来自网友【苏賀】的评论 当人坠入爱河,毫无感觉逐渐被有所感觉吞噬,被各种感觉吞噬。 缺少爱的人的问题在于,他们并不知道爱究竟是何物,所以他们很容易受欺骗,会臆想出一些原本不存在的东西。但我猜我们也在时刻欺骗自己。 The problem with a person having a lack of love is that they don't know what it looks like. So it's easy for them to get tricked, to see things that aren't there. But then I guess we all lie to ourselves all the time. 你无法左右事情发生,你只能在事发时好好面对。 You can't stop things happening, you just have to deal with them when they do. 你可以自以为远离了某些事,但事实上,你一直在将这件事放在心头。 You can think you've run away from something, but actually, you've been carrying it with you the whole time. 你可能被困在某个地方,但毫无察觉,如果你不小心,可能永远也无法逃离。 You can get stuck in a place and not even realize it. If you're not careful, you can get stuck there forever. 对不起,我曾经试图把你想成我要的答案。 I'm sorry for trying to make you the answer.“I love you.” “I feel the same.”💙