来自网友【草窝打哈欠】的评论Surprising points I find in this movie:1. Jack got covered in the bus station, by people who witness the chasing game between he and the police.2..Only one true target covering by killing 5 guys3. The group got people in the office, and that's Detective ..4. Our hero Jack, finally find a man to assist his final goal.5. The fact behind the case is a business conflict: One company wants to win over a project, and they wants the other side to give up, but they refused. I need to be super careful to not miss the details.. But when I typed these facts above, I think I definitely missed some things.....I saw it by TV in night after 10, it is quiet and i can concentrate.Who is the old the boss.. Who was in Russia prison, and cut his own fingers to prevent the further injury of cold... Zack Human..6. Why did Jack kill Zack, he didn't need to... Jack just covered the facts behind these people, these group....I will rate it 4 stars out of 5.. I got frighten by some facts of it...How great Jack covered himself, actually he is always on Barr's back.