来自网友【R】的评论英国人的严谨和严肃,tell them to forget me. 找一个和你完全相反的朋友,年轻气盛就是要多做爱,多做所有事情,任何事情,去尽情体验,因为年轻气盛。 年轻时和朋友约定我们都不能和她约会,我履行了约定,但是 我以为你打破了约定,事实上,原来我错怪你了。 那一刻,我明白了,全世界没有人是准备好了的,所以没必要担心。 年轻的时候就要多工作,退休了就什么都不做。 placid 平静,be generous with me a little bit, i need a generous friend. Novalis,德国诗人 早期浪漫派代表人物I'm always going home. Always going to my father's house. He doesn't say anything on his death bed. She's the one talks. She says, i lost so much time because of you. I lost the best year of my life. 因为你我失去了很多时间,我失去了我一生中最美好的年华。 我很喜欢这部电影,沉重,我喜欢沉重的东西,我不喜欢light的东西,light的东西太简单太随便了,就像我刚刚看的云中漫步一样,it's too naive. Too easy. Too simple. I understand cinema. You know i do. You are the one that doesn't understand cinema. You are old. You're tired. You don't know how to see the world anymore. All you know is how to see your own death, which is waiting right around the corner. I'm just telling you right out. Because i love you.Life goes on even without that cinema bullsit. You know i can make a man go wild if i want.It doesn't make a difference. Man, artists, animals, plants. We all just costars. (我们都是配角) You said emotions are overrated. That's wrong. Emotions are all we got. 要和神对话,和主说秘密,要有信仰。想的都快想不起来了。用手一摸,全是眼泪。 我就是这样想你,想念自己会生长。又穷又漂亮又有志气。