电影《银河系漫游指南 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy》HD在线免费观看

银河系漫游指南 The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy8.1

导演:加斯 / 詹宁斯

演员:琼斯 / 弗瑞曼 / 瑞克曼 / 沃维克 / 加斯 / 丹斯切尔 / 托马斯 / 杰克 / 本内特 / 谢尔史密斯 / 阿尔比 / 理查德 / 威尔逊 / 斯蒂芬 / 钱斯勒








每个人都曾经历过懊恼糟糕的早晨。懒床睡过了点,起床弄伤了脚趾,下楼磕了头,早餐烤焦了面包,阿瑟· 登特(马丁·弗里曼饰)的这个早上可谓衰运当头,而且还远不止这些。政府已经决定拆掉他的房子,好友福特·普里弗克特(摩斯·德夫饰)承认自己是个外星人,正在地球上寻找新版《银河系漫游指南》。最耸人听闻的是,外星人正在建造银河系高速公路,而地球是阻挡工程进展的障碍物,外星人即将摧毁地球。在福特的帮助下,阿瑟·登特在地球被毁灭前的最后一刻搭上了一艘路过地球的外星人的太空船,远离这个即将毁灭的伤心地,开始了一段充满惊奇的星河探险。在太空之旅中,阿瑟发现毛巾是宇宙里最有用的东西,并体会到了生命的精确含义,更发现所有他需要知道的一切居然都写在一本名叫《银河系漫游指南》的电子图书里……


  • 来自网友【鸣鸣先生】的评论不记得上次观看是什么时候,再次观看,是觉得很沮丧的情况下,本想找一部爱情片来开心一下,然而实在是找不到一个可以cheer me up的片子,所以又想起了这部电影。我不知道怎么才能开心快乐。但是会记得里面的只言片语,比如我想要的是快乐,而不是清醒。就类似知识之树不是快乐之树一样。其实到最后出现在此刻最能触动我内心的台词的时候,我的心里咯噔一下,鼻子有点酸,眼睛有点湿润,觉得自己好委屈,却没有人可以倾诉。就是当Marvin对着vogon army开了立场转换枪之后,vogon army全场躺平嘴里念叨着:Oh, I feel so depressed, I can't face another day,What's the point.我以为,是否我们某个人也像丑陋的vogon人一样,只会走流程,填表格,把自己脆弱的内心深深埋藏在丑陋的外表之下。只能在被枪击中之后才可以趁机表达the truth self deep down buried。无法否认,我觉得我是这样的一个人,pathetic.Before, I got a friend, who has a tatoo on her leg written "too old to love, to young to die". Now I think maybe I am at that age that still too young to die, but heart is too old to love, or hard to feel love, or to describe as hard to grasp some strenth from deep down to fall in love with someone.I don't even want to talk about love, since it feels not exist in my life now. Usually, I thought the meaning of life shall be simple, but why can't I found it no matter where. This time I do get some information about the truth of life of this world, the universe. They build this whole planet for them to search for the truth, I got it, but I still don't understand it, even if I understand it, what's the point.A few days ago, I talked with one of my colleague in previous project, who is now studying pychology at university. What I got from her is that, all the people are have mental problems but in different degrees, maybe most of us, include me, can heal himself with out therapy from outside. Like someone said: we are all patients.The heal to this problems is the same as the answer to the question, what you should do is be happy, don't get addict to finding the truth of everything, Enjoy it, not struggle within it.In the end, I want say to my self, just be happy, don't fill your heart with so many sorrows which you have no idea of it.