
豪斯医生 第二季 House M.D. Season 2-第03集


类型:剧情 / 悬疑地区:美国年份:2005

导演:马齐奥 / 丹尼尔 / 大卫 / 德兰 / 格洛里亚 / 萨拉菲安 / 艾提奥斯 / 沙克海姆 / 丹尼尔 / 塞梅尔

演员:崔切伯格 / 奥吉弗 / 萨勒姆 / 威廉姆 / 汉森 / 卡利 / 卡特 / 帕顿 / 坎贝尔 / 克里斯托弗 / 兰斯 / 埃德温 / 朱恩 / 贝克 / 马丁内斯







  • 来自网友【豆友ztLTStT3T4】的评论和第一季不同,这一季的字幕可是相当糟糕,并且目前网上根本找不到能看的翻译,有一些甚至版本出现了严重误导,影响到了对于剧情的理解,于是不才的我斗胆想到做这样一个整理与重译,希望各位轻喷并指证。刨除非常专业的医学术语,其实豪斯医生里的台词是很耐人寻味且具有哲理的,这里列出这季每一集里出现的长难句和名言名句的中英对照。虽然起名为“豪言豪语”,但其实这些名句未必都出自豪斯之口。E01 —— 死刑犯的困境1. Supreme Court said it ain't right to kill retards.最高法院说对智障执行死刑是非法的2. I'm sure he'll explore all the usual options for why a guy's heart starts beating so fast it pumps out air instead of blood.我肯定他会罗列出所有的常见病因来解释为什么这个家伙的心脏跳那么快,以至于只泵气不泵血Wait a second... there are no usual options!等等……这个病例里没有常见病因!3. - I took an oath to do no harm.我发过誓绝不杀生- Yeah, well, it's not like they make you sign it or anything.是啊,但他们又没让你签字画押什么的4. - I'll make out a requisition. State's already sentenced this man to die.我会写申请报告的,不过州政府法院已经核准了他的死刑- I think the state was a tad more specific about 'how'.但我觉得州政府还是会很在意他是怎么个死法的5. Somebody left this on my chair. It's clever. 'Cause it forces me to either deal with the file or never sit down again.有人把这个放我椅子上了,这一招很妙啊,逼得我只能先处理完这个病例才能坐下6. - Department of Justice statistics show that it's a racially motivated form of punishment. Black defendants are ten times more likely to get a death sentence than whites.司法部有一项统计显示:说是判罚量刑确实受到了人种因素的影响,黑人被判死刑的几率要比白人高上10倍都不止- Doesn't mean we need to get rid of the death penalty, do we?It just means we need to kill more white people.那也不代表我们就得废除死刑,对吧?这只说明黑人们多杀几个白人就行了7. - Right, buff his numbers. Don't bother trying to figure out the underlying cause. I thought you cared about patients.对,只要治个标,就不用费力不讨好地去治本了,我还一直以为你是发自内心关爱病人呢- Our job isn't to make sure he can bounce his grandkids on his lap, our job is to get him healthy enough to go back to Death Row.可我们的任务又不是确保他子孙绕膝,我们只要让他健康地去奔赴刑场就可以了- Our job is to diagnose him.我们的任务是诊断出他的病因8. She figured when she hired me she'd at least have someone you couldn't walk all over.她雇我有一部分目的是确保手头上至少有一个能镇得住你的人9. - You know why people are nice to other people?你知道为什么人们对别人友善吗?- Oh, I know this one. Ah... Because people are good, decent and caring. Either that, or people are cowards. If I'm mean to you, you'll be mean to me. Mutually-assured destruction.哦,这个我知道,嗯……是因为人们善良、正直、有一颗体贴的心灵,要不就是人们一个个都是怂包,毕竟真要是我对你无情,你就对我无意的话,人类就会相互伤害、自取灭亡9. If Stacy can't trust you, you can't use her. And, that's not even dealing with the greater agenda of getting her to dump her husband and fall in love with you all over again.如果史戴西不信任你,你就没法利用她,那就更谈不上你那个终极目标——让她抛弃丈夫与你重归于好了10. The bad news is, the alcohol you just drank contains so much ethanol that it's going to bind with that nasty formic acid rampaging through your body, hence you're just gonna pee it out, harmlessly.而坏消息是,你刚才喝的酒里所含的乙醇,正好可以和你体内那些可恶的甲酸牢牢结合在一起,在你体内横冲直撞一阵之后,最终安全无害地随着你的尿液排出身体11. You killed four people. And somehow making mac and cheese just the way he wants kind of loses its significance.你杀了四个人,却倒是会任劳任怨地帮弟弟做汉堡和奶酪,那这么多年的牺牲究竟意义何在呢?12. According to those patchouli-oli selling new-agers it's supposed to be the terminal patient but you're going through the five stages.根据新世纪那些鼓吹虚头巴脑学说的砖家之言,本应是癌症晚期病人该经历的死亡五部曲,现在却成了你这个医生在经历13. It's an anomaly. Doctors love anomalies. Dark spot on an x-ray, bright spot on an MRI... Killing that second inmate was the homicidal equivalent of blood in the urine. It doesn't fit.这属于异常现象,是医生们的最爱。像x光片上的黑点啦,核磁共振上的亮点啦……而杀害第二个狱友这事儿在我眼里就相当于一个病人的尿里有血,不合常理14. When a good person dies, there should be an impact on the world. Somebody should notice. Somebody should be upset.当一个好人离世之时,应该多少对这个世界产生一些影响,应该有人知晓,也应该有人悲伤15. You wouldn't even consider the notion that Clarence's social upbringing was responsible for what he became, but now you're sprinting to the witness stand to blame everything on a little tumor.你甚至没有意识到,克莱伦斯成长为一个杀人凶手,应该为此负责的是他所受到的社会教育,而你现在却要奔赴证人席,把他的一切罪过都归咎于一个小瘤子!E02 —— 9岁的患癌勇士1. You'll just get all warm and cuddly around the dying girl, insinuate yourself probably end up in a custody battle. Chase, you handle the mom. Tell her that you'd just sit home and watch TV and die, but you've got to go through the motions and try to save her daughter's life. It's a doctor thing.你一看到这个行将就木的女孩,肯定会又搂又抱地自我感动一番,说不定搞到最后还跟人家父母争监护权;奇斯,你负责去应对她妈,跟她说如果得病的是你,你就会回家看着电视等死,可你现在不得不出于医生的职责来走个过场,摆出一副全力救她女儿性命的姿态来。2. It's sexist, and a very dangerous precedent. People could to choose the sex of their doctors you gals would be out of business.这是性别歧视,也是开了一个非常危险的先河,要是每个病人都能指定医生的性别,你们这些女医生们就都要失业了!3. If her DNA was off by one percentage point, she'd be a dolphin.如果她的DNA偏了一个百分点,那她现在就成了一条海豚了4. Yeah, oddly enough sometimes normal is normal. Sometimes we can't see why normal isn't normal.是啊,说来也是奇怪,有时候没有异常就属于正常,可有时候我们搞不明白为啥没有异常也不能算正常5. - Whoa, you're letting me touch the markers哇,你竟然让我碰这些笔?- It's written down in my advanced health care directive. Should I be incapacitated in any way you run the board, then Foreman. Chase, you're just not ready yet.在我这个高级健康咨询人员的指导之下可以碰,要是在我无法写字的情况下,就由你负责白板,其次是福曼,奇斯,你资历还不够6. - You think she's been molested?Hiding it pretty well if there's any of that going on.你认为她遭到了猥亵?如果确有其事,那她也掩饰得太好了吧- Yeah, all girls who have been molested want to talk about it.- 是啊,所有被猥亵过的女孩都巴不得昭告天下呢7. Hey, here's a theory. She has been molested, seeks refuge in romantic fantasies with older men with great hair, and I think you left out the punch line. Victims of molestation learn to work the angles, manipulate people.嘿,我有个猜想,她确实遭到过猥亵,但她渴望能从成熟的翩翩长发美男那儿寻求爱情的幻想和庇护,还有,我猜你还避重就轻地省去了关键部分,性侵害的受害人通常会耍各种心机来摆布别人8. - If there's not one yellow belly in the whole group, then...being brave doesn't have any meaning.如果这个群体里每个人都表现得很勇敢,那么……勇敢就失去它原有的意义了- Andie handles an impossible, situation with grace. That's not to be admired?小安面对这种艰难的人生境遇还能镇定自若,难道不值得赞扬吗?- You see grace because you want to see grace.你觉得她镇定自若只是因为你希望看到她这样- You don't see grace because you won't go anywhere near her.你看不到她的镇定自若,是因为你压根都不看她一眼!- Idolizing is pathological, with you people.你们这些粉丝的崇拜主义真是病态9. - She's gone through more than most people do in a lifetime.她这九年的人生已经比普通人一生的经历都要多了- So what?Does that mean, she's ready to die?What if her bravery... is a symptom?The clot is causing the hallucinations, and messing with her emotions.那又怎样?这就代表她已经做好赴死的准备了?如果她的勇敢无惧……其实是一种症状呢?血栓导致她出现了幻觉,并且导致她的情绪出现了错乱10. If we figured maturity came from how much time you've got left instead of how long you've been here, this would be your call.如果判断成熟的标准不是你的生命存在了多少时间,而是你的生命还剩余多少时间的话,那你已经足以成熟到自己来做抉择了11. She genuinely is a self-sacrificing saint, whose life will bring her nothing but pain. Which she will stoically withstand... just so that her mom doesn't have to cry quite so soon. I am beside myself with joy.她确实天生就是一个懂得自我牺牲的圣人,明明面对的是只有痛苦的人生,她却异常坚韧地忍受着这一切……只为了妈妈可以晚一年为她哭泣,相比于她,我的人生简直充满了喜悦第3集--------罪恶感泛滥的卡蒂1. This keeps up, this hand is literally going to be dead meat. His hand is connected to his arm. His arm is connected to... I'm not sure, but I bet it's important.如果情况继续恶化,他这只手会烂成腐肉的,他的手连着胳膊,而胳膊又连着……我不方便说,总之是更重要的地方2. You know, if I tried a scheme like this, you'd get that nasty, wrinkly face and screech like a hyena.你要知道如果采用这个方案的是我,你绝对会吹胡子瞪眼、像只豺狗一样对我大喊大叫的3. - Protein C is borderline irresponsible. Except that the safe stuff isn't doing squat.蛋白质C的用量临界点有点微妙,而用少了又基本没什么效果- It's exactly the type of thing you would do.这种剑走偏锋的事倒像是你一贯的作风4. - One thing Cuddy is not, is clueless.卡蒂的字典里绝没有犯蠢二字- No. First casualty of this case is her sense of humor.未必,这事儿一出,她连一贯的幽默感都丧失了5. Trouble with us black folk, we can't tell the difference anymore between racism and everybody gets screwed.我们黑人的问题就是,永远分不清楚真正的种族歧视和针对于所有人的坑害6. Why her weird psychopathology requires a diagnosis informed entirely by personal guilt?为什么她稀奇古怪的精神病理诊断会完全被她个人的负罪感左右?7. Trust me, it'd be a lot worse if I told her that you had to break into her house.相信我,要是我刚刚告诉她你们要闯进她家搜查,她会更加怒不可遏的8. Because you dumped him and you're married and they are neither of those things.因为当初是你甩了他,又嫁了人,而今天他上心的事情与这两者都无关9. - He's a great doctor,他是个出色的医生- But any other hospital administrator would've fired him years ago.但要换做其他医院领导的话,早几年就该把他解雇了- Four of them did. The question is, why did I hire him?他被四个院长解雇过,但问题是,当初我干嘛雇他?10. Someone as obsessive and insecure as Cuddy probably has three extra keys hidden away within ten feet of the door.像卡蒂这样注重于细节又没有安全感的人,多半会恨不得在离门十步以内的地方藏三把备用钥匙11. - You two are just too nasty to each other not to have been...nasty.你们对彼此都太刻薄,以至于都……刻薄得停不下来了- Hey. I can be a jerk to people I haven't slept with.嘿,没跟我睡过的女人,我就是能做到如此毫不留情12. - Patient's lung functions declining rapidly.病人的肺功能正迅速衰竭- Levaquin's not working. He obviously doesn't have garden-variety pneumonia.左氧氟沙星没起作用,显然他患的不是“稀松平常”的肺炎- I'm glad you've learned to take his impending death in stride.看到你终于能从容面对他正濒临死亡这个事实,我甚是欣慰啊13. - Treatment for aspergillosis is amphotericin. That's hugely dangerous.曲霉菌的治疗药物是两性霉素,这药的风险可是大了去了- Yeah? Your point being?哦?那你的意思是?- Going the dangerous and aggressive route didn't work last time. It's bound to work this time. Start him on the "amphoterrible".既然上一次危险激进的治疗方法没有见效,那么这次应该轮到见效了,给他使用两性“恐怖”素吧14. - She has trouble with these situations. Feels personally responsible.她不善于处理这类情况,她总是感觉自己有责任- The technical term is narcissism. You can't believe that everything is your fault unless you also believe you're all-powerful.这类现象的学名叫做“自恋”,除非你认为自己无所不能,不然就不能把一切失误都归咎于自己15. I see from the chart that Dr. Foreman prescribed medicine, not a miracle. Gotta give this stuff more than a day.我从病历上看到,福曼医生给你开的是药,不是什么仙丹,你只吃一天哪会立马见效呢?16. Very sad. Very emotional. Not one medical fact in the whole pathetic tale. You've lost perspective, Cuddy. You've stopped looking at this as a doctor. You're acting like someone who shoved somebody off their roof.真是可悲又可泣啊,只不过整个悲剧中,没有一处与医学相关,你丧失了客观判断力,卡蒂!你不再以一个医生的视角来看待这件事了,你现在的表现搞得像是你亲手把他推下屋顶的一样!17. Every slave master thought they were doing the black man a favor. Nigra can't take care of himself, so we'll put him to work. Give him four walls, a bed. We'll civilize the heathen. I'll tell you what, stop doing us favors. If you're right and we end up back in the jungle with lousy blood pressure medicine, it won't be on your head.每个奴隶主都认为他们是在与黑人为善,“因为黑鬼生活无法自理,我们就给他们工作,给他四面墙,一张床,由我们来教化这群野蛮人”,跟你说吧,你们别再乱发善心了,因为按照你的说法,我们最终的下场是带着一些劣质降压药回到丛林去,这笔账不会算在你们头上的18. I insisted on giving him Protein C. We had to cut his skull open. I insisted on amphotericin. Killed his kidneys. I missed the pneumonia completely. I would've searched his home and ignored mine. I would've watched him die trying to save his hand. Oh, if I didn't have House looking over my shoulder...我会坚持给他使用蛋白质C,最后只好给他开颅;我会坚持给他使用两性霉素,最后又毁了他的肾脏;我完全没考虑过肺炎的可能性;我只顾去检查他家,却完全疏忽了自己的家;我要是坚持保住他的手,或许会眼睁睁看着他死去,要不是有豪斯盯着我……19. - His blood work indicates mild DIC.血液检查显示他有轻微的DIC- What if it's mild in the way that you get out of the ocean, the water clinging to your body makes the sea level drop? It's technically true, but it's completely irrelevant. A lack of DIC would explain everything if there were also a lack of anything to explain.如果轻微得就像你爬出大海后,身上带出的水对海平面水位的影响那样不值一提,那忽略了又何妨?理论上确实有,但实际却毫不相干,只不过在没有其它解释之前,这病刚好可以聊胜于无地解释罢了20. - Your guilt. It's perverse and it makes you a crappy doctor. It also makes you okay at what you do.你的内疚感确实碍手碍脚,让你当不好医生,但它的确也适合你现在的职位- You figure a perverted sense of guilt makes me a good boss.你认为这种碍手碍脚的内疚感反倒能让我当好一个好老板?- Well, would the world be a better place if people never felt guilty?要是人们都不会感到内疚,这个世界真会变得更美好吗?21. You see the world as it is and you see the world as it could be. What you don't see is what everybody else sees: the giant gaping chasm in-between.你能洞穿这个世界的真面目,也就能了解如何将世界变得更美好,可你无法看到别人眼中的世界,殊不知那与你眼中的世界简直天差地别第4集--------“慈善”的结核病专家1. - Dr. Sebastian Charles collapsed during a presentation at Stoia Tucker.塞巴斯蒂安·查尔斯医生在斯塔克制药厂做演讲时晕倒了- Really? Crushed under the weight of his own ego?真的?他终于被自己的自负给压垮了吗?- Is there nobody you admire?这世上还有谁能让你钦佩的吗?2. I guess you gotta get some sleep, but come on. If you'd stayed up another ten minutes, you could've saved 40 lives. Do you send notes to the families in the morning? That's gonna take at least ten minutes. So that's another 40 dead, another 40 notes. Why don't you go rack yourself with guilt in your own room?我猜你肯定得睡觉,但拜托你也算一笔账啊:假设你多熬个10分钟,那就能多拯救了40条人命!今早你有没有给那些死者家庭发通知?发一下也得花上10分钟吧,这里外里又死了40个人,还得再发40个通知。害死这么多人,你怎么还不回自己病房自我反省一番呢?3. - Dr. Cameron. Tell the doctor why it's not a good idea for the patient to be here.卡梅伦医生,好好跟这位医生解释下,为什么患者出现在这里不利于诊断- He's an immunologist and a TB expert.他是一个免疫学家,也是一个结核病专家- That'll be very useful if we need somebody to say the words 'I think it's TB'.如果我们需要的是有人在这里附和一句“这是结核病”,那他倒是会很有用4. - You said you wanted a second opinion.