



导演:克里斯托弗 / 麦奎里

演员:克里斯托弗 / 拉菲特 / Jace Jeanes / 查德 / 乔丹 / 卡尼亚 / 艾莉克希娅 / 基特拉尔 / 赫尔佐格 / 沃纳 / 莉茜 / 崔威里恩 / 汤姆 / 詹金斯 / 斯科拉


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影片根据“英国惊悚小说天王”李查德的小说《完美嫌犯》改编。六发子弹,五名死者,神秘枪手在闹市区制造了一起惨案让整个城市都陷入了恐慌。所有的证据都指向了前军队狙击手詹姆斯·巴尔(约瑟夫·斯科拉 Jose


  • 来自网友【草窝打哈欠】的评论Surprising points I find in this movie:1. Jack got covered in the bus station, by people who witness the chasing game between he and the police.2..Only one true target covering by killing 5 guys3. The group got people in the office, and that's Detective ..4. Our hero Jack, finally find a man to assist his final goal.5. The fact behind the case is a business conflict: One company wants to win over a project, and they wants the other side to give up, but they refused. I need to be super careful to not miss the details.. But when I typed these facts above, I think I definitely missed some things.....I saw it by TV in night after 10, it is quiet and i can concentrate.Who is the old the boss.. Who was in Russia prison, and cut his own fingers to prevent the further injury of cold... Zack Human..6. Why did Jack kill Zack, he didn't need to... Jack just covered the facts behind these people, these group....I will rate it 4 stars out of 5.. I got frighten by some facts of it...How great Jack covered himself, actually he is always on Barr's back.
  • 来自网友【鬼仭❕】的评论不知道为什么分数低得可怜,反正我是愿意在看过之后过一阵子再看一遍的。除了1v多的不死设定以外,无论是说话还是侦查都很有看头的片子。尤其是当中杰克勘查现场的时候,智商完全是在线的。缺点也有:案子的细节精彩但不够多;主角先知+人体描边挂;最后的结尾反派死得有点让人觉得白忙活一场。很喜欢里面的多处对白,比如律师和杰克开头在巴士站的对话,杰克和律师在jail里面对于刚刚碰见的斗殴事件3的看法以及对律师说的三件警察不干的事情并且转头和边上的警察眼神征求意见。个人比较喜欢美国话痨式的情节。并非崇洋媚外,只是中国的片子很多台词都显得不会说话,强行文明伟光正毒鸡汤,让人看得犯尴尬症,美国电影的台词有时候是真的有趣,让你想要回过去再回味一次。“我的首席调查员可以翻阅所有案件的证据,balalalalalala““你的首席调查员在哪儿““他想搭8分钟后的大巴出城“