来自网友【Yoga-er】的评论P1:Bree找到她的强迫症同好了,Orson😂 P2:If you haven’t met the perfect couple, let me introduce you to. They stand atop a layer of butter cream frosting. The secret of their success?well, for starters, don’t have to look at each other.经典,不要苛求完美👏 P4:Bree的经历告诉我们不要去插手别人家的事😕Andrew “Sometimes when you push a kid really hard to go one way,the other way starts to look more entertaining” Indeed.🫰 P6:Lynett捍卫家庭的样子很酷😎P7:可看性很高的一集-背叛与复仇,危机与凝聚🔫P15: Zach突然喜欢上Gaby是有点突兀 Carlos厕所看见Zach一幕也太搞笑了;Ian求婚Susan成功,Zach也照学;Andrew也是变好了🫠 P16: Edie的儿子出现了,Carlos有孩子的话,应该是个好父亲;经典名场面—Gaby被撞车🚘Lynett:We have to keep the romance going no matter how tired we are. The only thing worse than just going through the motions is not bothering to go through the motions.🌹 P20:Parker好暖一孩子🧒 P21: 婚姻真脆弱,连Lynett这么理性克制的人思想都有偶尔抛锚的时候,还要在身心俱疲的婚姻中继续隐忍。不过完美无暇的婚姻是不存在的,或许有裂痕但还未破碎的关系才是常态。💔 P21:Susan和Mike订婚了,虽然Ian也很好,但S和M着实配💍 P22: I think you’ve discovered something very important about democracy: the nation is full of fools, and everyone gets a vote”. Victor真是虚伪的政客🇺🇸 虽然弹幕对Susan的恶意一直很大,我倒不觉得她有多讨厌,最后选择了和Mike举办精简温馨的婚礼真是太幸福了💒