你说你想要第二个人的意见- No, actually. My backers wanted a second opinion.准确点说不是我需要,是我的赞助商需要- Yeah, doesn't look good if you drop dead while wearing your shoe sponsor's logo.也对,要是你穿着赞助商标志的球衣猝死在球场上,这场面也确实有点不体面5. - Tuberculosis could present hundreds of different ways.结核病有成百上千种不同的发作症状- Well, by that logic everyone in the hospital should be treated.按你这个逻辑,医院里的每个病人都要按结核病治了- Not everybody in the hospital's been exposed to it for the last 20 years.可又不是每个病人都像他一样近20年来都暴露在那样的环境里6. - You're just mad because he's closer to a Nobel Prize than you are.你这么不爽只是因为他比你更接近诺贝尔奖- And yet I've nailed more Swedish babes. Crazy, crazy world.反正我搞定的瑞典姑娘比较多,这纸醉金迷的花花世界啊- It's not just a trip to Stockholm, you know.这可不止是去一趟斯德哥尔摩这么简单- It comes with a cash prize.还有现金奖励呢- Seriously? No wonder everybody's going after that "peace" thing.真的吗?怪不得有那么多人在追求所谓的“和平”7. - McDonald's makes a better hamburger than your mother because they make more?麦当劳的汉堡比你妈妈做得更好,只是因为他们胜在了数量上吗?- Oh! I see. So you hate him because the lives he saves aren't as good as the lives you save?哦,我明白了!你之所以这么讨厌他,是因为他拯救的那些生命没有你救的生命高贵?8. - There's an evolutionary imperative why we give a crap about our family and friends. And there's an evolutionary imperative why we don't give a crap about anybody else. If we loved all people indiscriminately, we couldn't function.所以进化论才会告诉我们,关心家人朋友是人类文明发展的必经之路;换句话说,我们不关心家人朋友以外的人也是人类文明发展的必经之路;如果我们无差别地泛爱滥爱,那我们连爱别人的能力都会丧失- So the great humanitarian's as selfish as the rest of us?所以伟大的人道主义者本质上都与我等一样自私?- Just not as honest about it.反正他们不如我们诚实9. I think doctors like House cling to objectivity like a three-year-old to a blanket. Don't get too worked up. Stay calm. Stay cool and maintain the correct perspective. The only flaw in their argument is that when you have millions of people dying, the correct perspective is to be yelling at the top of your lungs.我觉得像豪斯那种依赖客观性的方式跟三岁小孩依赖毛毯没啥两样,永远没任何激情、保持镇定,始终带着客观冷静的慧眼做出正确的诊断;而这种做法的唯一缺陷在于:当你面对多达几百万的濒死人群时,那些正确的诊断是需要你慷慨激昂地呐喊出来的10. - I did a test, it was positive. Why is that a problem?我给他做了测试,结果也呈阳性,我哪里做得有问题?- Because now he's got the big red target on his arm, the stubborn jerk thinks he's right. He won't let us do any more tests.就因为现在他胳膊上出现了大红靶子,那个固执的混蛋就会自诩他的诊断没错,就不会再让我们给他做其他测试了!- Maybe he's not the only stubborn jerk!那也许他不是唯一那个固执己见的混蛋!11. - You see hypocrites every day. Why is this guy so special?你每天都会见到一群伪君子,为啥唯独视他为眼中钉?- You think I have a hypocritical attitude to hypocrisy? The problem is, there are 26 letters in the alphabet and he only uses two of them. He treats thousands of patients with one diagnosis. He knows the answer going in. It's cheating.你觉得我对伪君子的态度也像个伪君子? 他的问题在于,字母表有26个字母,他只会反复念叨其中的两个;他治疗几千个病人都是千篇一律,他这是先有了答案后代入,纯属舞弊行为12. Let me ask you something. If this were another doctor, if the patient were complaining about, let's say, I don't know, Foreman, you'd just dismiss this as the paranoid bitching of another paranoid bitch.我问你个问题,如果这事儿搁在其他医生身上,我们先假设她抱怨的是福曼的话,你会不会就只当这是一场偏执狂与多疑症的大战,然后就此息事宁人?13. - You just walk right in with these.你就这么举重若轻地拿着这些药走进来- That's what we doctors do.医生的职责就在于此啊- We write down the name of some medicine, and someone gives it to us.我们写药名开处方,药房的人凭处方把药给我们- You know, there's parts of the world where you get knifed walking around with this.你知道吗,在这个世界上的某些角落里,你要是带着这些走在路上可是会挨刀子的- I mean, the regular stuff's bad enough...treatment for the resistant strain?我指的还是那种药效糟糕的常规药物……何况你这些还是治疗耐药菌株的14. - Do you really think that if you come in here and make it a little hot, make it smell a little, that I'm just gonna fold and abandon everything that matters to me?你真的以为,你到这儿来把温度调高一点、把味道搞臭一点,我就会被迫就范,然后放弃于我而言一切重要的事情?- Lousy sanitation over there too. You are not the same as them. Your life is not the same. And you're cheapening everything they're going through by pretending you are.那边的环境卫生也糟糕透顶!你跟那些非洲人不一样,两者不可混为一谈,而你硬把自己跟他们相提并论,反倒侮辱了他们正在经受的一切!- I am the same. I'm not special.我也一样是人,跟他们没什么两样- You can't demand to be treated like any third world sick person and call a press conference!你不能一边要求自己按照第三世界的病人那种标准接受治疗,一边还在开新闻发布会!- They treat me special! That doesn't mean I am. And what kind of selfish jerk wouldn't take advantage of that fact?是他们对我搞特殊!并不代表我真的特殊,哪个自私自利的混蛋会不利用这件事借题发挥一下呢?15. Do you ever notice how all the self-sacrificing women in history, Joan of Arc, Mother Theresa--can't think of any others, they all die alone. The men, on the other hand, get so much fuzz, it's crazy.你注意过历史上那些自我牺牲的女性吗?圣女贞德、特蕾莎修女……暂时想不到其他的了,她们都是在孤独中死去的,而这些男人们的死总是要搞那么隆重,真是疯狂16. - No, TB's my disease.不,结核病是我的病- You own a disease? Well, I'm sorry, I missed the IPO on Dengue Fever.你还能拥有一种疾病?抱歉,我刚刚还漏说了假性肠梗阻和登革热- Look, I know I have a way about me, and I know I piss a lot of people off. And a whole lot more I just annoy. But you're the first person that I've ever met who I think is actually annoyed by what I do.听着,我知道我的行医风格自成一派,我也知道我的个人作风招很多人讨厌,得罪的人就更多;但你是我遇到的第一个被我投身的事业所激怒的人17. You know, the difference between our jobs is not numbers or styles. It's that I know I'm gonna fail. Even if I save a million people, there's gonna be another million. You couldn't handle that. I think you resent anyone who can.你知道,我们职责的差别不在于治病人数和治病风格,而在于我知道这是一份注定失败的事业,因为哪怕我救了一百万人,又会有另外一百万人染病,换你肯定接受不了,要是有人能接受这些,会遭你怨恨18. Can't we just agree that you're incredibly annoying? Take the pills, or I'll let you die, do an autopsy, call my own press conference and make sure the world knows that you didn't die of TB. Corporate sponsors will be disappointed, but they'll find another disease.你惹毛人的本事一流,这点我们可以达成共识吧?快吃药,要不然我就等你死了之后解剖你的尸体,然后也召开一个新闻发布会,并且确保全世界都知道你并不是死于结核病,相信赞助商会很失望的,但他们很快就会把目光投向另一种疾病19. - How do you prove something exists when you can't see it? Does God exist? Does the wind blow?你看不见的东西如何证明其存在呢?那上帝存在吗?风真的在吹吗?- We know because the leaves move.我们知道风存在是因为树叶在动- Look for effects.寻找它造成的影响20. - Two days ago, you were holding his hand. What's changed?两天前你还和他十指紧扣呢,什么事发生变化了?- He practically lives in Africa. There's no future他绝大多数时间都在非洲,我和他没什么未来- On the other hand, maybe there's too much of a future now.从另一个角度讲,或许反而会有更多的未来- You weren't attracted to him because he was prepared to die for a cause.你之前被他吸引,不是因为他时刻准备着为理想献出生命- You were attracted to him because he was actually doing it.而是因为他确确实实地正在为理想献出生命21. - It's not about the kids dying every eight seconds. It's about the media stroking, the adulation, the pats on the head.他在乎的才不是每8秒钟死个孩子呢,他在乎的只是媒体给他戴高帽,对他阿谀奉承、趋炎附势- That's your problem with him, isn't it?那才是你看不惯他的地方,对吗?第5集--------令人窒息的父爱1. - When I said I'd do anything for the money, obviously I didn't mean it.我当时说我为了钱甘为孺子牛的那句话,显然是开玩笑的啊- You're gonna like this. The kid's getting shocked every few minutes.你会对这个病例感兴趣的,这孩子每隔几分钟就感受到一次电击- Why would you need $5,000? Bad night at poker or a great night, with a hooker?你怎么会缺5000块这么多?是没钱赌了还是没钱嫖了?Thank you for saving me the trouble of deflecting that personal question with a joke.真是要感谢你,替我省去了再编个笑话来转移这个私人话题的麻烦2. I'm assuming he's not just really dirty, but is of African descent, which means he'd have a lower white count.我先假设他的黝黑肤色不是因为太脏,而是由于他有非洲血统,也就意味着他的白细胞天生就少3. - Two-wheeled vehicles that travel 150 miles an hour don't really go well with crippled irresponsible drug addicts.时速最高能达到240公里的摩托车,不太适合你这个不负责任的瘸腿瘾君子啊- Actually, two-wheeled vehicles that go 180 miles an hour do not go well with healthy, responsible architects who don't know how to separate braking and turning.事实上,这辆车时速最高能达到290公里,但也不适合那种虽然四肢健全、工作认真负责,却连刹车和拐弯都分不清楚的建筑师啊4. - You lied about how Mom died?妈妈的死因你没告诉我实情?- I figured if her death could somehow mean something--我只是想找个方法让她死得其所……- How's lying about it mean something?那你对我瞒天过海,她就能死得其所吗?- How could you use her like that, Dad? Her death?你怎么连她的死都要利用啊,爸爸?5. - You're not the least bit curious what his parents are like?你们一点都不好奇他父母是什么样的人?- I'm sure his mom's a piece of work.我敢肯定他妈妈绝对是个极品- Only a mother could do that much damage.只有母亲才能把孩子摧残成他这副尿性- My bet's he was born the way he is.我打赌他的天性就这样- Probably tormented his parents, not the other way around.刚好相反也说不定,兴许是他把父母折磨得不轻呢?6. - I didn't. I just wanted to see if you'd give it to me. I've been borrowing increasing amounts, ever since you lent me $40 a year ago. A little experiment to see where you draw the line.我本不需要借,我只想看看你是不是真的肯借给我,自从我去年向你借了40美元之后,我就越借越多,这只是一个小小的测试,试探下你的底线在哪儿- You're--you're trying to objectively measure, how much I value our friendship?你是——在试图客观地测量出我为我俩的友谊定多少价钱吗?- It's five grand. You got nothing to be ashamed of.测得结果5000美金,这金额已经不丢人了7. - I've been lying to you in increasing amounts ever since I told you you looked good, unshaved a year ago. It's a little experiment, you know, to see where you draw the line.自从一年前,我骗你说你不刮胡须更帅之后,我对你讲的实话就越来越少了,这只是个小小的测试,你懂的,我也得试探一下你的底线啊8. - You're not curious?你们就不好奇?- Curious about crocs, but I don't stick my head in their mouths.我对鳄鱼也很好奇,但我不至于好奇到把我的头放进它嘴里- I'm out too. What? House is a freak! There's no virus that causes that, no DNA mutation. You're gonna have one dinner with two people. Sixty minutes, most of it spent chewing or talking about the weather.我也不去,豪斯就是个怪胎!不是什么病毒、也不是基因突变,你要和两个人一起吃晚餐,而在这长达一个小时的用餐时间里,绝大多数都在咀嚼食物以及谈论天气9. - Give me a reason to get out of this, and I'll tell you who started the rumor about you being a transsexual.帮我找个理由逃掉这顿晚餐,我就告诉你是谁最先造了谣说你做过变性手术- There is no such rumor.- 压根没人造过这种谣- There will be, unless you get me out of this dinner.- 如果你不肯帮这个忙,那就会有了10. - Can I subpoena a patient?我能传讯一个病人吗?- House wants me to lie to the kid to get him, in here.豪斯让我跟一个年轻人撒谎,把他骗到这儿做检查- Well, then you'll be the one getting the subpoena.好嘛,那你自己要被传讯了11. - You told us you owned a construction company, not a salvage yard.你之前跟我说你经营的是建筑公司,不是废品回收站- I know the way things work. The better my job, the better my son gets treated.我知道社会的潜规则:我的工作越体面,我儿子才会更容易受到优待- Right, that's why I'm mad. We wasted all that filet mignon on you.对,我就气你这种自作聪明,白白让我们浪费了这么多宝贵时间12. - Last I checked you still have two legs.上次我见你的时候你还有两条腿- Actually three.其实是三条- You know what your problem is, Greg?葛里戈,你知道你的问题出在哪儿吗?- Shifting gears?换档没换对?- You just don't know how lucky you are.你一直都身在福中不知福13. They seem perfectly pleasant, don't they? They are. He was a marine pilot. She was a housewife. Married 47 years, they had one child. My mom is just like everyone else. She's nice enough. No great sense of humor. Hates confrontation. My dad's just like you. Not the caring-till-your-eyes pop-out part. Just the insane moral compass that won't let you lie to anybody about anything. It's a great quality for boy scouts and police witnesses. Crappy quality for a dad.他们看起来情比金坚,对吗?确实是这样:一个是海军陆战队的飞行员,一个当起了家庭主妇,结婚47年,只生了我一个孩子。我妈妈就是个普通妇女:为人和善,没什么幽默感,讨厌和别人产生冲突;而我爸就跟你差不多,我不是指“关爱过头”的那一面,而是他有着某种道德上的强迫症,使得他没办法对任何人、在任何事上撒谎;作为一个童子军或者警方证人,这是相当优良的品德,但作为父亲却糟糕透顶14. - Why does he hate seeing his parents? So his dad tells the truth he can't handle that?为什么他不肯见自己的父母?因为他爸爸永远直来直去,所以他受不了?- He hates being a disappointment.他很讨厌辜负他们的期望- He's a doctor. World famous. How disappointed can they be?他是个医生,还是誉满全球那种,怎么能算让父母失望呢?- You know what I figure is worse than watching your son become crippled, watching him be miserable.你知道在我眼里,还有什么事儿比看到儿子变成残废更失望的吗?就是看着他受罪第6集--------“影帝级”自行车手1. - You know our relationship was way better when we were sleeping together.你知道吗,咱俩上床时候的关系可要比现在和谐多了- Why did we stop doing that? Did you get married?我们怎么就不能回到那时候呢?就因为你结婚了吗?- Yeah. Otherwise I'd be on you like red on rice.当然啦,不然我就像老鼠爱大米一样抱着你啃了- Look, rice isn't... Oh, I get it.喂,大米可不……哦,原来如此2. - You can't have your sole female employee doing your clerical work, which you'd know if you'd attended the required sexual harassment seminars. Now I'm gonna pause so you can make a crack about harassment.你不能让你唯一的女性雇员干你的文书工作,等你被迫参加性骚扰专家研讨会的时候,就会对这一点有切身体会了,说到这儿,我给你留一个停顿调侃一番性骚扰的话题- Joke killer.真无趣3. - She's loading me up with pointless paperwork.她拿了一大堆无意义的表格来让我填- Well, you're way behind on your pointless paperwork. O2 sats are in the...那估计是因为那些无意义的表格你拖着没交吧,他的血氧含量……- She's hostile. You know me. Hostility makes me shrink up like a-- I can't think of a non-sexual metaphor.- 她那火药味可浓了,你了解我的,这种火药味会让我缩成一个……我暂时想不到一个不带性暗示的比喻4. Professional athletes, Cuddy. It's like watching an old movie at 2 a.m. Reliving all the classic moments. Part where he denies it's drugs. Part where the good guys ride in tests a-blazing, prove that it is drugs. Oscar clip. He can't imagine how they got into his body.他是专业运动员,卡蒂!就像那些凌晨2点的老电影里演的那样,经典时刻重现:一部分人矢口否认是兴奋剂;另一部分则摆出一副好人的模样,进来做了大量测试,结果证明还是兴奋剂!奥斯卡获奖桥段罢了,他会演得像完全不知道怎么服入那些物质的5. - This guy doesn't even get sick like a regular person. Instead of a list of symptoms and no cause, we have a list of possible causes for one symptom.这家伙的得病方式完全异于常人,一般的病人有一长串的症状但找不出致病因素,而他有一长串可能的致病因素,却只有一个症状- Is the symptom death?你说的这个症状是死亡?- Respiratory distress.呼吸不畅6. - He's making millions of dollars ripping off fans.