来自网友【MonikaZhang】的评论版权归作者所有,任何形式转载请联系作者。 作者:MonikaZhang(来自豆瓣) 来源:https://www.douban.com/note/607853369/Lear众叛亲离的故事和Earl of Gloucester的故事互成镜像。Lear噩运的缘起是这位年迈糊涂的君王识人不清,被不孝女的甜言蜜语所欺骗;Gloucester同样,被奸邪的庶子牵着鼻子走,酿成大错。而两位正直善良的儿女(Cordelia和Edgar)被不孝不悌的胞亲从父亲手中撺掇他们应有的权利。Lear的故事导致英格兰沃土受到法兰西铁骑的蹂躏,国王和三位女儿殒命,最终国破且家亡;而Gloucester的悲剧则是同样的厄运在一个小家之中的缩影,兄弟反目,儿子陷害父亲,Gloucester尝尽了家庭破碎的苦果。1085 Earl of Kent. Fellow, I know thee.Oswald. What dost thou know me for?Earl of Kent. A knave; a rascal; an eater of broken meats; a base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited, hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a lily-liver'd, action-taking, whoreson, glass-gazing, superserviceable, finical rogue;one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a bawd in way of good service, and art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pander, and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch; one whom I will beat into clamorous whining, if thou deny the least syllable of thy addition.Oswald. Why, what a monstrous fellow art thou, thus to rail on one that's neither known of thee nor knows thee!Earl of Kent. What a brazen-fac'd varlet art thou, to deny thou knowest me! Is it two days ago since I beat thee and tripp'd up thy heels before the King? [Draws his sword.] Draw, you rogue! for, thoughit be night, yet the moon shines. I'll make a sop o' th' moonshine o' you. Draw, you whoreson cullionly barbermonger! draw!Oswald. Away! I have nothing to do with thee.Earl of Kent. Draw, you rascal! You come with letters against the King, andtake Vanity the puppet's part against the royalty of her father. Draw, you rogue, or I'll so carbonado your shanks! Draw, you rascal! Come your ways!非常喜欢Earl of Kent。一身正气,嫉恶如仇,遇到下贱的小人毫不犹豫拔剑和他决斗。小丑死去了。这位小丑和他之前的无数位先知、诗人一样,他口无遮拦地说实话,人们却一笑置之。就像无人相信的卡桑德拉,就像四大先知。真相总是穿上小丑的衣服。就像痴儿西木。“脱下小丑的衣服,我看到了牢笼和死亡。”1678 Lear. Blow, winds, and crack your cheeks! rage! blow! You cataracts and hurricanoes, spout Till you have drench'd our steeples, drown'd the cocks!You sulph'rous and thought-executing fires, Vaunt-couriers to oak-cleaving thunderbolts, Singe my white head! And thou, all-shaking thunder, Strike flat the thick rotundity o' th' world, Crack Nature's moulds, all germains spill at once,That makes ingrateful man!李尔在雷雨交加的夜晚迸发的悲愤呐喊。Servant 1. O, I am slain! My lord, you have one eye left To see some mischief on him. O! He dies.