电影《世贸中心 World Trade Center》HD免费在线观看

世贸中心 World Trade Center6.6

导演:奥利佛 / 斯通

演员:西蒙斯 / 亨克 / 尼克 / 塞克利拉 / 凯奇 / Amanda Saphire Billingham / 康勒 / 威廉姆 / 迈克尔 / Alexa Gerasimovich / 古铁雷斯 / 格雷格 / 阿瑟 / 艾森伯格 / 怀特








本片是以美国“911”事件为背景的灾难片,故事重现了当时那场突如其来的灾难。9月11日的一个美妙清晨,消防总署突然警铃大作,接到世贸中心遭到恐怖袭击而倒塌的消息后,消防警员约翰·迈克洛林(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)和同事们立即整装赶赴现场,摆在他们眼前的是一幅幅惨绝人寰的画面,坍塌的大厦冒着浓烟,受伤的人们在痛苦地呻吟。为了营救被困在世贸中心里面的人,约翰不顾残楼摇摇欲坠的危险,带着队友冲进了大楼中,然而他们还来不及展开动作,就被二次倒塌的残楼压住了。当约翰在碎石中醒过来时,发现昔日并肩作战的同伴全部殉职,只有一位叫威尔·吉米诺(迈克尔·佩纳 Michael Pena 饰)的警员还幸存着。他们在地狱般的废墟中等待着救援队,面对着渐渐稀少的氧气和随时可能降临的死亡,恐惧、彷徨、伤心、绝望从四面八方缓缓袭来,营救与自救在惊心动魄的24小时内同时展开了……


  • 来自网友【Adrian Zhu】的评论令人失望啊,本片云集了我最喜欢的班底,结果是我最不喜欢的类型:美国主旋律。 失去了社会批判性的奥立佛私通,跟色狼私通这等好莱坞货色有什么区别?这部电影充斥着一边倒的美国论调,你看的时候会觉得很乏味。以剧情的震撼来看,还不如《93号航班》来得有力度。如果说奥立佛私通故意回避政治敏感性,转而揭示人类在绝境中的状态,那么对不起,这部电影连给《冰峰168小时》Touching the Void 提鞋的资格都没有。充斥着老套的洒狗血剧情,诸如给女儿起名字啊等等,都让我觉得这个奥立佛私通非常之陌生,没有了敏锐的政治洞察力,也没有了大师的视觉语言。家属的剧情份量占到一半,然而她们也只是瞎着急而已,她们的烦躁和抱怨也很难打动什么人。 尼古拉斯凯奇更可怜,首先让他演一个哭兮兮的泪汉,其次是80%的出场时间都是在一片黑暗里且只露着一张模糊的小脸,台词方面,有位网友说得好:对口相声,而且很不好笑。 这也就是奥立佛私通,要换别人我早就吐了。
  • 来自网友【开心小眯猫】的评论来自IMDB:http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0469641/reviews个人觉得评价得相当好253 out of 391 people found the following review useful:Good intentions and some powerful moments but overall a disappointment, 10 August 20065/10Author: imaginarytruths from United StatesI honestly didn't think it was very good at all, though I respect the intentions of the filmmakers. Whatever one wants to say about Oliver Stone, he showed a commitment to faithfully telling the story of these two Port Authority cops trapped in the wreckage of the World Trade Center and their worried wives.I liked a lot of the scenes in the beginning, the little mundane details like when Michael Pena's character is going about his everyday street beat. But the scenes at the WTC itself are really awkward, especially the cross-cutting between real footage and the actors. They just don't match, neither the film stocks nor the actors' reactions. A couple of moments with Pena standing there on the concourse were effective in creating a sense of horrific surrealism, and the moments right before the collapse were sudden and chilling...but overall it was not as powerful as I was expecting. For a film called World Trade Center, I guess I was expecting a little more context and not something focused so narrowly on these two Port Authority cops and an ex-Marine from Connecticut (as the only person outside these two cops' families whose story is told in the film, the focus on him reeks of jingoism in a GI Joe/Rambo vein).I know it's a little unfair to compare this to United 93, but I need to in order to illustrate the point. U93 told a specific story (the experience of the passengers on the plane) and placed it within a context (what was happening with air traffic control and the military). The lessons that are demonstrated in the actions of the passengers are enhanced by contrasting them with the helplessness of the "professionals" responsible for their safety. It's telling a dramatically powerful story, conveying a theme , AND providing a larger historical context of what happened that day. Oliver Stone, by comparison, has failed to effectively tie the experiences of these two trapped cops with the larger events of the day, and his film suffers as a result. And in the end the film largely shortchanges the stories of the 2749 families who didn't get good news that day.OK, so the film focuses on a narrow story of these two trapped cops and their families (and the gung ho marine, but he has limited screen time). Was their story well told? The scenes amidst the wreckage were compelling, but the back-and-forth with their wives became annoyingly schmaltzy. Yes, Maggie Gyllenhaal gave a strong performance as the pregnant wife and a lot of the moments with her family (esp the brief scene with the Colombian mother-in-law praying) were emotionally poignant, but so much of the family stuff was lame melodrama. And to be honest, even Maggie's performance was a little generic. I understand that these characters are all closely based on real life, but it still felt very Lifetime movie of the week. As for Maria Bello in the role of the other wife, I loved her in A History of Violence, but she was bland in this. The kid actors playing her children were mostly awful, and the film dragged whenever their story was on the screen. The resolution is mostly handled well, I really like what Oliver Stone is trying to convey about these small gestures of heroic goodness in the face of such desolation. But the power of these scenes is undermined by his tendency to pour on the sappiness while largely ignoring the greater horror of the day. It feels like a soap opera set against the greatest tragedy of our age, and that just doesn't work for me.In short...not intense enough, not enough context, too much melodrama, not enough of a sense of reverence for what happened, highly impressive job of recreating the debris field, a charismatic performance from Maggie, overall a mediocre film.