他昧着良心从粉丝身上捞了上百万美金呢- Anyone who thinks they should pay a guy money because he can throw a ball really far or pedal really fast deserves to be ripped off.任何一个只因为别人投球远或者蹬脚踏板快就愿意为他买单的人都活该被剥削7. - When you save someone's life, they owe you forever.你救了一个人后,他们会欠你一辈子- You're right. Take Stacy.对,那我用史黛西偿还吧- Oh, wait, she'd probably just leave you all over again.哦,等等,就算把她给了你,她还是会再次离开的- How's your recovery going? Gotten around to the small muscles yet?你恢复得怎样了?条形小肌肉可以伸展开了吗?- It's not the size of the muscle, it's where you get to put it.这跟这块肌肉的尺寸无关,而是跟肌肉放入的地方有关8. So if you break an arbitrary rule, Cameron damns you to hell, but if you break a rule that actually has a reason that's designed to protect people, Cameron develops a crazy crush on you.所以如果你违反的是一条随意制订的规矩,卡麦伦就骂你祖宗十八代;可如果你违反的是一条切实为了维护人们权益的规矩,卡麦伦反而会把你奉为偶像9. - So by your rationale, House shouldn't use a cane. He should just drag his bum leg around as god intended?那么按照你的说法,豪斯拐杖都不该用,他应该按照上帝的旨意那样,拖着他的坏腿走路?- House has a handicap. All he's aiming for is normality.豪斯腿部有残疾,他只是想和正常人一样- And who decides what's normal? What if we find a drug that makes people live 20 years longer? Should we ban that because it's not normal?正不正常应该由谁来定义呢?要是我们发现了一种能令人类多活20年的药,我们是不是应该因为那不正常就禁止它呢?10. You know what worship means? I looked it up. It means to love……unquestioningly and uncritically. So the kid doesn't even know me, but he loves me unquestioningly and uncritically.你知道崇拜这个词的意思吗? 我查了一下,这个词意思是:不求回报且毫无保留地喜欢,也就是说,那个孩子在不认识我的情况下,就能做到不求回报且毫无保留地喜欢我11. - Mark's looking for help because what? He's resentful? Overwhelmed?马克寻求帮助的原因是什么呢? 是心怀怨恨还是不堪重负?- I'm asking because I care.我真是因为在乎才问的- Not about him.可你在乎的不是他- You still want to jump me, so you don't care whose marriage--你是因为对我还心存妄想,所以你不惜破坏别人的婚姻……- Listen, I can get my rocks off any time I want. What I don't seem to be able to do is my job without you hanging over my shoulder.你听好了,我心里的那块石头我随时都可以放下,但我目前还做不到有你在我身边晃悠的情况下安心工作12. - This is unbelievably difficult for Mark, which you should know. Which you should be able to summon up some level of empathy for.马克能踏出这一步,简直比登天还难,你应该能理解的,你多少应该能对他现在的心情感同身受的- Right. The crippled boys. We should start a band.是啊,俩瘸子老男人,我们应该成立个乐队组合- I have a good thing with Mark. We are handling this the best way we know how.我跟马克现在关系很好,并且我们正在尽我们所能来积极面对这件事- And none of this has anything to do with me?其中就没有一丁点儿与我相关的因素吗?- No, nothing. Except that you can't or won't just let it go. Let it go.没有,一丁点儿都没有,只不过你不想也不愿意放下,求你放下吧!13. - He's made a mistake. Revealing the truth doesn't undo it.他是犯了错,但揭发他并不能逆转既定事实- Kids love him and he's not who they think he is. It's not right.孩子们都喜欢他,可他实际却不是他们喜欢的那个人,这样不对- Who cares if he's what he says he is? Who the hell is? If love's based on lies, does that mean it's not a real feeling? Doesn't bring the same pleasure?谁在乎他是不是名不副实?谁又能做到名副其实?如果一份爱是建立在谎言上的,那这份爱就不是真情实感了吗?就不会给人带来同样的愉悦吗?14. - Wilson's chatty, plus he's got two ex-wives to support. You want me to tell him he's fired?威尔森是个大嘴巴,再加上他有两个前妻要扶养,你要我通知他他被解雇了吗?- Until we figure out who's behind this, I'm sitting in with you guys.在查到谁是始作俑者之前,我会在这里陪着你们一起办公- You have the ethics of a four-year-old. I'm gonna treat you like one.既然你们的道德观还停留在4岁孩子的水平,我也只好把你们当4岁孩子看待了- How am I supposed to practice medicine with a lawyer sitting on my shoulder?有个律师骑在我头上作威作福,还让我怎么正常行医呢?15. - He's a got a doctor's pass. It's medicinal. He got away with it. He cheated and won a game.他有医生的许可,是医疗上的需求,被他侥幸躲过了一劫,让他滥用药物还赢了比赛- Life's more complicated than who gets to the finish line first.生命可不仅仅是比谁先到达终点这么简单第7集--------致命的捕猎之旅1. - They're not having sex?他们目前没有性生活?- Doctor cleared him, but no lift off. She's frustrated, so she's doc-blocking me. Paperwork, seminars, meddling with my patients.医生说没问题了,但他小兄弟却不争气,因此她很受挫,所以才想尽法子来折磨我,又是填表格、又是研讨会,还搅和我的病人- Great, now you've got the proof you need. Just take those personal psyche records to Cuddy. That'll show her Stacy is out of control.妙极了,现在你又有了你需要的证据,干脆把这些个人心理诊疗记录拿到卡蒂面前得了,直接向她证明史黛西失去了理智2. - Dr. Wilson, I want you to meet my stalker.威尔森医生,来见见我的跟踪者- Your waiting room sucks. - I am not treating you.- 你的接待室真是太烂了 - 我不会给你治疗的- Because you're a closet case? - We're not together.- 就因为你是个深柜?- 我们,呃,不是一对He is so self-loathing.他内心还没有自洽呢3. His new HIV meds kicked his system out of a sound sleep. Wakes up hungry, cranky, spoiling for a fight. When it doesn't find an active infection it starts attacking the harmless remnants of old infections.他的HIV新药唤醒了他原本沉睡的免疫系统,醒来时饥肠辘辘、脾气暴躁,急需一场战役;而当它无法找到活跃度很高的感染时,它会转而攻击旧感染留下的那些无害残余4. - Trying to win Stacy back by killing an animal. Very caveman.想靠杀死小动物来赢回史黛西的芳心?真是老掉牙的伎俩- I don't want her back. I just want her to admit her feelings for me. I go to Cuddy. Cuddy fires her or reassigns her. Either way, I'm happy.我才不想赢回她芳心呢,我只是想让她承认对我还有感觉,然后去告诉卡蒂,这样卡蒂就会炒掉她或调走她,无论哪种都会让我好过点- If you want her back, either tell her or better yet, shut up and cry yourself to sleep like everybody else.如果你想赢回她的芳心,要么跟她直说,要么用更管用的一招:直接闭嘴,然后像所有人一样,流泪到天明5. - Very interesting.真有意思- He coughs infected blood in Cameron's eyes and mouth. That's interesting.他身上带病毒的血溅到了卡麦伦的嘴巴和眼睛,你居然觉得有意思?- The coughing part, not the "in Cameron" part.我指的是咳嗽的部分,不是“血溅卡麦伦”的部分6. - It's okay, she's not here, you can skip the nice-guy acts.没事,她不在这儿,你们俩可以直接跳过那些暖男行为- You know, some human beings are actually capable of human feelings.你要知道,有些人确确实实是能感知到人类情感的- My giving a damn or not is not gonna change what happened.我是不是关心她都改变不了既定事实好吗?7. He was very reassuring. Kept reminding me that the hospital covers all my medical costs. Apparently forgot to mention that if I do test positive that they'll pass it on to legal, and legal will dig up any dirt they can, trying to prove that I'm a drug user or tramp, and that's why I have HIV.他安慰人很有一套,一个劲儿地告诉我医院会负担我所有的医疗费用,但他显然是忘了提到,如果我的检测结果最后呈阳性,他们就会移交给法务部处理,然后法务部就会想方设法挖出我的黑料,尽全力来证明我是因为有毒瘾或者生活不检点而染上的HIV8. He thought he was dying. Dying people lie, too. Wished they'd worked less. They'd been nicer. They'd opened orphanages for kittens. If you really wanna do something, you do it, you don't save it for a sound bite.他那时候以为自己死到临头了!人之将死,一样说谎,“工作没那么拼该多好”“自己善良一些该多好”“当时开个猫咪收容所该多好”之类的鬼话;如果你真想有所作为,就立刻付诸于行动,别拖到最后成为死前的光荣口号9. - As far as she knows, Mark's okay with you being there.据她所知,马克对你在那儿驱鼠这件事没啥意见- My bet is she mentions me to Mark as little as possible. She thinks that he thinks that she still has feelings for me. And you know why she thinks that?但我打赌,她一定在马克面前尽量对我绝口不提,因为她内心觉得,马克认定她依然还对我有感觉,你知道她这念头因何而起吗?- Because she still has feelings for you?因为她确实还对你有感觉?- If you're right, she did tell him and I don't get through the door tonight.如果你说对了,她的确向他彻底摊牌了的话,那今晚我就要吃闭门羹了10. You started two weeks after my surgery.你是在我手术后的两个星期开始抽烟的- Menthols, then lights after a month.先是薄荷味的,一个月后换成了少焦油型的- Why didn't you say anything?那你当时怎么不提这茬儿啊?- 'Cause it helped me monitor your misery level. One trip outside was a good day, and upwards of six, you were in hell.因为这能直接告诉我你的痛苦程度,一天抽一根代表这一天你心情很舒畅,但一天6根以上,就代表你郁闷透顶11. - You should have thought of that before you stalked me. Now I'm interested. So what's he got to apologize for? You're the one who tossed him out.- 在缠着要我诊断你之前你就该预料到这一点,现在我的胃口被吊起来了,他到底为什么要道歉?明明是你把他扫地出门的- Now why would I do that?我干嘛要那样做?I don't know, 'cause it's tough to brag to your hunting buddies that your son knows all the words to The Wiz.我斗胆猜测,因为你儿子能滚瓜烂熟地背诵《绿野仙踪》的台词,令你在打猎伙伴们面前难以启齿?12. - So now you've gotta drum up another excuse to be around the love of your life. Could hit another patient.所以,你现在又得重新找个借口去接近你的今生挚爱叙旧了,你可以再殴打一个病人- Yeah, don't like to repeat myself. People will say I'm formulaic.不,我可不想重复自己,这样会被别人说落入俗套的- Well that rules out letting the rat go so you can catch him again.噢?按你这么说,你也不打算上演“放鼠归山再来擒”了咯?13. - Either Susan wanted to die, or she was both fat and stupid. Used a twinkie instead of a gun. And girls with big appetites, well, they just can't get enough of anything.苏珊不是自己求死来解脱,就是既肥又蠢,把“饼干”当枪塞进了嘴里,胃口大的女人是永远不会满足的- Shut up!闭嘴!- Probably nibbled on every devil dog in the county.她们也许想尝遍这个郡的每根“饼干”14. You knew that I had an angle the moment I poured soap onto a scrub brush. You could've thrown me out or ignored me, or found another exterminator. But you didn't even tell Mark that I kept coming by. You let this happen because you wanna be with me.分明从我把洗洁精倒在刷子的那一刻开始,你就知道我动机不纯,你完全可以把我赶出门外、直接不理我,或者更换另一家灭鼠公司,可你居然连我经常来这儿的事情都没告诉马克,你任凭这一切发生,就是因为你想跟我在一起第8集--------一个电话引发的血案1. - You snuck into her shrink's office and read her private file. When Nixon did that, he got impeached.你半夜溜进她心理医生的办公室,偷看她了的个人诊疗档案!当时尼克松这么做了之后,他就被弹劾了- So you're saying I'm not allowed to have oral sex with an intern, either?那你的意思就是,我也不能让一个实习生给我口咯?- Yes! And yes.帅!是的- That file got me on the floor of her attic with her pouring out her soul. The only thing I did wrong was get caught.那份档案可是给了我一次在她阁楼地板上听她流露心声的机会呢,我唯一不该犯的错误就是露出了马脚2. - Postponing's almost always the smart thing to do. Tempers cool, memories fade.缓兵之计永远是一个万全之策,情绪会平复,记忆会淡忘- They rule on me, it's done, right?他们做出裁决就完事儿了,对吗?- Yeah, but...- 对,但……- Then let's get it over with.- 那就让他们放马过来呗3. - All I can tell them is what happened.我能告诉他们的,只有事情的经过- There's an objective reality to what happened. And that committee's never gonna know it. All they're gonna know is what they picture happened, which depends a little on what you tell them and a whole lot on how you tell them.客观的事实永远都存在,可惜委员会永远没机会知道了,他们即将知道的内容,只是自己大脑构想出来的图像,其中只有一小部份取决于你陈述的具体内容,大部分取决于你陈述时用的措辞4. - Does your dad have anything to do with this story?那你爸爸和这整个事件有关联吗?- No, it's just--没有,只是……- Okay. I get it. The two of you bonded, which is probably why you haven't been sued. Patients never sue doctors they like. But keep it brief, okay? The panel doesn't like to think they're being manipulated when they're being manipulated.行了,我懂你的意思,你俩同病相怜,这很可能就是你没有被起诉的原因,毕竟病人永远不会起诉他们爱戴的医生,但尽量抓重点讲,好吗?听审团不会太喜欢被人牵着走,虽然他们确实在被你牵着走5. As your lawyer, I can't stop you from lying, I can't even be in the room. But I would be remiss if I didn't prep you to lie better. You wrote her a prescription, which means there was an examination. What really happened?作为你的律师,我不能阻止你说谎,我甚至都不能进那个询问室,但我如果没有事先教你怎么把谎撒圆了,就属于我的失职,你之前说那天给她开过一张处方,说明你其实对她做过检查,到底是怎么回事?6. - She's only advising Chase? Not you?她只帮奇斯做咨询,却不给你做?- Well, what's the committee gonna do to me? I never even met this patient.委员会还能把我怎么样不成?这位病人我甚至见都没见过- Your disdain for human interaction doesn't exculpate you. It inculpates you. You signed the charts, you're responsible for everything Chase does.你对人情冷暖的漠视非但不能让你开脱,反而会成为你的罪证,那张病历上有你的签名,所以你对奇斯的所作所为绝对负有责任- Which is why this doesn't matter. She protects Chase she protects me.所以我才不担心这件事啊,她袒护奇斯就相当于在袒护我- Unless her advice to Chase is to make a deal and give you up.如果她向奇斯建议把锅全部甩给你,把你当弃子,那就未必了7. - Why did Chase screw up?奇斯怎么会失误的?- Because he doesn't give a crap about patients.因为他对病人从来不闻不问- He always gets positive patient reviews.可从病人的反馈来看,他是有口皆碑的啊- Yeah. Smiles all 84 of his teeth. Tells them his tonsil story.没错,他只要眸齿一笑,给他们讲讲他那个老掉牙的扁桃体故事就行了- It's a nice story.故事很动听啊- He still has his tonsils! As soon as he's out of the room, which is as soon as he can be out of the room, he starts in on the trash talking. Thinks not giving a crap makes him like House. Like it's something to aspire to.可他的扁桃体明明就还在!他每次快要走出诊疗室,甚至在还没走出诊疗室之前,他都要脱口秀一番那段狗屁故事,他认为这种不闻不问可以使他成为第二个豪斯,就好像豪斯有多值得效仿一样!8. - Why did Chase screw up? And how bad was it?为什么奇斯会出岔子?到底造成多严重的后果?- Wow. Talk about efficient, I only need one answer.哇哦,你要玩快问快答的话,那就长话短说吧- Chase didn't screw up.奇斯并没有误诊- He said he did.他自己都承认了- Well, I'm not a lawyer, but that seems like a sucky legal strategy.尽管我不是律师,但我觉得他这种做法像是在耍一个蹩脚的法律诡计- They're gonna wanna know what you think a reasonable doctor would have done in Chase's position.他们到时候会问你,你认为作为一个像奇斯这般理性的医生当时应该怎么做- If I thought he was a reasonable doctor, I wouldn't have hired him.如果我认为他是个理性的医生,我当时根本就不会录用他- God, you two area couple of geniuses. Deny everything, completely fool the lawyer who's trying to help you. Too bad the review committee members are actually doctors.天啊,你们俩简直就是一对活宝,什么都不肯承认,把好心想帮你们的律师当猴耍是吧?但非常不幸的是,委员会的成员们都是真正的医生9. - Judging from your question, and your demeanor I assume you were visiting with House. We've been over this. I don't know.从你这个问题和说话的态度来判断,我猜你刚去找过豪斯,可关于这点我们已经谈过了,我不知道- Good doctors don't make mistakes--一名优秀的医生从不犯错……- Good doctors never forget to ask questions? Then you've got your answer, apparently, I'm not a good doctor.你的言下之意是,优秀的医生从不忘记提问吗?那想必你心里已经有答案了,我就不是一个优秀的医生呗- F.Y.I. Self-pity generally is not a good strategy in these hearings.温馨提示,自怨自艾在这种聆讯上从来都不是好策略10. - And this was right before you ran the marathon, I suppose?我猜这段只是你说服他的漫长过程的序曲,对吗?- Was it the part where he warmly clasped my hands in thanks? Was that too much?你是指“他带着感激的心情热情地握了我的手”这一段吗?编故事痕迹太明显了吗?- What did you do to him?你对他耍了什么花招?