电影《星球大战7:原力觉醒 Star Wars: The Force Awakens》全集免费在线观看

星球大战7:原力觉醒 Star Wars: The Force Awakens7.2


演员:托马斯 / 斯皮伊尔斯 / 佩吉 / 弗兰克 / 威廉姆斯 / 格里森 / 丹尼尔斯 / 叙多夫 / 基兰 / 杰克 / 皮普 / 费雪 / 马克 / 克雷格 / 贾达








自从银河帝国衰败之后,正邪轮回再度开始,第一秩序的黑暗力量蔓延滋长,重新为银河系带来威胁。与此同时,对于凯洛·伦的堕落深感内疚的天行者卢克宣告失踪,而围绕卢克下落的一份星系地图,则引起敌我双方的争夺。不愿成为战争机器的第一军团士兵芬恩(约翰·波耶加 John Boyega 饰)协助反抗组织成员波·达摩龙(奥斯卡·伊萨克 Oscar Isaac 饰)逃到蛮荒星球贾库,寻找藏有地图的机器人BB8。两人失散后,芬邂逅拾荒者蕾伊(黛茜·雷德利 Daisy Ridley 饰)和BB8。他们乘坐破旧的千年隼号躲过了军团的追杀,此后更遇到千年隼号的主人汉·索罗(哈里森·福特 Harrison Ford 饰)。


  • 来自网友【ParasItE】的评论管他什么各种剧情脑残政治正确重复自我,反正韩梭罗和丘卡巴出现在大银幕上的时候,尽管有熊孩子在身边吵闹,我还是泪水湿了眼眶。
  • 来自网友【miao】的评论For me this feels too much like a normal comedy / action movie compared to the old ones. First 3 and mandalorian do it better i think. For example they want to be woke. So they want a black guy and a girl. Because that makes them appeal more to little girls and black people for more profit For example the original star wars was a real story I feel this is just generic action. Anyway u will see Also why so many pilots are shot down. But she and him are better? Lol That's like generic Hollywood action where the hero never fails u know People called her a "Mary sue". Means a character that has no real personality and can just do everything perfect anyway lol. Luke had to learn right? And he lost his first fight with darth vader. He lost 2nd vs the emporer. Ha nearly died in the snow and needed saving. That's an example of a real character. Han too right? Captured and frozen. Owes money. Illegal smuggling. Etc Leia failed to rescue han and was captured by jabba etc This girl is just suddenly great? For no reason? Lol better than empire tie fighter pilots? 😂 Things like this. Maybe u will learn more about as we watch more movies lol. Same as a bounty kind of. Take a job and don't ask questions just do it Can work for criminals etc Lol luke kicked him didn't he? And han just shot him? After that it just gets worse. Trying to make money. Making things confusing or boring or childish just trying to get profit but not wrote good stories. At least mandalorian and boba fett seem very well written And directed Any generic action can make millions these days. Same formula for every movie. That's why so many marvel movies and fast and furious etc exist. It's not good writing lol its just more of what sold before Theyr not interested in telling any good story its just business. And that's why indie movies have more interesting things to say Or not just indie but movies where the goal was not money. Like a scorsese or tarantino movie Also it's lazy. They knew making new star wars, any star wars fan (I didn't.) will go to see it. So already billions for free profit even if its bad they won't know til after the cinema and then u already have their money People who never grew up watching the old ones will like it. People who did will not like it. But they will all go to see it In the mandalorian they had the scene of 2 stem troopers shooting at something. Waiting for a radio response They missed. Lol it is making fun of these kind of action movie scenes. Why they never hit anything they aim at? Also why say the lightsabers calling to her? They never do that before. I don't like when they make new stuff up that's never happened before lol. It was just a tool. Luke lost that one and built another green one See why would she be able to do this? Luke had training and he's far stronger than her right? He also had to learn how to use a lightsaber. Obi wan was teaching him on hans ship Why can she just use it? She would have no idea how and lose fast Luke had 2 masters. Obi wan and yoda. Rey would not be able to do anything lol They should have had luke teach her perhaps. She would just die here lol Han solo actor asked to die btw lol He didn't wanna do these movies He said he will do this if they kill him and he won't have to be in any more wecan watch the others. I haven't seen them but I don't expect great things 😂 more excited for boba fett