来自网友【🧸】的评论这部是我非常非常喜欢的英剧了,基本上隔一段时间会翻出来看一次。但真要写些什么的话,却又不知道从何说起。 最遗憾的事情就是没有第三季了,所以小记者就活在回忆里了。当初打开这部剧看第一段就被击中了。演播时刻 第一季 01第一幕的剧本:INT. TOILETS. ALEXANDRA PALACE. LONDON - EVENING 1, 1858 CLOSE UP ON FREDDIE, looking straight to camera, playful, as if in an interview, he clutches a sheaf of paper/ manifesto, a pencil in his other hand-FREDDIEThe newsreels are dead. We’ve bored the public for too long. Give me this opportunity and I’ll prove it.FREDDIE struggles with his pencil, the lead snapping on the page as he corrects some piece of a manifesto.A pencil appears from his left. FREDDIE takes it, resumes correcting.FREDDIE (CONT’D) (cont’d)Of course I’ll need an assistant.PULL OUT TO REVEAL-ISAAC standing in the doorway, beams on hearing this.ISAAC checks his watch-ISAAC(on tenterhooks)Two minutes Mr Lyon.FREDDIE nods, washes his hands, straightens his tie, looking at himself once more in the mirror.FREDDIEBut may I say one more thing...You haven’t seen my best yet.FREDDIE smiles-THE TICK TICK of a clock overhead-BBC每次放剧本都只有第一集 哭哭。还有结尾。在直播被掐掉之前Freddie想说但没说完的话。Ladies and gentlemen, if we cannot debate that which troubles our society, and more importantly troubles our government, then we cannot in all honesty call ourselves a democracy. If we cannot question our leaders as they embark on what has been called an illegal military action, an action publicly opposed by the United States government..And the countries of the United Nations Security Council...If we cannot reasonably and intelligently query about the rightness of an action that appears at heart to be deceitful...Then we are not a free (country).愿你好呀。