- The hospital lawyer asks me if I did something unethical. If I did, the last person I'd tell is the hospital lawyer, Especially since she's gone all old testament on me.医院的律师质问我是否做过什么违反职业道德的事情,可即便我真的做过,也不可能傻到向她坦白啊!更何况她现在看我的眼神就像一头狮子要吃了我一样11. One caveat, I've moved past threesomes, I'm now into foursomes. If someone backs out, then, you've still got a threesome. And if two people back out, you're still having sex.给你提个醒,玩三P已经是过去式了,我最近迷上了四P,因为如果中途有人退出的话,至少你们还可以继续三P,而万一其中有两人退出,剩下两人还可以正常滚床单12. - To make this conversation easier, can we discard the fiction that we're talking about anything other than what I did to you? You're not mad because I broke into your psychiatrist's office.为了让我们的谈话进行得更顺利,我们能不能先把你我之间的纠葛掰扯清楚一番?你现在生气,并不是因为我偷拿了你心理医生的档案- Yeah, I was thrilled about that.不,我就是在气那件事- Okay, it was a lousy thing to do. But if what I had found was that everything was all kittens and moonbeams in Markville, you'd be over it.好吧,我承认我确实做得有点龌龊,但如果我在你档案上发现的全都是夫妻情投意合、辗转悱恻那些事的话,你就不会如此介怀了- No, I wouldn't!不,我会的!13. Last Thursday he saw you for post-op care. If you hate your doctor, you find another doctor before you find a lawyer. This guy didn't sue Cameron or Foreman, he didn't even sue House! He didn't even sue House. There's something personal here. Something you don't want us to know before your hearing. The guy didn't hate you before that meeting, he hated you after.上个星期四他来找你做术后康复检查,一个病人哪怕再讨厌医生,换医生总比找律师起诉省事儿多了吧,他起诉的并不是卡麦伦或者福曼,甚至都不是豪斯!这里头一定有个人恩怨,可能是一些在聆讯前你不想告诉我们的事实,总之那人在那次检查之前并不讨厌你,而是检查之后才讨厌的14. After considering the testimonial and documentary evidence, this ad hoc committee in the matter of Kayla McGinley has reached a decision. Dr. Chase... your error resulted in a patient's death. You also lied both to your superiors and the patient's brother. But taking into account the mitigating factor of your father's death, we've decided not to revoke your privileges. You'll receive one week's suspension, and a letter in your permanent file.通过对证人证言和书面证据的慎重研究,本特别委员会已经对凯拉麦金利诉讼一案达成了最终共识:奇斯医生……你的错误诊断导致了病人死亡,你还同时对你的上司以及病人的弟弟说了谎,但鉴于你父亲去世的事实对你所造成的影响,我们决定暂不吊销你的医生执照,你将受到停薪一周的处罚,并且此次事故将永久记录在案15. Now, as for Dr. House. There is no evidence of a failure to supervise that would lead to disciplinary action. And yet, there is enough in the record to be very troubled by your conduct, including certain allegations of blackmail from members of the transplant team and by your general refusal to meet with your patients.然后是你,豪斯医生,目前没有证据表明,你作为主管对下属的训诫存在任何不当之处,然而,你的档案上有足够多的投诉直接能证明你的品行不端:包括敲诈移植器官小组的一名成员、寄送恐吓信事件,以及你一贯的对门诊病人的抗拒态度第9集--------装病VS真病 1. - What's that called when you judge someone before ever meeting them?你都没见过这个人就对她妄下定论,人们怎么称呼这种行为来着?- She's a regular at OTB. Somehow I don't see her holding down a 9-to-5 and going to PTA meetings.她是个赌马场的常客,显然不是那种朝九晚五的上班族或者去开家长会的人- I was there. I have a 9-to-3 job.我也去了赌马场,我就朝九晚三啊2. - It was a pretend in charge, a formality to get past the suits in legal.只是让你装装样子,糊弄一下那群西装革履的家伙就行- Right, those licensing board folk love to play dress-up and pretend.是啊,这些证书委员会的人最爱西装革履地装腔作势了- Hey no worries. I'll let you keep your parking space.嘿,别担心,我不会抢你的停车位的- You can have it. You'll also need my handicap placard. Bend over.你爱抢不抢,我的残疾人证你也可以拿去,自己捡去吧- You make a pretty convincing argument.你的这套说辞倒是有理有据的- Chase killed that woman. Now Foreman's in charge?奇斯害死那个女的,怎么变成福曼来负责了?- Yeah we have a pecking order here. If Cameron kills somebody Chase takes over. There's a flow chart in the lobby.是啊,大家轮流着来嘛,下次要是卡麦伦害死人的话,那就轮到奇斯负责,轮班表在大厅里有3. - It's the irony of women in charge. They don't like other women in charge. What? You think it's something else?这是女老板掌权的可笑之处,她们不乐意看到第二个女性主管,怎么了?你认为是别的原因?- You sabotaged yourself. You went on a date with House. You slept with me. Putting you in charge of this department is like a sexual harassment suit waiting to happen.明明是你自毁前程的好吧,你和豪斯约了会、又和我滚了床单,要是让你负责这个部门就无异于预订了一个职场性骚扰的官司啊- Yeah. They're really worried that I'm gonna create a hostile work environment.是啊,他们的担忧确实是由我负责就会把这儿的工作环境搞得剑拔弩张的- Maybe that's the problem. Being in charge means having to say "no" to House. Would you hire you for that?或许这就是问题所在呢:负责这个部门,就意味着要对豪斯说不,换你是老板你会雇佣自己吗?4. - There is another possibility. Chase hold on.还有另外一种可能性,奇斯你先停一下- How'd you get him trained so fast? Electronic collar? Got treats in your pocket?你这么快就把他训练好了?莫非给他戴了电子项圈?还是口袋里揣着狗粮?5. - Why do you think Cuddy picked Foreman over me? Have I done something wrong or is there...你说说看,卡蒂为什么选福曼而不是我?是我做错过什么事还是我有需要……- Would it make you shut up if I told you she wanted someone black?如果我告诉你她就想找个长得黑点儿的,你会不会终结这个话题?- How would you describe my leadership skills?你对我的领导能力怎么看?- Non-existent. Otherwise excellent.除了根本不存在以外,非常优秀- There's more to being a leader than being a jerk.做个领导可比当个混蛋难多了!- The world will never know.反正是没有人能见到了6. Of course! We're both right. Excellent solution. Everybody's happy. Come on. Step up Foreman. If you think I'm right order me to stick a needle in her brain. If you think Cameron's right send the patient home. Either she'll be fine or she'll die.所言极是啊!我们俩都对,你一碗水端平,皆大欢喜!你总得要二选一的,福曼:如果你认为我说的对,那就让我往她的脑袋里插根针;如果你认为卡麦伦说的对,就直接把病人送回家,她无非就两种结果,要么好了要么死了7. - Nice move boss. Way to cover your ass.干得好,老板!真是做得滴水不漏- I just agreed with you.我刚刚采纳了你的方案啊- Not because you think I'm right. you're just taking the safe route. You're a wuss. Don't worry. Your secret's safe with me. Hey Wilson! Guess what Foreman just did?但并不是因为你信了我的话,你只是选取了一种更稳妥的做法,原来你是个怂包!不过你放心,我会保守你这个秘密的。嗨,威尔森,猜猜刚才福曼做了什么?8. - I'd like to see another doctor.我要求给我换一个医生- I'm not giving you what you want?因为我给不了你想要的关注吗?- I don't want a bitch.因为我不想要个贱人- Just sign the forms, okay? And I'll get out of here. Hopefully for you, whatever you injected yourself with won't wear off before you get the fun of a caring and concerned doctor cutting into your head.那你就快签呗,你签完我就能立马消失了啊!还有,不管你给自己注射了什么,我都衷心希望它没彻底代谢干净,这样就能被某个善良有责任心、却被你耍着玩儿的医生切开你的脑袋之后发现了9. - I only did that stuff to prove he couldn't make me miserable.我做那些事儿,只是为了证明我没有被他弄得苦不堪言- Well way to go. Now everybody's getting what they need. Even House. He gets to play mad scientist and this department runs smoothly.干得漂亮!现在所有的人都得偿所愿,甚至包括豪斯自己,他可以继续扮演他疯狂科学家的角色,这个部门的运作也顺风顺水- So I'm stuck with this for the next three weeks.那就是说,之后的三星期里我一直得受这份罪?- Maybe longer.或许能更长10. - But if a Munchausen's patient thinks she's about get busted, she sees pills labeled "Dangerous, might cause seizures", she might grab a couple. And if that label were accidentally on a bottle of antibiotics, and if that bottle were accidentally left in her room...但当一个孟乔森症的病人意识到自己将被识破之际,眼前突然出现了一个贴着“危险!有可能导致癫痫”标签的药瓶,她定会抓起一把吃下去,而那个瓶药里如果恰好装的是抗生素,又刚好遗落在了她的病房里的话……- You set her up?你引她上钩?- Might have. It's Munchausen's. All this she did to herself.也许吧,但坐实了她的孟乔森症,一切全是她的自导自演11. - You just don't wanna admit that she skunked you.你只是不愿承认连你都被她骗过去了而已- At the end of The Boy Who Cried Wolf, the wolf really does come. Then he eats the sheep, and the boy, and his parents.“狼来了”那个故事的结局是,最后狼真的来了,然后吃掉了羊、孩子以及他的父母- The wolf doesn't eat the parents.狼没有吃父母- He does when I tell it.在我的故事版本里它吃了- You're not telling the story now. I am.现在轮不到你讲故事了,要听我讲12. - Do you think there's any way House would take me seriously as his boss?你觉得有什么办法可以让豪斯甘愿对我俯首称臣的?- Where is this coming from? Did Cuddy say something?咦,你何出此言?是卡蒂说了什么吗?- We talked. She intimated.我们谈过,她给了我暗示- And you want my advice on how to usurp him? It's very ancient Rome, you'll need a toga, of course, a sword.所以你想向我咨询关于如何篡夺他的建议?就像在古罗马,你需要一件托加袍,当然还要配上一把宝剑- It's not a coup. I just want to figure out some way we can work together. I mean I keep the team running from an administrative point of view. House doesn't have to deal with the red tape. It's a win-win.这又不是发动政变,我只是想寻求一种方法能让我们和谐共事,我是指,从管理者的角度来维持这个团队的正常运转,豪斯也无需再被繁文缛节所困,这是个双赢的局面- I'm sure he'll see it that way.我肯定他也会这么想的13. - No way. I just got back from a suspension.不行!我才刚刚停薪留职结束- And if it wasn't for me you would have been fired.要不是有我护着你,你可能已经连饭碗都丢了- Why don't you just get the sample yourself? Since when have you cared what your boss said?为啥你自己不能去抽血样呢?你什么时候开始对老板那么言听计从了?- I don't care what anybody says I care what they do. And right now Blackpoleon Blackaparte has got the nurses on red alert. I can't get into the patient's room.我不关心别人怎么说,我只关心他们怎么做。当下,那个翻身做主人的黑人让护士们一个个都进入高度戒备状态,我压根儿就进不了她的病房14. - Who are you more afraid of?你还有什么可怕的?- I'm not afraid of Foreman, I agree with him. All the tests back him up.我不是怕福曼,我是赞同他的诊断,所有检测结果都证明他是对的- All the tests have not been done. You do realize that blackaparte's reign is only temporary.但又不是所有测试都做了,你要认识到,“黑”暗势力的统治只是暂时的- I also realize that no matter what I do you're still gonna treat me like crap.另外我还认识到,无论我怎么做,你都会像以前一样拿我当废物看待- Crap is a relative term.废物只是相对而言的15. - Labs schmabs. A good diagnostician reads between the labs.别整天化验化验的,好的诊断师要会解读出化验结果之外的东西- You were right.你是对的- Hey hey hey. We're not here to play the blame game. These things happen. Sometimes doctors send people out on the street to die after other doctors warn them that they're sending people out on the street to die. There's no way you could know.喂喂,我们又不是在这里评判谁是谁非,此乃人之常情嘛,有时候,有些医生确实会把病人赶回街上活活等死,哪怕已经有其他医生事先劝谏过他们,毕竟你又不能未卜先知16. - There's lots of explanations for a low white count.白细胞过低有很多种解释- Name one that fits her case.你举个符合她症状的例子出来- Colchicine. I figure that she'd gotten her hands on it and uh just self-medicated.秋水仙素,我猜测她顺手拿过一些,然后顺便就给自己注射了- That's brilliant of her! Take the exact medication that would confirm your diagnosis.她居然有这么神吗!顺手一拿,刚好就是那种可以让你诊断被证实的药?- People do crazy things.人类也疯狂嘛17. - If you were serious about the offer, I'm serious about accepting. I'd like to run the department. And you said it yourself, things run smooth.如果你的提议是认真严肃的决定,那我就认真严肃地接受了,我想管理这个部门,你自己也说过,一切都更加顺风顺水了- Except for the part where House went behind your back and KO'd the patient with insulin and colchicine.只可惜还有个豪斯在你背后捣鬼,用一剂胰岛素和秋水仙素放倒了病人18. - Did you ever really intend to give me this job? Or were you just trying to stop me from stepping down?你之前是真心实意想给我这个职位的吗?还是只是为防止我撂挑子不干的权宜之计?- You've got two more weeks in charge. Hopefully the next case will go better.你还有两个星期的在任期,希望下个病例你能表现得好些- She should've died. House is not a hero. A person who has the guts to break a bad rule, they're a hero. House doesn't break rules. He ignores them. He's not Rosa Parks, he's an anarchist. All he stands for is the right for everyone to grab whatever they want whenever they want. You tell doctors that's okay, your mortality rate is gonna go through the roof.她九死一生,豪斯并不是英雄!有些人拿出魄力去打破那些陈规旧律,他们才是真正的英雄!可豪斯不是打破常规,他直接无视了常规;他不是罗莎帕克斯,他是个无政府主义者!他所代表的是那种随时随地可以肆意妄为、予取予求的人群,你要是同意医生们都这么干,那这家医院的死亡率绝对会爆表的!第10集--------江山易改禀性难移 1. - What's the best diagnostics department within 60 miles of here?方圆60英里范围内最好的诊断部门在哪儿?- We are.我们部门啊- "We" aren't here. House is in Baltimore lying to Medicaid about his billings.“我们”不能算,豪斯在巴尔的摩正对保险公司吹得天花乱坠呢- So? I'm board certified.那又怎样?我也是认证医生- You are not House.可你不是豪斯- Why'd you put me in charge if you think I can't handle it?你要是认为我搞不定,干嘛还要让我来代管这个部门?- Because it's temporary, and because I was ordered to.因为这是临时的,上头强制要求我这么做的2. - I get it. Famous patient needs famous doctor. I'll call Taylor.我懂了,大牌病人要配大牌医生,那我给泰勒打电话吧- Thank you.多谢- Or maybe you should call him. What if I say something stupid?又或许应该由你来打给他,要是我笨嘴笨舌地说错话怎么办?- Oh, God. House easier.天哪,豪斯比你好对付多了3. - Chase, we're not done with the differential.奇斯,我们的鉴别诊断还没做完呢- You're not my boss.你又不是我老板- I'm House's boss. House is your boss. The math is pretty simple.我是豪斯的老板,而豪斯是你的老板,这笔账不难算吧?- Are you signing my paychecks? Are you hiring or firing?那你给我发薪水吗?你有雇佣和解雇人的权力吗?- This is not about that--又不是这个意义上的……- The only thing you've been asked to do is supervise House in case he does something insane.他们要你做的唯一一件事就是监督豪斯,以防他做出什么出格的事- Which might, you know, save a life.而这些事往往能救人一命,你懂的- Somebody's gotta be in charge.- 这边总要有负责人吧?- Why?为什么?- You think we should all just do whatever we wanna do? Maybe have a race to the diagnosis.怎么,难道你认为豪斯不在我们可以无法无天了?是不是还要来个诊断竞赛什么的?- I think it should be a discussion among peers. I think we're grown-up enough to reach a consensus.我觉得我们现在是一个平级之间的讨论,大家都是成年人了,绝对成熟到可以达成共识了4. - The little blue pills improve blood flow. They're vasodilators. It's why you sometimes get the headaches.小蓝药片能促进血液流动,因为它是一种血管扩张剂,这就是为什么你有时会头疼- I think Dr. House understands.我想豪斯医生理解……- Of course I do. The woman has a heart condition, she's on her own. A man can't nail his office assistant, it's national crisis time.我当然理解,那位女士有了心脏问题,她就该自生自灭;而一个男人要是搞不定他的女秘书,那就成了国家危机5. - "CT." That's like short for "MRI", right? Excellent. That'll save us a lot of time.CT?这是核磁共振的缩写吗?好极了,这就帮我们省去了很多时间- We've got an MRI scheduled in 20 minutes. Earliest Foreman could get the machine.