挖Gloucester两只眼睛间隙发生的戏剧性情节:他还剩下的那只眼见到了刚挖出的那只眼的复仇。2415 Goneril. Marry, your manhood mew!悔过的Albany和阴险狠毒的Cornwall2302 Earl of Gloucester. 'Tis the time's plague when madmen lead the blind. 老Gloucester被挖去了双眼,因为他有眼无珠。放逐了Edgar,却轻信私生子Edmund。3118 Edgar. What, in ill thoughts again? Men must endure Their going hence, even as their coming hither; Ripeness is all. Come on.3126 Cordelia. We are not the first Who with best meaning have incurr'd the worst. 这是Moral吗。在黑白颠倒、万劫不复的绝望中莎翁想告诉我们这个?3131 Lear. No, no, no, no! Come, let's away to prison. We two alone will sing like birds i' th' cage. When thou dost ask me blessing, I'll kneel down And ask of thee forgiveness. So we'll live, And pray, and sing, and tell old tales, and laughAt gilded butterflies, and hear poor rogues Talk of court news; and we'll talk with them too- Who loses and who wins; who's in, who's out- And take upon 's the mystery of things, As if we were God's spies; and we'll wear out,In a wall'd prison, packs and sects of great ones That ebb and flow by th' moon.Edmund. Take them away.Lear. Upon such sacrifices, my Cordelia, The gods themselves throw incense. Have I caught thee?He that parts us shall bring a brand from heaven And fire us hence like foxes. Wipe thine eyes. The goodyears shall devour 'em, flesh and fell, Ere they shall make us weep! We'll see 'em starv'd first. Come. Exeunt [Lear and Cordelia, guarded].被俘的父女两人互相搀扶,在惨绝人寰的厄运中看到了彼此间金子般纯粹的情感。他们要进监牢,却如同要携手步入天堂一般。他们会在监牢里如笼中之鸟般纵情歌唱。李尔把他们二人比作命运的祭品。3156 Edmund. To be tender-minded does not become a sword.become在这里是bekommen的意思?你们日耳曼语族互相之间就是几个方言的差别吧…3331 Edmund. Th' hast spoken right; 'tis true. The wheel is come full circle; I am here.风水轮流转,恶人终于得到了报应。3340 Edgar. By nursing them, my lord. List a brief tale;And when 'tis told, O that my heart would burst! The bloody proclamation to escape That follow'd me so near (O, our lives' sweetness! That with the pain of death would hourly die Rather than die at once!) taught me to shiftInto a madman's rags, t' assume a semblance That very dogs disdain'd; and in this habit Met I my father with his bleeding rings, Their precious stones new lost; became his guide, Led him, begg'd for him, sav'd him from despair;Never (O fault!) reveal'd myself unto him Until some half hour past, when I was arm'd, Not sure, though hoping of this good success, I ask'd his blessing, and from first to last Told him my pilgrimage. But his flaw'd heart(Alack, too weak the conflict to support!) 