电影《音乐大师 Maestro》完整版免费在线观看

音乐大师 Maestro6.2

导演:布莱德利 / 库珀

演员:斯温顿 / 肖尔 / 戈登 / 莱萨德 / 库珀 / 法齐奥 / 杰瑞米 / 迈克尔 / 米利亚姆 / 萨拉 / 希尔 / 亚历克莎 / 帕金森 / 斯科特 / 西尔弗曼








这部无畏的爱情故事记述了音乐传奇人物伦纳德·伯恩斯坦(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 饰)和费利西亚·蒙泰莱格雷·科恩·伯恩斯坦(凯瑞·穆里根 Carey Mulligan 饰)持续一生的复杂感情。


  • 来自网友【Crapoter】的评论What I was not expecting was this collosal, stupyfingly disappointing shell of a movie. Rather than try to tell coherent story or reveal some information about a somewhat overlooked but important figure, the creator behind this dismal effort--and that would be Bradley Cooper himself--decided to give us a turgid arrangement of seemingly random, uninteresting scenes that ultimately had nothing of interest to say about the character portrayed. Sure, it had the veneer of being technically polished, with lots of aging makeup in play and actors--Bradly especially--amping up their performances to Oscar-worthy levels. But there was no story, and even worse, no sense of engagement with the primary characters.It's like the camera set ups were deliberately planned to make the actors seem as remote and off kilter as possible. The events were random, the dialogue empty, banal and uninformative, the accompanying music frequently distracting.Overall, it was just such a "look at me, act, direct and write" vanity piece for Bradley Cooper that said far more about him, and his outsized ego, than it did about the long deceased and sadly overlooked subject that the film purports to be about.Maestro is a textbook example of style over substance, vanity over generosity, pretentiousness over authenticity, cinematic form over narrative function.
  • 来自网友【lilibet】的评论影片的叙事方式传统而线性,通过一系列的事件和转折,逐步展现了伯恩斯坦的艺术成就和个人生活。这种叙事方式虽然略显平淡,但结构完整,能够让观众清晰地了解伯恩斯坦的生平事迹。同时,影片在情感层面的挖掘也颇为深入,特别是伯恩斯坦与费利西亚之间的爱情、信任、矛盾和分歧,都展现得淋漓尽致。 在角色塑造方面,布莱德利·库珀精彩地诠释了伯恩斯坦这一角色,他精准地捕捉并再现了这位音乐天才内心潜藏的偶尔冷酷与深深的苦闷情绪。而费利西亚这一角色则由凯瑞·穆里根饰演,她赋予了这个角色坚韧而不凡的生命力,让观众看到了一个在家庭与爱情前线默默坚守的女性形象。 影片的音乐场景无疑是最大的亮点之一。库珀为了还原伯恩斯坦指挥马勒《第二交响曲:复活》这一传奇演出,坚持实景实时拍摄,并亲自指挥乐队。这一场景不仅展现了库珀对音乐的热爱和执着,也让观众感受到了伯恩斯坦作为指挥家的非凡才华。此外,影片中的其他音乐场景也同样精彩,让观众在欣赏电影的同时,也享受了一场音乐盛宴。 然而,影片也存在一些不足之处。首先,在对伯恩斯坦内心世界的挖掘上,影片显得有些浅尝辄止。尽管影片展现了伯恩斯坦在爱情、事业和同性情感之间的挣扎和矛盾,但对这些情感的深入挖掘和呈现却不够充分。其次,影片在表现伯恩斯坦的音乐创作和指挥生涯时,也显得有些片面和浮光掠影。观众虽然能够感受到伯恩斯坦的音乐才华和指挥风格,但对他作为作曲家和指挥家的双重身份以及他在音乐创作上的贡献却了解得不够深入。 总的来说,《音乐大师》是一部值得一看的电影。它通过细腻的情感描绘和震撼的音乐场景,为观众呈现了一个音乐天才的传奇人生。虽然影片在挖掘伯恩斯坦内心世界和展现其音乐创作方面存在一些不足,但整体上仍然是一部具有观赏价值和艺术价值的传记片。对于喜欢音乐和传记题材的观众来说,这部电影无疑是一个不错的选择。