我们预定了一个20分钟后的核磁共振,这是福曼可以约到最早的时间了I teach you to lie and cheat and steal, and as soon as my back is turned, you wait in line?我都教你们多少遍了,要靠坑蒙拐骗,我一个不在,你们就又乖乖排队了?6. - You got a point to make, or did you just feel like giving a long, unnecessary explanation for something medically irrelevant?你究竟是总结出什么结论了,还是仅仅想絮叨一些与医学无关的事情?- What happened to the Foreman who always has an answer? The guy who practically wears a sign saying, "I'm as good as House, but I'm nicer."那个始终胸有成竹的福曼今天这是怎么了?那个满脸写着“我与豪斯医术在伯仲之间,但我比他更和善”表情的家伙- I never said that.我可没说过这话- I guess it's safe to be confident when House is there to overrule you. Now that it's all on you…只有当始终对面站着一个跟你唱反调的豪斯时,表现出自信才来的更保险,可现在要靠你自力更生了……- It's different. Yeah.就不一样了,没错7. - Either you left it behind on purpose or by mistake. The only reason you'd leave it behind intentionally is if it no longer meant anything to you. But since it was a gift from your mom, that would mean you had a fight with her. And since you don't talk to ghosts, that's unlikely.要么是你把它故意留在家里的,要么就是忘带了;而你故意留在家里不戴的唯一解释,就是它对你已经没有意义了,但既然那是你妈妈给你的礼物,所以也有可能是因为你和她闹翻了,而又因为你无法和鬼魂交谈,这种可能性也能排除了- Leave it alone, Greg.别再追究了,葛雷戈!- Yeah, I'm good at that. So that leaves forgetting it unintentionally. But then we have to explain why you didn't go back for it when you realized...嗯,这是我的强项,所以现在只剩下无意中忘记戴上这一种可能性了,但是这样的话,又会出现个新疑问,你意识到之后为什么没有回去拿……- I didn't realize until I got to the airport.我是到了机场才发现没戴的- Nope, you were wearing makeup when you got to the airport. You can't put on makeup without looking at yourself. You can't look at yourself without touching that thing.不对,你出发去机场之前需要化妆,你化妆就会照镜子,而你照镜子的时候,一定会下意识触碰一下那个吊坠8. - Have you had any indication that he's tried to communicate something important?有没有什么蛛丝马迹表明,他曾尝试着说出一些重要的信息?- No.没有- That's because you guys haven't scared him enough. I'm sure you've been all, "Oh, we'll take real good care of you". Why should he say anything? When you prep him, tell him he's gonna die. Crush all hope. Don't let Cameron do it.那是因为你们还没有把他吓唬到一定程度,我敢肯定,你们之前一直在给他做些无谓的安慰,那他怎么肯说?你们术前准备的时候,就跟他说他活不久了,让他彻底绝望,还有记得别让卡麦伦去说9. You're abrasive and annoying and come on way too strong, like vindaloo curry. When you're crazy about curry, that's fine. But no matter how much you love curry, you have too much of it, it takes the roof of your mouth off. And then you never want to see curry for a really, really long time. But you wake up one day and you think... "God, I really miss curry."你举止粗暴、招人烦,再加上太强势,就跟咖喱饭一模一样;对于喜欢吃咖喱的人而言,那绝对是美味佳肴,可不管你有多喜欢吃咖喱饭,一旦你吃得太多,会把你上颚都辣得发麻,接下来相当一段时间内,咖喱饭你看都不想再看一眼了;然后等你某一天你恍然回过神时,你又会觉得“天哪,我竟如此怀念咖喱饭”10. - So he only talks during MRIs and lumbar punctures?所以他只有在做核磁和腰穿的时候才往外蹦词语吗?- Your theory is he can only talk with needle in his back or--你的猜想是,只要在他背上扎个针或者……- Or when his wife's not in the room.或者他老婆不在旁边的时候- The more devoted, the more reason to lie.爱得越深,越有理由说谎11. - Tell me. If it is your aim to sell me the same crazy ideas that House does, how are you an improvement on House?告诉我,如果你旨在模仿豪斯,总是搞出这些奇思妙想的话,你又拿什么来超越原版的豪斯呢?- I brought you a coffee.我会给你买咖啡啊12. Plenty of bipolars are manic in the daytime, depressive at night. He's been medicating for years with alcohol, sleeping through the bad hours. It explains the danger journalism. Explains everything, including the kitchen sink. Okay, technically it's kitchen cabinets. He starts a project, then he stops.很多躁郁症患者白天极度狂躁,晚上却又变得异常消沉;他这些年都在靠酒精抑制自己,靠让自己昏睡来度过那些最艰难的时光,他的“疯狂记者”称号也是由此得名,连他在厨房水槽里做的那玩意儿也能解释通了……好吧,严格来说那玩意儿叫餐具柜,他做起事来永远虎头蛇尾13. Fine, maybe your stories are legit. But people would start to wonder. Annoyed politicians, entire governments would be on your ass. So you couldn't tell anybody you were bipolar. Which was fine until you fell in love. And you wanted that life. And you hear that there's a surgical cure, You can give the woman you love the life she wants. All you have to do is change.好吧,可能你的故事都不是编的,但是人们也会开始怀疑,那些被惹怒的政治家们,甚至整个政府都会让你吃不了兜着走,所以你有躁郁症这件事绝不能让任何人知道;本来一切相安无事,直到你坠入了爱河,你开始想要过另一种生活,你打听到有一种手术可以根治躁郁症,这样你就可以陪你心爱的女人过她要的生活了,你只要给自己做个变身就行了14. - If a human being had actually looked at his blood anywhere along the way, instead of just running tests through the computer, the parasites would have jumped right out at them.如果人类在整个检查过程中,真正用自己的肉眼去观察血液,而不是用电脑等电子设备做各种测试的话,那些寄生虫早就无处遁形了- The price of the electronic age.这是电子时代所要付出的代价15. - Two people who weren't meant to be together. Maybe they'll get a happy ending just because they both want it so much.生来就属于不同世界的两人,或许只有当他们爱得足够浓烈时,才能有个幸福的结局吧- Yeah, that's usually the way it works.是啊,世间通常都是如此- He loved her enough to convince himself he could change.他太爱她,以至于相信自己必定能做出改变- But he couldn't, could he? You know what Woody Allen said about relationships? Irrational and crazy, but we go through it all because--但其实他禀性难移,对吗?你知道伍迪艾伦怎么描述恋人之间的关系吗?狂热且毫无理性,但我们却必须经历,因为……- We need the curry.我们都需要咖喱第11集--------超级妈妈也疯狂1. - Are you planning on asking her to leave Mark?你真在打主意叫她离开马克?- Not sure. Cameron keeps my calendar.不确定,我的行程是卡麦伦负责的- Hey, this is a big deal. This is an affair. Have you even talked to Stacy about what the hell this means?嘿,这可是件大事,你们这是婚外情!你到底有没有跟史黛西聊过这事儿的重要性?- Didn't have a lot of time for talking, if you know what I mean.我们当时没那么多时间聊天,如果你懂我意思的话- Great. Breaking up a marriage. Fertile ground for high comedy. We need to talk about this.太棒了,插足一段婚姻,真是高雅喜剧的沃土!这事儿我可得好好跟你掰扯掰扯2. - Oh, I'm sorry. It's still your limo. What do you say, Miss Daisy?哦,真抱歉,这里管事儿的还是你,您说该怎么办,黛西小姐?- Whatever you want.随你的便吧- Lame duck's done quacking.丑小鸭终于不咕咕哒了- You quack, people shoot at you. Cuddy just put me here to make you miserable. Another two days, you can go back to making yourself miserable.一乱叫,就会被人针对,卡蒂当时让我负责这个部门,只是为了让你遭罪;再过两天,你就可以回到原位,继续自己找罪受了3. - What the hell did you do? Were you just cold and lonely?你俩到底干了什么啊?难道你只是空虚寂寞冷了?- Course he told you, he's an eight-year-old boy.就猜到他会告诉你,真无愧于他八龄童的称号- Hey, you're the one who kissed him.嘿,是你主动亲他的- Why are you so worked up over this?你为啥对这事儿这么激动?- Because you're married.因为你已经结婚了- Not to you. This is none of your business.又不是跟你,所以这事儿与你无关- The last time you left, I was the one stuck picking up the pieces.你上次离开他的时候,后面的烂摊子可都是我收拾的- Oh, right. He cried himself to sleep every night. That so sounds like him.哦,好吧,他每晚睡觉前都以泪洗面,还真像是他的作派- He's been pining for five years!他活活望穿秋水了五年!- You're being dramatic.你夸大其词了- No. Actually, I'm underplaying. This is me being restrained.不,其实我还轻描淡写了,这已经是很克制的说法了4. - What makes mommy run?这位妈妈哪来这么多精力?- You're thinking drugs?你认为她服用了药物?- Cocaine. Explains the psychosis and the flailing. And the uncanny ability to bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never ever let Teddy forget that he's a man.可卡因可以解释精神错乱和手舞足蹈,以及她那充沛过头的精力:日出工作、日落持家,还不忘相夫有道- I'll go look for her stash.我去查查她的药物存货- Take Foreman. There's gotta be a reason for the stereotype.带上福曼一起,对肤色的刻板印象多少总有点道理吧5. - I have a crazy idea. Why don't you go talk to her?我有个疯狂的想法,你干嘛不直接找她聊呢?- Because my bestest buddy says that could lead to trouble.因为我最好的朋友告诉我,这样可能会惹出大麻烦- She sounds confused, but I don't think she is. I think she's waiting for you to do something. Show her you're serious.她听上去有点困惑,可我觉得那是她演的,我觉得她是在等你干些什么,向她展示你对此是认真的- Wow. It's a big jump from infidelity is morally wrong to do her.哇,你这思维跳跃性也太大了,从“不忠是道德错误”直接跳到“干她”6. - We have to confirm the diagnosis before we send her home to die of something else.我们必须出诊断结果,不然一旦出了有别的问题,我们就是送她去死- Oh, yes. The power tastes so sweet. You just can't resist. You're like a diabetic at the ice cream counter. You wanna say no, but you need that chocolaty goodness.也是,当掌权人真是体验极佳,简直令人无法抗拒啊:你是那个徘徊在冰淇淋柜台前糖尿病患者,嘴上说不要,心里却在对着那个巧克力味的流口水- Yeah. Well, I'm still signing the charts. So until tomorrow, you're not allowed to kill anyone.对,既然目前那些病历还是我在签,那要想大开杀戒,你也得等到明天- Wuss.怂包7. - He should've been here 20 minutes ago.他20分钟前就应该到了- Doubt if he makes it at all. I saw him leave with Stacy.我怀疑他不一定能来,我看到他跟史黛西一起回去的- He's probably just walking her to her car.他也许只是陪她走到车库呢- Oh, yeah. That sounds like House.哦,对,豪斯一向如此绅士- He's not an idiot. He's not going to hook up with a married woman.他又不傻,绝对不会去勾搭一个已婚女人的- I hope he is getting some. Maybe he'll mellow out.我倒希望他勾搭几个,也许他还能逍遥快活一番8. - She went to drugs instead of asking for help to manage her life.面对生活的重重压力,她宁愿借助药物也不愿意向别人寻求帮助- So if she can't manage now, why does she want another kid? Foreman, I need your help here. You wanna pull a bank job, would you go it alone? If you're gonna rob a home, sure. It's a one or two man crew. But a bank, you need a lookout, a getaway driver.那要是她现在都已经自顾不暇了,那干嘛还会再想要个孩子呢?福曼,帮我个忙,如果你想抢银行,你会自己单独行动吗?要是只抢某一户人家,那只要一两个同伙就行了;但要抢银行的话,你得要一个望风的,还有个飙车司机- I'm not saying anything until the metaphor plays itself out.我等你说出这个比喻的用意之后再发表意见9. - While the surgeons are cutting out a chunk of your liver, should I have them do a hysterectomy too?当外科医生切掉你的一块肝脏时,要不要让他们顺便也把你的子宫切了?- A hysterectomy? I'm trying to get pregnant.切除子宫?我还在尝试怀孕呢- You don't have to lie to me. We're not married. You're super mom. You can do anything. You work seven days a week, you volunteer, you raise a kid. Yet you still somehow find the time to lie to hubby number two that you really, really wanna give him a child with his chin and pretty brown eyes.对我你不用撒谎,我又不是你丈夫!你是个超级妈妈,能上天入地:一周要工作7天,还要做志愿者、带孩子,哪怕都忙成这鬼样子了,你居然还能抽出空来哄骗第二任丈夫,说你真的好想为他生一个孩子,一个长着他的下巴和漂亮褐色眼睛的孩子- What makes you think that I--你怎么会认为我……- because it fits.因为这样才说得通10. - Why don't you take it up with Stacy, see which option minimizes your risk?你为啥不跟征求一下史黛西的意见?商量一下怎么把风险最小化- Here's what I think she's gonna say, "Oh, I love Greg. But if you go against a patient's wishes, you're calling her a liar. And if something goes wrong, I end up in court having to defend the big, mean doctor albeit with dreamy eyes who wouldn't believe the nice suburban mom. And even though his cane makes me melt, do the damn surgery."我猜她一定会说:“哦,我虽然爱葛里戈,但如果你违背了病人的意愿,你就等于在说她撒了谎,万一出什么岔子的话,我就只能在法庭上硬着头皮,为我们这位闪着梦幻大眼、不愿相信一位善良乡下母亲的刻薄大医生作辩护,哪怕他的拐杖能融化我的心,这该死的手术你们还是做吧”11. - She's on fertility treatments. She had a blood clot. It's there.她正接受助孕治疗,所以产生了血栓,这就是癌症- Millions of women are on fertility treatments, and they don't get cancer.不计其数的女性都在接受类似的治疗,她们也没得癌症啊-Right. They get babies. She had a blood clot and a stroke.对,但她们得了孩子,而她只得了血栓和中风12. You don't know. In a few years, we'll give up, stop trying to get pregnant. We'll hug, cry. Eventually Ted will stop thinking about it, and he'll appreciate Stella even more. And we'll live happily together for the next 50 years.你不明白:几年之后,我们就会断了念想,停止尝试怀孕,然后我们会相拥而泣,泰德到头来也不再纠结自己是否有子嗣,他会比以前更爱斯黛拉;到那时,我们就能携手共度之后50年的余生13. - Mark is willing to do whatever it takes. I'm not. Never was.马克为了你甘愿赴汤蹈火,但我不会,我不是这种人- Now you're introspective? Weren't so analytical the other night.所以现在你又自我反省上了?那天晚上你明明没想那么透彻啊- You were happy with Mark. You'll be happy again.你曾经和马克很幸福,这种幸福会回来的- Shut up about Mark. What the hell's wrong with you?别再跟我扯马克了,你到底哪根筋搭错了?- I can't make you happy!我没法给你幸福!- What?什么?- How do you think this is gonna end? We'll be happy, for what? A few weeks? A few months? And then I'll say something insensitive, or I'll start ignoring you. And at first it'll be okay. It's just House being House. And then at some point, you will need something more. You'll need someone who can give you something I can't. You know I'm right. I've been there before.你觉得我们这段关系会怎么收场?我们能幸福多久呢?几个星期,几个月?然后我又开始对你出言不逊,或者又忽略你的感受,一开始或许还没什么,你会认为我只是暴露了本性,可从某一天开始,你会对我有更高的期望值,你需要的是一个能给你我所给不了的人!你知道我是对的,毕竟这些都上演过一遍了14. - 50 bucks says they're divorced in a year.50块赌他们俩一年之内必定离婚- Six months tops.最多也就半年吧- I'll take that bet. It's the perfect marriage. There nothing to fight over if you never talk about anything.你们的赌局我加入,这明明是一桩完美婚姻,只要两个人能做到不真正交流,就永远不会发生争执15. - What did you tell her?你怎么跟她说的?- I told her she's better off without me.我跟她说,没有我她能过得更好- That's probably true. You're an idiot. You don't think she'd be better off without you.这也算大实话了……你又在犯蠢了,你才不是真觉得她没有你会过得更好呢!- Right. I set her off on a whim.对,我是一时心血来潮拒绝了她!- You have no idea why you sent her off.你根本是自己没想清楚为啥放她离开- Don't do this.别再说了- This was no great sacrifice. You sent her away because you've got to be miserable.这根本不是什么伟大的牺牲!你放她离开,是因为你必须让自己保持痛苦!- That kind of psycho-crap help get your parents through the long nights? Or is it just for you? Tough love make you feel good? Helping people feel their pain.你就是靠这种狗屁心理学理论帮你的病人渡过慢慢长夜的吗?还是只对你自己适用?看别人虐恋是不是会让你有快感?你还在他们伤口上撒盐!You don't like yourself. But you do admire yourself. It's all you've got, so you cling to it. You're so afraid if you change, you'll lose what makes you special. Being miserable doesn't make you better than everybody else, House. It just makes you miserable.你自我厌恶,却又孤芳自赏,这是你人设上仅存的特点,所以你攥着不放;你太害怕,一旦你变幸福了,你会丧失你独树一帜的特点,豪斯,让自己保持痛苦并不能使你超脱于众人!