动漫《爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland》完整版免费在线观看

爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland8.6

导演:卢斯科 / 杰洛尼米 / 克莱德 / 杰克逊 / 汉密尔顿 / 威尔弗雷德

演员:奎妮 / 博蒙特 / 斯特灵 / 费尔顿 / 理查德 / 埃德 / 奥马利 / 哈洛威 / 比尔 / 詹姆斯 / Dink Trout / 凯瑟琳 / 莱文斯克洛福特 / 多丽丝 / 比尔








金发碧眼的小女孩爱丽丝(Kathryn Beaumont 配音)天生爱幻想,枯燥且没有图画的书籍最令她烦恼。这一天,爱丽丝在野外看见一只穿衣戴帽、匆匆赶路的兔子。出于好奇,她跟着兔子钻进了一个树洞,继而掉落到一片未知的奇幻世界。在这里,爱丽丝的身形忽大忽小,还遇见了搞怪 的双胞胎兄弟弹弹丁和弹弹当、癫狂无比的疯帽匠(Ed Wynn 配音)和三月兔(Jerry Colonna 配音)、以及来无影去无踪的妙妙猫,由此引出了不少的笑话和奇遇。当然,最令爱丽丝感兴趣的还是那只慌里慌张赶路的兔子。在它的引领下,爱丽丝来到了红心皇后的城堡,更大的冒险等待着她……


  • 来自网友【miao】的评论In 1951 Shortly after the war ended with Germany and Japan I remember drugs caterpillar 😂 Merry unbirthday lol. Not his birthday. I know the voice actor because of Mary Poppins He's the man stuck on the ceiling laughing The mad hatter It's old money I think. 10 shillings and 6 pence The price Yes. Lewis Carroll. British author 1865 he wrote this book Makes me think of motorhead. "the only card I need is the ace of spades!" A♠️ Ace is the highest yes Nobody uses jokers. I don't know why they are in a pack Lemmy liked to gamble. Card games like poker etc. In the song he says "the dead man's hand again" means 2 8s and 2 aces I think. All black Because a famous cowboy was killed while holding those cards, they call it the dead man's hand U liked the movie?? Good Well it's old. I watched it as a small kid but u don't really remembrance much of itI think the movie is impressive for 1951 the animation is so goodHmmm maybe the hatter. I like that he dipped the saucer into the tea and ate it. Its what people do with biscuits The way people made hats before 1941 here used some chemical etc that made people go kinda crazy after they worked making hats for too many years so We have a phrase "mad as a hatter"So that character is called the mad hatter And the rabbit said "just half a cup for me" and really had half a cup.. 😅 That's my favourite part but I always liked weird fantasy stuff Reminds me of beauty and the beast
  • 来自网友【网友尾号3】的评论7岁我会想成为充满幻想、聪明、勇敢、善良的爱丽丝;27岁我却有些羡慕被谎言和纵容溺爱着的红心皇后。谁没有在无聊的课堂上或是对话中,幻想过一个无忧无虑、远离现实的异世界呢。很难说身为成年人的我真的看懂了一部童话。渴望被倾听故事的弹弹,拒绝接受异类的花朵们,自身甚高的多足虫……即使是童话世界,美妙歌声中也充斥着可爱的荒诞和真实。好在这是童话世界,爱丽丝会一直勇敢,遇到困难的时候会迷茫自己是谁也会哭泣,她注定会成为自己的皇后。红心皇后拥有者强权统治下的权力,她漏出的底裤缀满红心,注定会成为穿着透明新衣上街的反派小丑。