Ordinary Anne Boonchuy, 13, finds a music box that sends her to Amphibia, a world full of frogs, toads, and giant insects. With help from Sprig, she must adjust to life in Amphibia and discover the first true friendship in her life.
来自网友【尼弗迦德的密探】的评论结局大哭100/100,但是结局之前还是有毛病的,和隔壁更加serialized的owl house比,明显沼泽更倾向filler episodes。第二季结局emotional damage,没想到第三季前半季还是合家欢的filler,甚至主角团完全没有process Marcy的命运。和主线无关的合家欢看着很有趣,但是在刻画角色方面明显就不如隔壁了。所以问题就是,沼泽前一集是true color这种满是angst黑暗度拉满的主线,下一秒就变成和主线无关的合家欢filler。不过总体来说还是迪士尼不可多得的好剧。btw Sasha is bi hell yeah let’s fucking go