它只会让你活受罪而已第12集--------瞒得过父母 瞒不过豪斯1. If the burns unit can prevent an infection, his body will regenerate maybe 10%. surgeons will do 20 or so grafts, six months in this room, he'll end up with a series of nasty scars, maybe some pain, but he'll live. Unless his heart shuts down 'cause we can't figure out what's causing the low potassium and tachycardia.只要烧伤科能别让他的伤口感染,他自身能再生10%的皮肤,植皮手术再帮他恢复20%,在这个房间呆上6个月之后,尽管他会满身触目惊心的疤痕,抑或还有些疼痛,但他还是能活下去;可我们要是找不出他血钾低和心跳过速的病因,拖到最后,他的心脏说不定就停跳了2. - The memo was from you.这备忘录是你自己留的啊- Where is my assistant?我的助手呢?- She left.她离职了- When?啥时候离职的?- Wednesday.周三- Seriously?真的吗?- Well, the temp agency sent someone, but she got lost.职介公司后来又给介绍了个新的,但她没找到来的路- Well, when she gets here, fire her.那等她找到之后就炒了她3. - You induced a migraine headache in a coma patient?你居然让一个昏迷的病人诱发了偏头疼?- I gave him a little headache, similar to the one you're giving me now.我只是让他有那么一点点头疼,跟你现在让我头疼的程度差不多- Have you even read an ethical guideline?你到底有没有读过医科的伦理规章?- Well, it would be wrong to try out a new migraine prevention medication on someone who can actually feel pain.当然读过,但它只禁止我们在能感知到疼痛的病人身上进行新型偏头疼治疗药物的试验啊4. - So what's the plan?你的复仇计划是什么?- You wanna wait 'til he bends over and make a fart sound?准备等他鞠躬的时候放个响屁吗?- I'm not here about the past. He's a bad scientist.我来这里不是跟他算旧账的,他是个烂到家的科学家- Well, you cheated off him, how bad can he be?你还抄过他的答案,他能烂到哪儿去?- He got the answer wrong.他当时那答案是错的5. - You're going to interrupt him, aren't you?你准备中途打断他,是吧?- If I have a question.一旦我有疑问的话- And what's that going to accomplish?那你这么做究竟能达到什么目的呢?- Why can't you just enjoy this? Why can't you just be happy for me?你不能袖手旁观地好好欣赏吗?你干嘛就不能为我高兴一回呢?- You have got to find less debilitating outlets than humiliating people. I hear bowling is more fun than stalking.因为你需要找些比羞辱人更健康一点的情绪纾解方式,我听说玩保龄球比当跟踪狂有趣多了- But I'm better at this.可我干这个更在行啊6. - It's always been my understanding that, unless you follow a daily regimen, no drug can prevent a migraine.但就我所知,不可能有一种药不需要每日服就能治疗偏头疼的- That's why they call it a breakthrough.所以他们才要将其称之为突破啊- That's why you call it a breakthrough.那是你自己单方面称它为突破- No, the pharmaceutical company sponsoring my clinical trials also hails it as a breakthrough.不不,赞助我临床测试的那个制药公司同样认为那是一个突破- I'm sure your wife and lawyer do too. Is there anybody who doesn't stand to make a fortune from it, calling it a breakthrough?那我肯定你妻子和律师也都会认同,如果一个药的问世可以帮你赚得盆满钵满,谁会不愿意称其为突破呢?7. Yeah. The guy running Slurp N' Gulp tells me it's one of the best.是啊,被一个玩吸吮后吞咽的人(暗指嫖娼)称为最好的杂志- Get a hooker. Anything.那还不如随便找个妓女来问呢- See, I'm thinking that publishing studies is probably the easiest way to get a pharmaceutical company to give you a reach-around. And choosing a journal that no one can actually read, well, that's... that's shrewd.我是这么考虑的,把自己的研究发表出来多半是一种最容易获取制药公司青睐的方式,而选一本实际上没什么人能看懂的期刊来发表,那……真是老奸巨猾8. Foolproof plan, by the way. Either his meds would work, and you'd be in psychic pain because Von Evil is gonna be rich. Or they wouldn't, and you get to be in agony all day. Perfect lose/lose situation. Very you.顺便提一嘴,你这真是双保险:如果他的药确实有疗效,那么邪恶的万先生会因此一夜暴富,你心理上从此留下严重阴影;要么他的药没有疗效,你生理上会备受一天煎熬;妥妥的损人不利己,符合你的一贯作风9. - You get distracted by pain. Leaves less room for the things you don't wanna think about. Like the flyers sucking, or the price of gas, or the fact that you pushed the love of your life out of your life.你借助疼痛感分散注意,好让自己没心思去想那些你不想考虑的事情:比如飞机失事啦,天然气价格啦,亦或是你把一生挚爱从你生活中赶走了的事儿啦- God, I wish the pain would go away.天哪,我真希望疼痛赶紧消失- Next time you need to get your mind off her, stick a needle in your eye. It's less annoying to the rest of us when you can still walk.如果你下次再对她念念不忘,就往眼睛里插根针吧(发毒誓),毕竟对大家来说,你能走路的时候还不至于那么烦人10. Bad news, you son has a filthy, unhealthy habit. Good news, he's trying to quit. Bad news, the quitting's killing him. Good news, I can cure him. Bad news... Nope, that's the end of it.坏消息是,你儿子有个肮脏且不健康的陋习;好消息是,他正在试着戒烟,坏消息是,戒烟正在要着他的小命;好消息是,我有办法救他,坏消息是……没了,到此为止了11. - Thank you for ruining my clinical trials. Pharmaceutical company's shutting me down.托你的福,我的临床试验胎死腹中了,制药公司停止了和我的合作- You're kidding. Really?你开玩笑的吧,真的吗?- How could that surprise you? You sent them an email complaining about my math, telling them about your stunt.你惊讶个毛线啊?你不是给他们发了封电子邮件,数落了一通我的数学水平,还卖弄了一番你的伎俩- I didn't know people actually read emails. Delete button is so conveniently located--我不知道电子邮件还真的有人会看,毕竟删除键按起来那么顺手……12. Eye for an eye, LSD and antidepressants, everything in balance. Buddhists call it karma, Christians call it the golden rule, jews call it... I don't know. Rabbi Hillel said something poignant. Universe always settles the score.一报还一报,迷幻药和抗抑郁药,世间万物都有平衡,佛教里称为因果报应,基督教里称为黄金准则,犹太教里称为……我说不出来,反正拉比席勒总说一些凄美的话,什么天地存法、善恶有报之类的第13集--------超级宝贝之谜1. - How'd you get here?你怎么过来的?- By osmosis.渗透过来的- No helmet?连头盔都不戴?- Didn't seem like riding weather.这鬼天气可不适合骑摩托- The fact that you can barely stand upright had nothing to do with it?我看你都几乎站不直,难不成这和你迟到这么久有关?- Infarctions hurt. That's what they do.腿上梗塞的伤很疼,习以为常了- Worsening pain could actually be a good thing. Means the nerves might be regenerating.疼痛加剧实际上可能是件好事,这说明你的神经也许正在再生中- It could be good, it could be bad. Thanks for the differential.可能是好事,也可能是坏事,多谢你的宝贵诊断2. - I was passed out, but I wasn't. I knew what was going on, but I couldn't move or talk.我倒地了,但意识还是很清醒,我能感知到周围发生的事情,可我没法动也没法说话- Yeah, it sounds like a medical thing. It's called "cataplexy". Catfight and cataplexy on the catwalk. Cool.嗯,听你的描述,有一个病症符合,学名叫作猝倒——走秀美女几招花拳绣腿后,咻一下猝倒,这句话绝!(押头韵)3. There's something about her, something in her eyes, kind of a maturity.没错,但她的一些气质,包括眼神什么的,都显得挺早熟的- Yeah, yeah, she's an old soul. This is creepy even for you.- 是啊,她有个成熟的灵魂,这在你身上发生也太古怪了- She's a fashion model on the cover of magazines. They hold her up as the sexual ideal, the law says we can't touch her for three more years. How hypocritical is that?她是个出现在各种杂志上的时尚模特,人们把包装成性感偶像,但法律却规定我们未来三年之内不能碰她,这是有多矛盾啊?4. - Evidence to the contrary. The rounded hips. The perfectly sculpted, bountiful breasts.但事实却恰恰与此相悖——圆润的肥臀、形状完美的丰乳- Implants. I've seen some of her photos. They've grown dramatically since last summer.胸是隆的吧,我看过她以前的照片,一个夏天之后,她的双峰就像打了气一样鼓起来了- Symptomatic of turning 14. Two clinic hours says that those "love apples" are handcrafted by God.女孩满14岁的典型特征,我用2小时门诊时间打赌,这些肉蒲团绝对是出自上帝的手艺- I thought you didn't believe in God.我一直以为你不相信有上帝来着- I do now.我现在信了5. He manages her career, travels the world with her, at her side 24/7. He's either a very good dad or a very bad dad. You saw that touckhus. Would the fact that she's your daughter really stop you?父亲打理女儿的事业,和她一起环游世界,无时无刻都陪伴在她身边,他要么是个慈父,要么是个恶棍!你也见过那个尤物了,她是自己女儿的事实会妨碍他伸出魔爪吗?6. - Why would your mind go to abuse so fast?你怎么那么快就联想到性虐待去了?- Because I had a funny uncle.因为我有个有趣的叔叔- You were abused?你被他性侵过?What? No. Why would your mind go to that so fast? I just had a funny uncle. Great stories, always filthy.什么?没有!你怎么那么快就联想到那儿去了?我只是有个有趣的叔叔,会讲很多好玩又猥琐的故事7. Do you love her enough to admit that you slept with her? Psychology conditions can manifest themselves in physical problems. Sometimes, these can be extreme enough to kill. There are treatments, but only if there is a diagnosis. Are you gonna admit that you slept with your daughter or are you just gonna let her die?你对她的父爱是否浓烈到让你勇于承认跟她上过床?心理状况能通过身体上的一些问题显现出来,极端情况下,这些问题甚至会致命;治疗手段是有,但只能在确诊的情况下用,你到底是打算勇敢地承认你睡过你女儿,还是宁可让她就这么死去?8. - So we're just gonna leave a child molester in the same room as his victim?我们就这么让一个未成年人性骚扰犯和他的受害者共处一室?- It's got windows. Fine. Arrest him. Use Cuddy's handcuffs.那房间有窗户,逮捕他也行,可以用上卡蒂的情趣手铐- If you're too distracted to deal with this because your leg hurts, then...如果你现在因为腿疼而心不在焉,处理不了这件事的话,那……- Yeah, I'm distracted! I'm all hung up on this 15-year-old patient who's cataplectic, can't remember what she had for lunch, and is rapidly losing control of her body.对,我心不在焉!我满心都在想着那个发生了猝倒、正迅速丧失着肢体控制,甚至连自己中午吃什么都不记得的15岁的女病人!9. - House, this is God.豪斯,我是上帝- Look, I'm a little busy right now. Not supposed to talk during these things. You got time Thursday?喂,我现在有点忙,而且做检查的时候规定不能聊天,你周四有时间吗?- Let me check. oh, I've got a plague. How about Friday?我查查,呀,那天我要去制造一场瘟疫,改周五怎样?- You'll have to check with Cameron.你去问卡麦伦确认吧- Oh, damn it. She always wants to know why bad things happen.该死!她最喜欢打破砂锅问到底了10. - Well, you did the right thing. If you hadn't gone to Cuddy, I would've.不过,你做的事是对的,就算你没去找卡蒂,我也会去- If this guy had known we had to report him, he'd never have told House the truth.可一旦这家伙知道了我们要举报他,他就不会跟豪斯说实话了- She's a child. She needs to be protected.她是个未成年人,理应受到法律保护- She dropped out of high school to make millions of dollars. Why does she need more protection than some crack whore shivering in the clinic waiting room?她从高中辍学之后,已经赚了几百万美金,凭什么她要比那些在候诊室里吓得直哆嗦的妓女们得到更多法律保护?- I think you're just afraid to piss House off.我猜你就是怕惹毛豪斯吧- There's that too.也有这方面原因11.- Get one of your lackeys to do it.找个你的手下帮忙吧- I don't want them knowing.我不想让他们知道- That you're on the road to becoming a junkie?你变成一个瘾君子的事儿还需要瞒他们?- That I'm in this much pain. I don't want them questioning my judgment. I can't ask Wilson, because he figures it's all in my head.我不想他们知道我痛到这种程度,我不想让他们质疑我的判断;我也不能找威尔森,因为他一直认为这是我心理的问题12. - Maybe the protein level was some sort of anomaly. It might still just be PTSD.或许球蛋白的水平有点异常,可能只是PTSD吧- Just PTSD? Yeah, Daddy's diddling her. Nothing to worry about.只是PTSD?对,她只是被她爸猥亵了?没啥好大惊小怪的- Okay, let me rephrase.好,我重新措辞Maybe the protein level was some sort of anomaly. Oh, my God! It might be PTSD!可能球蛋白的水平有点异常,哦,上帝啊!莫非是得了PTSD?13. - We found a tumor.我们发现个肿瘤- She has cancer?她有癌症?- Technically, no.严格来说,不对- So it's not cancer?那就不是癌症咯?- No, it's cancer, but "he" has cancer. On his left testicle.不,癌症是没错,但患癌症的是“他”,就在他的左侧睾丸上- I don't have testicles.我又没有睾丸- She's not a guy.她又不是男孩- His DNA says you're wrong. Frogs and snails and puppy dog tails.他的DNA可不是这么说的:青蛙、蜗牛、小狗尾巴,该有的全有第14集--------都是性病惹的祸1. Here's how testicular cancer would manifest itself. First, the patient would get the exact symptoms that he's got. Then Foreman would examine him. Then he'd suspect testicular cancer on account of the symptoms being so perfect. Then he'd stick a needle in it. Then he'd call a surgeon. And while that guy operates, the rest of us would be out bowling. And since we're not wearing bowling shoes, the disease obviously did not progress in that fashion.睾丸癌一般表现的套路是这样的:首先,病人会准确描述出他自己的症状,然后福曼会对他进行检查,因为他的症状太过典型,自然而然就会被怀疑是睾丸癌,然后里面再挨上一针之后,就可以叫外科医生来手术了;他动手术的时候,我们其他人就能去保龄馆嗨皮了;可既然我们现在谁也没穿保龄球鞋,显然他的病就不会按这个路线往下发展2. When guys have brain-crotch problems, it's usually the result of using one too much and the other too little.当男人们的大脑或者下体出问题时,通常都是因为一个用得太多、另一个又用得太少3. - Frankly, you buy that stuff, the terrorists win.坦白说,你买了这个,就等于在向恐怖分子投降- Some people bottle up their feelings, have them come out as physical pain. Healthy human beings express feelings, such as affection, by giving gifts.个别人一直在压抑自己的情感,再以疼痛的形式表现在身体上;殊不知健康的人会直接表达情感,比如送些小礼物来表达下爱意- Gifts express guilt. The more expensive the expression, the deeper the guilt.礼物代表负疚感,而且礼物的价值越高,负疚感就越深- That's a $12 box.那巧克力才12美元- So either you haven't slept with her yet, or she wasn't that good.所以,要么你和她还没到滚床单那步,要么她床上表现不行4. I'm gonna get up to leave now. And I'm gonna a walk to that door, turn the handle. And then you're suddenly gonna decide that you have to tell me the truth. I'm gonna have to turn around and come all the way back. See, the thing is, my leg hurts. Can we cut the walking out of the equation?我现在准备起身离开,走到那扇门前拧动把手,到那时你会顿时意识到自己有必要向我和盘托出实情,然后我又不得不再重新转身一路走回来;可你也看得出来,我的腿疼得很,能不能让我少走一来一回这段路呢?5. - How long can you go without sex?你可以过多久无性的生活?- How long can you go without annoying people?那你又可以过多久不惹人厌的生活?- No, seriously. week? Month?不,我认真的,一周?一个月?- I'm not having an affair.我没有搞婚外恋!- I didn't say you were. Not in this conversation. We're talking about a patient.我并没说你有,起码这句话里没有,我们是在讨论一个病人的事- People have impulse control. We don't need sex.人可以克制自己的冲动,性并非必不可少- Well, not like air. But as a biological imperative, sure we do. There's two things we get stupid for. Money and sex.跟空气当然比不了,但作为一种生理需求,我们确实需要;能让人类犯蠢的东西无非就两样:金钱和性6. - Are you gonna tell her?你要告诉她吗?- That you suspect an affair? Sure. Well, she already hates you, why not?说你怀疑我有外遇?必须告诉啊,她已经够讨厌你了,何乐而不为呢?- Because you think that getting it off your chest will let you sleep better. It won't. You'll end up sleeping on my lumpy couch.因为你以为把这件事一吐为快,会让你晚上睡得更安稳一些,你错了,你的下场是到我那张凹凸不平的沙发上睡- There's nothing to tell.那我无话可说了- Then why are you playing foosball here at 8:00 at night?那为什么你会在晚上8点的时候还在这里玩台式足球?- You always want to simplify everything. Boil it down to nice, easy equations, nice, easy answers.你总是希望把所有事情都简化成精准又简单的等式、精炼又纯粹的答案- Go home and have sex with your wife.快回家和你老婆滚床单去吧7. - So you're saying that old people aren't as worth saving as young people.所以你的意思是,老年人的生命不值得我们像救年轻人一样来拯救吗?