'Twixt two extremes of passion, joy and grief, Burst smilingly.从Edgar的视角看他的故事。原来Moral在于:谅解本身,就是对巨大厄运的复仇。这整个故事是为了说明人在不公命运中如何自处吧。就像约伯记一样,但李尔王的故事和Theodizee的过程与结论完全不同。约伯的Moral在于人无法也不能揣度神的安排,神的正义何时到来,人只能信神,永不背弃神才会得救。李尔王显然是个异教徒多神背景下,关于人的故事。人可以以朱庇特的名义起誓和诅咒,也可以埋怨神降下不公的命运,但重要的是人要被人性拯救(比如Edgar用一个善意的谎言拯救了求死的父亲,Coedelia用她的泪水和谅解拯救了李尔王的癫狂)3394 Edmund. I was contracted to them both. All three Now marry in an instant.这句话也真是不要脸到了极致。三个尔虞我诈的恶人同时死在了一起,多美妙的命运。3412 Edmund. Yet Edmund was belov'd. The one the other poisoned for my sake, And after slew herself.Edmund想被爱。他是庶出的次子,父亲的宠爱和财富全部都被高尚仁厚的大哥夺走,可他也想要。所以他,一位野心家,用卑鄙的手段争取来了所有父亲没有赠与他的。两位蛇蝎姐妹为了他而互相残杀,Edmund为这么一点儿扭曲的爱而沾沾自喜。Edmund:没有比他更阴险无耻的爬虫了。他和两姐妹,最终烂在了一起。Regan的丈夫Cornwall尸骨未寒,她就为了唯利是图的小人Edmund和姐姐争风吃醋起来。Edmund,可能只有一张漂亮的人皮吧,内里由毒虫蟒蛇填充满了。Edmund的野心和奸猾,除了天性使然以外,也有次子心态在其中作祟。临死之前做了一件好事,告诉众人Cordelia和李尔要被处决的消息。(但我觉得这个情节OOC得太突然了没有一点铺垫,所以并没有充实这个阴险小人的形象。)复仇的高潮奸人自相残害。Goneril用毒药害死了Regan。Albany居然成了故事里的复仇天使。他收到了Edgar从死去的Oswald手里拿到的,记载着Goneril和Edmund奸情与奸计的信。他对自己夫人的不忠不义深恶痛绝,于是挑衅庶出的奸夫Edmund。Edmund接受了挑衅,与蒙面的控诉者Edgar决斗。哦Edgar是正义的使者。终于,作恶多端的Edmund被他宅心仁厚的亲哥戮死。The Gods are just,Gloucester家(丑恶命运在一个小家里的投影)的大仇已报。Albany是复仇的见证人,他见证了Regan被Goneril毒死,Edmund被Edgar杀死,Goneril用一把小刀自戕。也见证了Edgar忍辱负重后脱下疯丐的外衣,倾听了Edgar与父亲可歌可泣的故事和Kent的见证。他让人把三位恶人抬到一起,在地狱里团圆。当蛇蝎姐妹的尸体从他们面前抬过时,他对Kent说,3410 Seest thou this object, Kent? 他引导了Kent见证复仇。Kent引导李尔见证他的复仇。但对李尔已经没有什么复仇可见证了。失去Cordelia的李尔已经失去了全部的神志,Kent的坦白身份终究是晚了一步。如果他在李尔最困厄而仍保有一定理智的时候坦白身份,忠臣的一腔热忱一定能给他带来莫大慰藉。如果蛇蝎姐妹死得早一点,李尔也许会涕泗横流地赞美命运的公正。但Cordelia已经死去,复仇的甜蜜还有什么意义呢?忠诚还会带来什么宽慰呢?万物都失去了色彩,因为善美、宽容已死。他也随之而去。是不是每个人都得到了应有的报应呢?宿命的公正?Albany是这一切噩运的见证者,但奇迹地成为了受益者。国王、三个女儿和另一个女婿Cornwall都死了,战场上唯一站立着的他成了继承王位的人。(他还“慷慨”地打算把王位先给疯了还没死透的李尔留一阵,结果李尔真死透了)他主持正义的奖赏也太大了。Edgar以乞丐Tom的形象一路领着他的父亲,倾听他的忏悔,佯作狂态,又演出了一场天使救人的奇迹,让Glouster摆脱了求死欲,从绝望中拯救出来。多么动人的故事。Goneril的Steward Oswald这个人也是很好笑。懦弱,面对Kent的挑衅不敢拔剑;是非不分,毫不犹豫为两姐妹助纣为虐;武力值低,被Edgar只用一根棍子就打倒了;但他却奇迹般地忠诚,在Regan的诱惑下没有交出Goneril给Edmund的密信,奄奄一息时却坚持让杀死自己的人帮他把信带到。真是有着高尚情操和原则的又傻又怂。2008版里加的戏李尔和Cordelia被带走的时候,那位忠心耿耿的军医试图提走药箱跟老国王一起走,却被军士拿枪指住,不得不放弃。这就顺理成章地解释了Goneril的毒药是从哪儿来的。Albany看到Goneril亲吻Edmund的时候翻白眼,真可爱。Albany作为一位道德楷模,复仇天使的形象有了更人性化的添加部分:一位被戴绿帽的丈夫。Edgar在决斗中杀死Edmund的方式好像是阉割诶。很合适,一个在偷情生下来的私生子,用下半身勾引蛇蝎心肠的两姐妹又狼心狗肺地撒手让两人自己斗出胜负(跟养蛊似的),最后被阉掉男人的狂妄。最后一幕李尔搬着Cordelia一边哀嚎一边走进望天祈祷的一群人中间,然后把Cordelia放在地上,实在太出戏了。