来自网友【冬叶】的评论原文链接A sketch-show starring Simon Pegg and Julia Davis sounds like a fantasy these days – but in 1998 they were just part of this hugely talented ensemble<图片1>When it first aired on BBC2, way back in 1998, Big Train was hailed as an impressively surreal and often hilarious sketch show. But today – thanks to the success subsequently achieved by its team, including Simon Pegg and Julia Davis – the show looks like a fantasy comedy lineup. To modern viewers, Pegg is by far the biggest name. Yet on the evidence of this box set, you wouldn't single him out as the one destined to rise above his peers, such is the quality of the ensemble cast.The show sees Davis (Hunderby, Nighty Night) shine as a grief-stricken mother giving a police press conference that, when the camera pans out, turns out to be taking place on a theme-park ride. Meanwhile, Mark Heap (Spaced, Green Wing) shows his versatility, playing both a charmingly terrible gymnast, and a Ming the Merciless-style dictator enduring a home life that sees him having to Hoover the house between atrocities.Like all of his co-stars, Kevin Eldon (Fist of Fun) has a writer's credit on Big Train – and brings the same refreshing and unpredictable brand of humour that is currently on display in his new show It's Kevin. Fans of that programme's Amish Sex Pistols and coked-up pharaohs will find similar joy in his portrayal of a keen cartoonist who draws deeply offensive caricatures of his co-workers.Unafraid to take risks, Big Train covers a huge range of comedy styles – from a recurring animation featuring a staring contest (and the voice of BBC sports commentator Barry Davies), to one sketch in which a bunch of workers are told they are no longer allowed to masturbate in the office. An incredulous Pegg demands to know: "How well do we work when we can just wank at will?"As well as boasting a stellar cast, Big Train was created by Graham Linehan and his Father Ted co-writer Arthur Matthews – and Chris Morris (The Day Today, Brass Eye) directed the pilot. Sadly, following the departure of Linehan and a number of cast changes, series two was less well regarded by comedy fans; a four-year gap between the two series didn't help, although the arrival of Catherine Tate and Rebecca Front did.Like most sketch shows, Big Train is not without its misses, but as a breeding ground for comedy talent and a forefather to such modern-day hits as Little Britain and That Mitchell and Webb Look, it remains a gem, boasting some of the finest performances Pegg, Davis and the rest have ever delivered. And the spoof of Hitchcock's The Birds, in which a blonde Front finds herself trapped among an ever-increasing number of flat-capped tradesmen, is sublime.
来自网友【帆猪婆】的评论Big Train这个名字跟这部剧真的没啥关联,海报上的那几个人也只在第一集出现过。这部剧跟那个飞行马戏团比较像,人物出现的频率基本仅限同一集。基本上第一季出现得最多的就是那个对视比赛了。我是simon的粉丝,看这个戏也是为他而来的,这里面有spaced里的brian,他是编剧之一。simon的好友Nick偶尔会蹦出来,但戏份不多。以下一些很有意思的片段。。。1.第一集开篇,Can you speak english,这个用语言实在没法描述。。2. 一个老板每次员工找他要工资,他就想办法引开他们的注意力,然后逃之摇摇,其中用到了魔术,杂技,小狗狗。。。3.恶搞勇敢的心,男主角变得又矮又蠢。恶搞蝴蝶梦,Rebecca成了带爵士帽,留着大胡须,穿着地毯的女人。另外恶搞一个法国电影,女主角爱上了一个交通灯,男主角问她,交通灯有什么是我没有的。后来,女主角回心转意,但是男主角已经跟蓬头在约会了。4.他们老是穿成很奇怪的样子,但是旁边的人都好像没觉得有什么不对。比如穿成耶稣跟撒旦的样子在办公室谈态度的问题。穿成大老鼠和老虎的样子,在酒吧吵架。穿成鸭子的样子,把摄影家赶出木屋。5.(这个我最喜欢)上司告诉员工们,上面要来人检查了,他希望他们不要在办公室手淫了(办公室到处是卫生纸。。)。然后员工们一个个跟他说,他们是多么的享受在办公室手淫,有的人来这个公司就是因为这个公司可以在办公室手淫,有的人强调他们的工作效率是跟直接跟手淫挂钩的。他们每一个人正经的讨论手淫的问题就好像在讨论让不让在办公室抽烟一样,太囧了。6.想像你看的动物世界里的动物突然变成是人扮演的了。那些呆子呆站着左顾右盼,然后赵忠祥说到,现在是早上6点,**们开始了他们一天的生活。7.公司有危机了,办公室的人想不到idea,peter(男)用纸做了bra和内裤穿在身上,想通过穿成这样逃热舞来分散竞争者的注意力。办公室的人举得这个办法好极了,结果人家吊都不吊,直奔主题。8.几个人在吃饭,男主人不停的说让女主人的糗事,后来女主人实在受不了,用餐刀杀了男主人,然后大家继续吃饭。9.有个杀手去杀一只受n个保镖保护的鹅,对,就使一只鹅,然后向顾客报告暗杀成功,电话那头传来“呃,呃,呃呃呃呃”。10.有个人收购了一家酒店,然后改变是把酒店名改成titz(读音几乎跟tits一样),然后对方不同意,他们就不停的讨论像tits的问题。11.一所医院里面,护士每周都去见两次院长,每次都是去抱怨,她的话语中充斥着,fucking,cunt,shithole。当然是消音的,然后你可以想象不断的哔哔哔哔的声音。比如,哔哔,you哔哔,get off me,哔哔哔哔,you哔哔哔哔,哔哔哔哔。don't 哔哔哔哔。12,外国拌毛泽东和猫王唱摇滚,自己想象去吧。13,一个人开车撞了一只乌龟,然后跑过去说,你没事吧。最后他们居然对话起来。14.警察局的新闻发布会在公园的海盗船上举行。15.s2e5,一个女人唱歌超烂声音超小,乐队的人给她伴奏。用的是电吉他,和架子鼓,四个人居然自得起乐。simon pegg架子鼓打得很好哇。还有一个人也是真的会电吉他,厉害哦。