- He's saying that hearts are a scarce resource. We obviously have to choose criteria--他的意思是,心脏是相当稀缺的资源,所以我们必须有一个筛选的准则……- No, I get it. Women live longer, so they should get preference, right? And African-Americans, they die a lot younger. So to hell with them.不,我懂了,女人寿命更长,所以她们永远应该优先考虑,是吗?而非洲裔美国人寿命要短得多,所以他们活该早死- What, you think you're gonna win me over by calling me a racist?怎么,你觉得你把我归为种族主义者就能说服我?- If the test is who gets to use it the longest, you can either be a racist or a hypocrite.如果你按器官移植后的使用寿命作为标准,那你就算不是种族主义,也是伪君子8. - 90-year-old woman died of pneumonia.有个90岁的老太太死于肺炎- Unless she has a bionic heart, what's next?除非她是人造心脏,下一个?- Um……baby died in the ICU.嗯……重症室死了个婴儿- Babies are useless. They've got hearts the size of ping-pong balls. Next?婴儿的心脏没办法用于移植,他们心脏才像乒乓球这么大,下一个呢?- Um……40-year-old male……嗯……一个40岁的男性……- Yes?然后呢?- Heart attack.心脏病……9. - Enzymes indicate--酶表明……- You want us to do a differential diagnosis on a dead person?难道你要我们给一个死人做鉴别诊断?- We're going to cure her.我们要把她治好- We're going to cure death?你要我们治好一个死人?- MWAHAHAHAHA!Doubt it. Just want to get the infection out of her heart before we get the heart out of her.哈哈哈哈~当然不是,我是说要赶在把她心脏取出体外之前,去除她体内的感染源10. - Your shirt is ironed. That means you haven't told your wife anything.你的衬衣是烫过的,说明你跟你老婆什么都没说- Let's say you're right.就假设被你说中了吧- You're saying I'm right?真被我说中了?- No. Let is saying. Does it occur to you that maybe there's some deeper guidance than keep your mouth shut that maybe a friend might value concern over glibness? That maybe…… Maybe I'm going through something that I need to have an actual conversation about?不,只是“假设说”,你是否想过,除了沉默不语,你说不定还能给我一些更具深刻意义的建议呢?说不定比起花言巧语,朋友可能更看重你那份关切的心,因为说不定……我真的在经历一些需要找人倾诉的事情呢?- Does it occur to you that if you need that kind of a friend, you may have made some deeper errors.那你又是否想过,当你真有了那一类朋友的话,你指不定会犯下更严重的错误呢?11.- I guess you never really know someone, do you?我想我们从来没法真正了解一个人,对吗?- Quite the insight. She lied to you about her hair color. And didn't want you to know she thought she was fat. Unless you never lied to her about anything that huge. And then you can probably let those slide.看得很透彻,她就自己的头发颜色对你说了谎,还瞒了你她其实嫌弃自己胖这件事,看来你真的从没对她撒过类似的“弥天大谎”,所以才会疏漏这些蛛丝马迹12. - She's positive for gonorrhea.她淋病检测呈阳性- I think that's the first time those words have been uttered in joy.我想这是这句话头一回听起来如此悦耳第15集--------“模范”夫妻1. - If he's not happily married, I don't know who could be.要是这样的婚姻还不能算幸福,那我觉得没人能算了- They're looking for something. If you're happy, you got nothing to look for.他们显然在寻求刺激,你要是本来就很幸福,干嘛还去找刺激- His wife arranged it for an anniversary present. And if you ask me, if two people really trust each other, a threesome once every seven years might actually help a marriage.他们结婚周年纪念,他老婆把这个当礼物送了给他;要我说,如果两个人互相信任,每逢七年之痒的时候都玩一次三人行,说不定真的有助于促进感情- Okay I say we stop the DDX and discuss that comment.好,我们也别诊断了,我们就这个话题讨论个够吧2. - Marriages don't fail because couples get bored. They fail because while they're dating, people pretend to be the person they think their partner wants and then……well there's only so long you can keep that up.婚姻的失败通常不是因为感到无趣,而是因为在恋爱的时候,人都会想方设法展示自己好的一面去取悦对方,然后……时间一长,大家就都慢慢原形毕露了- Maybe they are that person while they're dating but then they change.也可能他们在恋爱时确实是真实的自己,是后来才变化的呢- People thinking their partner will change? That's another reason marriages fail. People don't change. At least not in any way that really matters.你指望你的另一半会改变?这是婚姻失败的另一个原因:人都禀性难移,至少在大原则上不会变3. - These are macadamia nut pancakes. Wilson made 'em and they're amazing.这是澳大利亚坚果仁薄饼,威尔森做的,真是太好吃了- She said she doesn't use bug spray but-她说她不用杀虫剂,但……- Silver dollar slices of heaven.此等美味只应天上有- Some ants are poisonous. Maybe-有些蚂蚁是有毒的,也许……- Forget the 72 virgins. I blow myself up in a crowded restaurant, I'm gonna be asking for a plate of these babies.升天后我可以连72处女都不要(伊斯兰教传说);就算我要在一家餐厅搞自杀性爆炸,也要先点一盘这煎饼填饱肚子再说4. - You've told more than one patient his wife is sleeping with his daughter's karate teacher? You wanna stir the pot, you have to clean up the mess.难道你跟很多病人都说过,他太太跟自己女儿的空手道教练搞外遇吗?你想煽风点火,就要负责清扫战场- What would you do if you got herpes?你要是染了疱疹会怎么做?- She's coming in at 5:00, don't make me come looking for you.她五点会来这里,到时候别让我再到处找你了5. - If he suspected that maybe his wife had also been playing pickle games, he could just keep it on the down-low. Just wait till she got infected.如果他曾怀疑他老婆可能也在外面红杏出墙,他只要对此睁一眼闭一眼,然后等着她也发病就行了- You'd give your own wife herpes just to shift the blame onto-你把疱疹传染给妻子,只为把责任转嫁到……- Oh, he'd give his own mother herpes if it got him out of clinic duty.只要能让他逃掉门诊责任,就算把疱疹传给亲生母亲他也愿意6. - Because there's no reason to test for the other 30. They don't get into the air or food. They only get in you if someone puts them in you. And the only way we're going to find out what she's been sprinkling on his corn flakes is to search her.因为剩余的30种也没有必要做,食物或空气里绝对不会有,除非是有人在故意给你投毒!所以我们唯一能够查明她在玉米片里掺了什么东西的办法,就是搜她的身I am not going to accuse a woman of trying to murder her own husband based simply on some paranoid theory.我才不会因为你的某些偏执理论就去控告一个女人谋杀亲夫呢7. - It's the only explanation.这是唯一的解释了!- No it's the only explanation your twisted mind can come up with because you're angry that you can't find the answer, and you're taking it out on her.不,这只是你那套歪理邪说里的唯一解释,就因为你想不出答案,所以气得狗急跳墙了,继而想发泄到她的身上!- And you are protecting a complete stranger based on some childishly romantic notion that people are all so happily married they don't want to kill each other.那你呢,只是基于自己幼稚的爱情观,就去维护一个完全不了解的陌生人,整天做什么“人们都婚姻幸福美满,不会自相残杀”的白日梦!8. - Either you two ever sit on a public toilet? Well?你们两个应该都用过公用马桶吧?嗯?- Of course.那当然- Herpes can live for short periods of time outside the body.疱疹病毒在短时间内,是可以在体外存活的- Dr. House you know you can't get herpes-豪斯医生,你要知道人没法染上……- Some politically correct doctors will tell you that it's impossible to get infected by a toilet seat, but they'll also tell you not to use the same bath towel to dry your crotch and your face during an outbreak. See the contradiction?某些品行端正的医生会告诉你,你绝不可能从马桶座上感染到病毒,但一旦你在疱疹发作期间,他们又会告诫你,不要用一条擦过下体的浴巾去擦脸,发现矛盾了吗?9. - He could believe that you can herpes from a toilet seat, or he could be cheating on you and just be happy to have an out.他要么就是真以为能从坐便器染上疱疹,要么就是因为能有个借口来掩盖自己的外遇而庆幸- The toilet seat makes sense doesn't it?坐便器确实是一种可能性,不是么?- Sure but she'd only refused to believe such a well presented lie if she were innocent. And since you both can't be innocent……you rutty jackass.那是自然,可如果她真是清白的,她一定不信会有这么天衣无缝的谎言;既然你们两个都不清白,那你们这俩都是混蛋!10. - She had to go to the bathroom.她执意要去卫生间- I told you not to let her.我都说了让你拦住她!- What was I supposed to do? Tie her up?那我能怎么办?把她绑起来?Why not? She likes that.干嘛不绑?她爱玩这套啊!11. I never actually found a mummy. But I did learn a fair amount about the ancient Egyptians. For example they discovered that stannous chloride is not only great for toughening ruby glass, but if it's mixed with gold, it turns bright purple. Now either your fingers actually are worth their weight in gold, or you've been sprinkling your husband's cereal with gold sodium thiomalate. It's an arthritis remedy that it's rarely used here in the in the U.S. But it's still popular in Mexico.我从未真正找到过木乃伊,但我确实因此学到了许多古代埃及人的知识:比如,他们发现氯化锡不仅可以增加红玻璃的强度,而且它们在遇到金元素之后会变成亮紫色;现在看你的手指,要么它们是黄金做的,要么你一直在偷偷往丈夫吃的麦片里掺金硫丁二钠,这是一种关节炎疗法,虽然在美国鲜有人用,但在墨西哥还是很盛行的12. - Or maybe she just gets her kicks out of slowly sucking the life out of a guy, watching him suffer.又或者,她纯粹只是喜欢观察一个男人的生命被慢慢耗尽,看着他活受罪- He must've done something to her.他一定做过对不起她的事- Yeah he had it coming.对,他咎由自取- I didn't say he deserved it. The only thing he did wrong was marry a sociopath.我可不是这个意思,他唯一做的错事就是娶了一个反社会人士- Or maybe she just got tired of being married. Didn't want to admit to family and friends that the marriage everyone thought was perfect wasn't.或者她只是厌倦了婚姻生活,又不愿对家人和朋友们承认:这桩人人眼中的美满婚姻,事实上并不幸福第16集--------无菌至极1. - What are you doing?你这是怎么了?- What? You asked me--怎么?你问我的……- You knew that I was interested. That gives you a valuable bargaining chip. Could've had me doing dishes for a week.你明明料到我就吃这套,这样就能让你手握一枚价值连城的筹码,足够换得哥哥我心甘情愿洗一周的盘子2. - Six months after the transplant she doesn't need to be confined to a clean room.她其实在移植手术6个月之后就不必待在无菌室了- Six months without putting out, Dr. Cuddy doesn't need to wear thong panties but it's not our call.就算整整6个月不浪,卡蒂医生也完全不必穿那些丁字裤,但这事儿轮不到我们说话- I was wondering when you'd get around to my panties.我就搞不懂了,你干嘛老纠结于我穿什么内裤?(见E2-3)3. - So the boyfriend brought in an allergen and is lying about it.这么说致敏原是他男友带来的,又故作隐瞒- Or the girl snuck out and she's lying about that.或者是女孩子溜了出去,又对此默不作声- Or the parents are lying about the room being clean.或者父母在房间的无菌程度上撒谎了- These are your big ideas? Somebody's lying?这就是你们的真知灼见?有人没说实话?4. - I saw Finding Nemo. I get it. I don't need another story.我看过海底总动员,我能明白,不需要再听大道理了- But you're not just being overprotected. You're one of the most overprotective parents I've ever seen.但你已经不止是保护过度的问题了,你是我所见过的家长里,保护过度做到极致的了- She has the best private tutors. I let her friends visit. I’m not going to apologize.我给她请最好的家庭教师,也允许她的朋友来探访,我这个妈当得问心无愧5. - We should tell her parents.我们应该告诉她父母- Why stop there? Call the cops.光告诉父母够吗?报警才好呢- Melinda's a minor.梅琳达还未成年- And if we nip it in the bud here teenagers will never again have sex. The parents will find out when they get the bill anyway.如果我们说出去,这俩孩子可能以后再也尝不到禁果了,等家长拿到医疗帐单之后,他们反正也会知道- Oh, so you're fine with them finding out as long as you don't have to tell them personally?喔,所以他们自己发现就无所谓,只要你不当那个去告密的恶人就行了呗?- Pretty much.差不多- Too bad it's not you giving the sample. we'd be done by now.真可惜不是你去取样,否则现在早就结束了(奇斯……囧)6. - Sorry. There's a reason they call it the white board. it's not my rule. What ties both these conditions together?抱歉,他们称之为“白板”是有原因的,不是我规定的(暗指黑人不能往上写) 这些病症之间有什么关联?- Okay, we can all stare at each other, or we can investigate what caused the heart failure. Just the heart failure. You wanna give me that black marker?好吧,我们要么都一直这样大眼瞪小眼,要么我们去把她导致心衰的原因找出来,就找心衰这一个症状的,把那支“黑”马克笔给我好吗?(暗指黑人能用)7. - When I was eight years old I was sick. Well not really sick but the point is my mom she--我8岁的时候生过一次病,其实病得不重,但重点是当时我妈……- She was like this before. Home by 9:00 every night, can't go out on the weekends, can't do sports. Transplant just gave her what she always wanted.她在我病之前就一向如此:每晚9点必须回家,周末也不能出门,不能做运动;心脏移植手术正好给了她对我继续强加管束的理由- Melinda... you had heart failure. This is kind of an insane time to be criticizing your mom about being overprotective.梅琳达……你都出现心力衰竭了,现在来苛责你妈妈对你过分保护,恐怕不是最佳时机吧?- I know. I mean this is what makes it even worse, all of her craziness it just... it makes sense now.我知道,我想说,这之后她变本加厉了,她所有这些疯狂行为,就显得更天经地义了8. - Do you know where my pee went?你知道我尿到哪里去了么?- You're missing some?你洒出来了?- No. Came out of me and went right into the toilet. Now why would that be?不,从我身体一路顺畅地奔流到了马桶里,请问这是为什么?- You're William Tell. you could pick an apple off someone's head?因为你是威廉泰尔,箭法准得可以从一个人头上射下苹果?- No, it's because there was no clear plastic wrap over the toilet. Stuff's in the kitchen. You have plenty of time. All that was missing was the will.不,是因为马桶没有被塑料保鲜膜包裹住!现在东西就在厨房里,你有大把的时间,只不过你缺少了点意志力9. As long as you're here it's just a fight. As soon as you get a place then it's a divorce. Everything sucks. Might as well find something to smile about.只要你还在这儿,你俩就还只是冷战,可一旦你搬去了别的地方,你俩就成离婚了!生活都不遂如人意,还不如多给自己找些乐子笑一笑10. This girl's tough. She gets what she wants. She's deprived of human contact; she gets herself a backdoor man. Or in her case a side window boy. What else has she been deprived of?这个女孩很倔,总是我行我素,她被剥夺了和人接触的机会,就给自己找了个“秘密情人”,她那位或许应该叫“爬窗男孩”,她还被剥夺了什么?- She's on a special diet because of the cardiology因为心脏病,她必须按规定饮食- The boyfriend brings the hot beef. He also brings a side dish: Botulism.而后男友就偷偷给她送来了热牛排,同时也带来了一道副菜:肉毒杆菌第17集--------“豪”注一掷1. We're smaller and better than chimps, bigger and worse than gorillas. For all our rationality, our supposed trust and fealty to a higher power, our ability to create a system of rules and laws, our baser drives are more powerful than any of that. We want to control our emotions but we can't.我们的尺寸不如黑猩猩但质量更高、与大猩猩比则反之;尽管我们的理性能约束自己,把忠诚和信任置于更高的境地,还能用其来自身创造规则和法律体系,然而我们的本能却还是能高于理性,情感是我们想控制也控制不了的2. - House usually avoids cases. If he's actually stealing a case from Cuddy there's got to be a reason.豪斯向来不会主动接病例,如果他会主动把一个病例从卡蒂那儿撬过来,那一定事出有因- It's not the first time I've seen this file. About a month before Cameron was hired, some trucker came in here with these symptoms. House decided he was dying. Two days and a spinal tap bone marrow extraction and three colonoscopies later, we sent the guy home with a bunch of painkillers and a diagnosis of a bad cheese sandwich.这不是我第一次接触这份病历了,大约是在雇佣卡麦伦的一个月前,有过一名出现了类似症状的卡车司机,豪斯当时也判了他死刑;可在两天之内给他做完了脊椎穿刺、骨髓抽取和三次结肠镜后,我们对他的诊断结果是,三明治里含了变质的芝士导致的食物中毒,开了点止痛药就让他出院了3. - I'll page Cuddy.我去呼卡蒂- No you won't.不,你别去- She thinks the kid has a stomach ache.她到现在还以为这孩子只是腹痛呢!