, it needs to be more than that. You have to understand that both Nana and Shinichi have had the misfortune of growing up without any love in their lives, and that's why I don't want them to believe that this world revolves around nothing more than money and greed. But I am sure there will be times in the future when we will be forced to think that way. So we want someone like you, someone who is going to be there to back us up, simply because you love our band. Is that too much to ask?Producer: You seem to be carrying a heavier burden than I am, allow me to carry half of it. Don't try to take on too much, if your hands are full, then you won't be able to do anything when you have to make your own move.这就是友情的意义吧,让人感受到这个世界不是只看金钱,还是有人会单纯因为喜欢而支持自己。制作人说的很好,不要让自己承担过多责任,要学会分担。===ON: Only spoiled brats lose their drive because it's so easy for them to get whatever the hell they want.说得对,我痛恨自己的软弱,和那些经历着战争的人们相比,我的软弱太肤浅了,惺惺作态。===Nobuo: Don't you know by now not to listen to Shinichi? He just said all that stuff to feel better about himself.Nobuo真的心理很健康,是的,有些伤人的话,只是说话者为了让自己舒心。不要听就好了,不要让自己陷入受伤的情绪里。===Nobuo: You don't want to let your stubborn pride drive everyone away.我也不想这么拧巴,但是真的做不到。===ON: Like a moon that's not quite full, that's how I am when I am with Ren. No matter how much we love each other, I don't think there is anyone who can fulfill me. But when I am on stage, that's when I feel complete. I have to protect my dream, at any cost, even if that means making sacrifices.我和ON有相似的感受,我不知道这样的选择是否是好的。===ON: Hey, Hachi, back then, when you kept losing yourself in love, maybe we weren't that different. We both struggled for the same thing, to feel fulfilled. I can understand some of those feelings you had, it's just that I couldn't back then. Is your new life that you protected at all costs, still fulfilling you even now?没有。放弃了那么多,才换来的生活,我内心想珍惜,可却没有付诸太多行动,大把大把的时间都浪费在刷网页上。===ep37Takumi: Why do people get fixated on chasing an illusion? Never understand it.Fujieda Naoki: Because it's an illusion. Out there in the real world, you will never come across anyone who is as perfect as you imagine them to be.......Takumi: Nana knows the reality and illusions are two different things. Though she has figured that out, she can still dream without getting depressed. That is so cute about her.追星或者玩乙游,其实爱的都是高度商业化的、包装出来的、完美的幻象,华丽的袍子下,很多偶像还不如我们自己善良、有原则。我依然厌恶KN,不想看到她。===Ren对流浪艺人的解释好有趣:A musician who wanders the earth alone in search of love.===ON: Why should I have to go and see her, it's not fair!Ren: That's what heroes do, don't you know?一下子被点醒了。p.s. ON在Ren面前,真的很像puppy。。===Shinichi给Layla弹奏《Layla》,真的太浪漫了。P.S. 去搜了Eric Clapton的这首歌,原版不太喜欢,比较喜欢acoustic版本,但也不觉得特别好听。。动画里,Shinichi是带着原声吉他过去的,那天Layla听到的应该更类似后者吧。===ON: Hey, Hachi, no matter how much or how often people hurt each other, loving someone is never a waste. That love letter you left for me back then, I still cherish it.ON你为什么要这么包容KN,我不理解。===ep38ON: They say that the more you fight with someone, the closer you are to them. But ultimately, fighting is nothing more than ego slamming into each other, just because you may have revealed that retuned(这个词没听清) feelings doesn't mean people are gonna understand you better. I know it's impossible to go through life without ever getting hurt, but I realized that I had to try my hardest to live without hurting the people around me. I finally figured that out.ON的思维有些跳跃,为什么从孤独感跳到了伤害。===ON: No matter how many times I think it through, I can't get over how careless I was. But it was raining that crazy, and I didn't have my umbrella, I can tell you a million other excuses I have told myself. The truth is, I just had to see Hachi, right then.是的,有时候,说出口的都只是借口,真正的原因,只是当时想做这件事。===ON: The trigger that alters one's fate, can be pulled in an instant.一步错,步步错。如果ON没有被拍到,许多角色的命运也许会有所不同吧。===ON: Cutting everyone off without letting them explain anything. ... Poor Hachi, she is stuck here living in a place supposed to be unoccupied, she is like a ghost who doesn't realize she is dead. She exists only for Takumi and her baby. Hachi, is that really how you want to live?ON实在是自作多情,这些完全是她自己的臆想,Takumi是为了让KN安心养胎,才杜绝外人来访,KN住着豪宅,心里美滋滋。。ON现在的心理,就像某些毒唯觉得“世界都在害我哥哥”。。===KN干的每件事,都好恶心。假惺惺地叫Shinichi出来,然后戳着人家的痛处问。怎么会有这么自私的人,太恶心了。===Shinichi: Listen, you shouldn't care about what I think anyway, even if there are some similarities, things will be different for you because you are different people. You have got to do whatever you believe is right.Shinichi真的是小天使,被戳到痛处,还是真诚地开导KN。===Paparazzi: You think you are a music critic? The truth is what the people want is never changed, they want a juicy story! We have got stupid kids nowadays deluding themselves into thinking they are great artists, it makes me sick! Let me tell you a world ruled by a goody-goody rock and roll band like Trapnest is one big yawn. I just want to smash that idiot Takumi's face in!竟然觉得八卦杂志说得很有道理。很多搞乐队的,不过是一群精神小伙、精神小妹,根本算不上艺术家。八卦杂志揭露了他们道貌岸然外表下的肤浅内在。===Shinichi: In my experience, housewives are always desperate for someone to talk to. Don't isolate yourself at home thinking about your baby, you get to go out and do things, you know.无业在家的这几个月,和社会脱节,感受到了和人聊天时,那种用力过猛的迫切。===ep39KN,别在那儿哭哭哭了,得了便宜还卖乖,听着就烦。离我远点,不想看到你,讨厌讨厌讨厌,啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!!===Yasushi: Instead of trampling through other people's gardens, go make your own flowers bloom.Yasushi的发言好帅气!===