- She'll come right up here and do one of two things. If she agrees with me I don't need her. If she disagrees I don't want her.她知道之后,上来就不外乎做两件事:要么支持我的说法,可我用不着;要么不支持我的说法,我不想看到4. - We got one advantage. We know where the tracks are going.我们还有一个优势:我们知道这列车的最终去向- The fact that the end of the line is death……is an advantage?这病的终点是死亡这件事……居然算是个优势?- The fact that we know is an advantage. Means maybe we can get ahead of it.只要能提前预知就是一种优势,这表示我们或许能先下手为强5. - You're paired. What? Nines?你拿了对子?什么对?9?- How do you know?你怎么会知道?- Anything lower you wouldn't sound so excited. Jacks or higher, your voice sounds like Debbie from accounting is sitting in your lap.比这小的牌,你不至于听起来这么兴奋,但如果大过了J,你的声音就会听起来得意得像会计部的黛比正坐你腿上一样6. - Have you read Moby Dick?你有没有读过《白鲸记》?- It was a book?这是一本书?- It was ten years ago. - 12.- 那是10年前的事儿了 - 12年前- Obsession is dangerous.刻舟求剑很危险的Only if you're on a wooden ship and your obsession is a whale. I think I'm in the clear.可当你坐在一条木舟上,你刻舟求的是一条鲸鱼就不会,所以我觉得我还算安全7. - You do realize it's a metaphor?你知道这是一种暗喻吧?- You do realize that the point of metaphors is to scare people from doing things by telling them that something much scarier is going to happen than what will really happen. God I wish I had a metaphor to explain that better.你也知道暗喻的目的是在于:通过夸张的手法来告诉大家,接下来会发生一些比实际更恐怖的事,从而把人们吓得做事畏手畏脚……天哪,我真希望能用个暗喻更好地表达这句话8. - There are three of you here. None of you had the sense to stop him. To pick up a phone and call me.你们3个人都在,居然没有一个人想到要阻止他或者给我打个电话吗?- I told them you'd signed off. The parents are mad because their kid is dying. It's understandable. But if he doesn't die they won't be mad anymore.我告诉他们你把病例转给我了,家长会愤怒是因为孩子奄奄一息了,这无可厚非;可如果他最终活了下来,家长的气自然会消- If he's brain-damaged they might still be a little ticked.孩子大脑受损的话,他们照样会余怒未消的- I had to do it to save him.那是为了救他不得已而为之的- You had to do it to diagnose Esther. You may have killed a six-year-old because you're obsessed with a woman who's been dead for 12 years. Sometimes you lose, House. You're not god.你那是为了给埃丝特一个迟到的诊断!你仅仅因为放不下12年前一个女病人的死,不惜让一个6岁小孩陪葬!你总有失手的时候,豪斯,你不是上帝!9. - Disease lied.疾病撒谎了- Yeah the tumor's got it in for you. Diseases don't lie.肿瘤的样本都在你手上了,疾病才不会撒谎呢- Fine it didn't lie. It slow played us. We biopsied the colon but it hadn't reached the GI tract yet. It's there now. It's in his liver his lungs……好吧,它没撒谎,但它在跟我们玩捉迷藏,我们当时活检的是结肠,那阵儿它还没到消化道,它是现在才到的,而且还到了肝、肺……- You want it to be there. Because then you didn't screw up 12 years ago.只是你希望它到了,因为这样12年前的事情就不算你的失误了- We can't waste our one test on the one disease we know it's not.我们不能再浪费一份样本去做一项已经排除掉的测试!第18集--------包容谎言的爱情1. - She hasn't slept in ten days.她有10天没合过眼了- She's lying. Without REM sleep your neurons stop regenerating. Your brain shuts down lobe by lobe. She'd be insane after five days dead by ten.那她撒谎,没有快速动眼睡眠,神经元会停止再生,大脑会逐渐停止工作,5天不睡她就疯了,不到10天就死了2. - Come on. If you two guys can't play nice together I'm taking away your toys. I don't care whose fault this is.跟我来,如果你们不能愉快共事,那我可要采取些必要手段了,我才不管这是谁的错呢- If you hadn't-- - I especially don't care if it was my fault.- 如果你没有…… - 尤其是错在我的情况下,我就更不在乎了3. - Keep her awake.让她保持清醒- Depriving her of even the few minutes of sleep she does have--it's torture.你要连她仅有的几分钟睡眠都剥夺吗……你这是虐待!- So is cutting people with knives, but you can totally get away with that if you have a doctor coat on.用刀割开人体也是虐待,可只要你穿上白大褂,就没人追究你责任了4. If you want the pill, all you have to do is to walk into any health clinic in Jersey alone and ask for it. What exactly was your plan? Were you going to exchange the birth control pills for some over-the-counter decongestants and hope that your mom's cold lasts another six years?如果你想要避孕药,只要走进新泽西任何一家药店,直接买就行了;你来这儿到底是打什么算盘?难道你想用避孕药去替换她吃的感冒药,然后指望你妈妈的感冒在六年内都好不了?5. - Was this just one of your experiments? You just wanted to see how I'd react to being screwed over by Foreman?这是你的试验之一么?你是想看看我被福曼算计会作何反应对吗?- Nice idea, but no. This was just good old-fashioned laziness. Gotta hand it to Foreman though. He knew that you're a suck-up and I don't give a crap. He successfully exploited us both.主意倒不错,可惜不是,这纯粹是我自己的老问题——懒惰,不过老狐狸还是得数福曼,他明知你会急于向我表现也知道我不吃这套,他是成功利用了我们俩的软肋6. You on the other hand, continue to be flabbergasted every time someone actually acts like a human being. Foreman did what he did because it worked out best that way for him. That's what everyone does.但是你呢,还是一如既往地喜欢对别人一些正常的行为上纲上线,福曼会那样做,是因为这么做对他而言最有利,这是人类的本性7. - Does max know Hannah plans to leave her?麦克斯知道汉娜想离开她么?- Didn't come up. So I guess…… No.没提这茬儿,所以我猜……不知道吧- If she knew there's no way she'd go through with this.如果她知道了,恐怕她不会愿意这么做的- And if you didn't have pathological need to create a close personal relationship with every dying person you meet we would be blissfully ignorant of any ethical dilemmas and might be able to actually concentrate on the differential.如果你没有如此渴求地和每个所遇到的垂死病人建立私人关系,那么我们就可以心安理得地无视任何伦理上的两难,一心一意地把所有精力都放在诊断上了8. - If you allow this sort of thing in your department you're basically saying it's okay.如果你允许你的部门有这种事情发生,那你就是默认了这种做法No I'm saying that I don't care at they do as long as my life isn't interrupted by pointless conversations like this one.不,我只是想说,只要我的人生不会经常被今天这种无意义的谈话打扰到,我才不在乎他们怎么做- They won't trust each other and they won't trust you.他们不会再相互信任,也不会再信任你- They shouldn't.本来就不该信我- Deception like this is just one step removed from actively sabotaging one another. Then what would you do?这样的剽窃行为只是他们开始勾心斗角的第一步,到时候你该怎么办?- I could be the kindest, gentlest boss in the world and Foreman would've still done what he did because that's who he is. We can only hope that Cameron has learned something.大不了我就充当一下世上最仁慈、最温和的老大,而福曼还是会延续一贯的尿性,毕竟他就是那样的人,我们只能寄希望于卡麦伦能从中汲取些教训- Right because you're all about the teaching.对,你向来都是诲人不倦Our children are the future.年轻人就是未来嘛9. If she wasn't gonna tell if she was never gonna do the right thing why bother knocking her out? This isn't about them. If she talks if she does the decent thing, then you don't get to solve your puzzle, your game's over, you lose.如果她不会说,不会大义凛然,那你刚刚干嘛要费那么大劲儿麻醉她?这其实与她们的事无关,如果她说了实话,做了正确的选择,你就永远无法解开谜团,游戏就结束了,你就输了- Yeah I want to save her; I'm morally bankrupt.对,我想救她,我道德败坏,行了吧!10. - You're on his side?你也站在他那边?- Sides? No this isn't dodgeball.站边?不,这可不是玩躲避球- What am I supposed to do? Just sit back and take it?我到底该怎么做,难道就这么接受现实?- No write another article. Kick ass until you're sitting behind some big expensive desk, and someone from Johns-Hopkins calls and says, "we're thinking about hiring Eric Foreman as our head of neurology," and you can say whatever you want.不,再写另一篇文章,继续马不停蹄奋斗,直到有一天你坐进那些豪华办公桌,约翰霍普金医院有人打来电话请示你:“我们在考虑聘请艾利克福曼做我们神经科主任”,到时候他就得看你的脸色- Lovely. Revenge as motive for success.真妙,把复仇心作为成功的动力11. Imagine an idyllic river of bacteria. Okay it's not idyllic for her but it serves my purposes. The steroids and immunosuppressants acted like a big honkin' dam across the river-physics 101. Put a dam up in front of a raging river the river rises. By stopping the immunosuppressants we blew up the dam and a 100-foot wall of bacteria flooded her lymph nodes.你们想象一下,有一条美妙的细菌河流,好吧,对她来说没那么美妙,反正就那么个意思:类固醇和免疫抑制剂就像一条巨型的拦河大坝,大坝拦住河流去处的话,河水就会越涨越高;而停用免疫抑制剂就相当于摧毁了这条大坝,让她的淋巴系统淹没在30米的细菌高墙里第19集--------上帝VS豪斯1. No, you talk to God, you're religious. God talks to you, you're psychotic.不尽然,你对上帝讲话,那是宗教信仰;但你能听到上帝对你讲话,那就是精神病2. I never understood how people could be so proud of believing in something with no proof at all. Like that's an achievement.我从来就不能理解,人们怎么会对无科学根据之事如此笃信并引以为荣,就好像那是什么丰功伟绩似的3. - What are his symptoms?他有些什么症状?- He is not a saint. He figures out what's going on in people's lives by watching, listening, deducing.他并不是什么圣人,他只是通过观察、倾听、推理来探查别人生活中的一些秘密- And you're worried about trademark infringement?所以你担心他会抢了你的饭碗?- Then he passes on advice from God so he can watch them jump. It's a power trip.然后他再假借着上帝旨意的名义指出来,看他们欢欣鼓舞,简直是玩弄大众- Ah, and there the similarities end. Why is he here?呀,这点就和你不一样了,他怎么会入院的?- I fear for the human race. A teenager claims to be the voice of God and people with advanced degrees are listening.我真为人类这一物种担心:一个少年号称在传达上帝的声音,比他有阅历的成年人居然也会相信这种胡扯4. Isn't it interesting that religious behavior is so close to being crazy, we can't tell 'em apart.这真是有意思,宗教行为和精神病发作如此之相像,简直让人区分不出来5. - God says you look for excuses to be alone.上帝说,你总是想方设法找机会独处- See, that is exactly the kind of brilliance that sounds deep, but you could say it about any person who doesn't pine for the social approval of everyone he meets. Which you were cleverly able to deduce about me but not being a moron. Next time tell God to be more specific.瞧见没,你的小心机就在于此,这话听起来似乎说得很对,其实却可以用来形容任何一个不那么渴望和自己身边人建立深交的人,你机智地推断出我的个性后,找了个堂而皇之的理由说了出来,去跟上帝说,下次要表述得具体点- God wants you to invite dr. Wilson to your poker game.上帝希望你邀请威尔森医生去参与你的牌局6. - I need you to talk to my patient. I'll get this one.我需要你去跟我的病人谈谈,这个我请你吃- Why do I have the feeling you're plotting world domination?我怎么有一种你要密谋统治世界的不祥预感呢?- Moses is refusing surgery. You have a gift. People thank you for telling them they're gonna die.摩西拒绝手术,你自带一种天赋——你向人们宣布了噩耗之后,人们还会反过来感激你7. So you believe your son is……um, a saint. The way I understand it, one of the hallmarks of a saint is humility. Someone with true humility would consider the possibility that……God hadn't chosen him for that kind of honor. He'd consider the possibility that……he just had an illness.那么说你觉得你儿子是……一个圣徒?这事儿我是这么看的,谦逊是一名圣徒的基本特征之一,而一个谦逊的人应该会反思有没有一种可能……上帝并没有给他那种殊荣、会不会有一种可能……他只是生病了8. - Oh, that's crap. You're not mad because I'm risking my job. You're not even mad because I lied to you. You're mad because I lied to you, and you couldn't tell.哦,你就胡扯吧,你火冒三丈才不是因为担心我前途呢,甚至也不是因为我骗了你,你生气的真正原因是,我骗过了你而你没看出来- Yeah, you got me nailed.对,还真被你说着了- Yeah, that's why you didn't want me in your poker game. Because when it comes to being in control, Gregory House leaves our faith healer kid in the dust. And that's why religious belief annoys you. Because if the universe operates by abstract rules, you can learn them, you can protect yourself. If a supreme being exists, he can squash you any time he wants.就是因为如此,你才不肯让我参与你的牌局,因为一切都能按你的逻辑解释,你豪斯早就把你那个“信仰治疗师”置之度外了!所以宗教信仰才会惹你生气,因为如果世间凡事都有规律可循,你就能通过学习理论来保护自己;可如果上帝果真存在,只要他想,随时都能把你玩弄于鼓掌之间第20~21集--------浴火重生1. - According to baby shoes, the cop was laughing before he got shot.照小脚丫子说,这个警察在中枪之前一直在笑- Baby shoes?小脚丫子?- Guy who shot him. - Reliable witness.- 就是朝他开枪的家伙 - 这证词还真可靠- His name is baby shoes. How bad can he be?他名字都叫小脚丫子,人能有多坏?2. Saying there appears to be clotting is like saying there's a traffic jam ahead. Is it a 10-car pileup or just a really slow bus in the center lane? And if it is a bus, is it a thrombotic bus of an embolic bus? Think I pushed that metaphor too far.“像是有血块”这句话就好比在说“前方有交通堵塞”,原因究竟是十辆车连环追尾?还是一辆慢吞吞的巴士驶在中心道上?如果是巴士,那它是辆血栓巴士还是辆栓塞巴士?看来我比喻打得太晦涩了3. I grew up with cops like you. One part bully, nine parts hypocrite.你这样的警察我从小见多了,十个里一个欺软怕硬,九个虚伪小人4. - He berated Joe for being a bad cop.他指责乔是一个坏警察- Berated or humiliated?到底是指责还是羞辱?- I'm not sure. I didn't have my thesaurus with me.我不太肯定,毕竟我没有随身带辞典- One implies that he took pleasure in it. I wanna know if it was repressed black anger or just giddiness.一个词能体现出他说出口时的享受程度,我想知道他这到底是压抑许久的黑人愤怒还是头昏眼花5. - Staph infection most commonly presents on the skin.葡萄球菌感染在皮肤上最为普遍- Most commonly? You wanna treat me like any other patient, do it. But the House I know never uses phrases like "most commonly."最为普遍?你想把我当一个普通病人来治,那就治;但我认识的那个豪斯,绝不会用“最为普遍”这种词6. - It's called gratification disorder. Sort of a misnomer. If one was unable to gratify oneself, that would be a disorder.专业术语叫满足失调,但这词用得有点误导人,因为只有一个人不能满足自己时,才会出现失调- Are you saying she's masturbating?你是说她在自慰?7. If the body doesn't recognize the infection, our tests come back negative, and the disease rampages through the body unstopped.如果身体识别不出感染源,检测结果就会呈阴性,这样疾病在身体内就真的肆无忌惮了8. The world is such a complicated place if you've got higher reasoning skills. I'm often jealous of small animals and retarded children.如果一个人掌握了更高级的推理技巧,他会发现世界是如此的复杂,所以我就经常羡慕那些低等生物和弱智儿童9. Pain makes us make bad decisions. Fear of pain……is almost as big a motivator.疼痛固然会让我们做出错误决定,可对疼痛的恐惧同样会让我们丧失判断能力10. - You're playing Russian roulette, but the gun's pointed at him.这场赌局玩家是你,赌注却是他的生命- No, cutting open his head is what's dangerous.不,切开他的脑袋才是危险的- Oh, it's dangerous. Well, what would people think? The reason you don't see patients is because if you know them, you'll give a crap about them.哦,你现在知道危险了,那别人会怎么想?你从不去看望病人是因为,一旦你认识了他们,就会对他们关心则乱- I know you.我了解你- If you give a crap, you stop making outrageous calls. If this was any other patient, you'd have damned the risk and cut their head open a long time ago.一旦你关心起了他们,你就不会这么胡来,今天这要是换成其他病人,你早就不管三七二十一地切开他的脑袋了!第22集--------悲情之家1. - Dinner with Cuddy.和卡蒂约了晚饭- Still sucking up so she'll fund your play space for the chemo kids? They really ought to save their energy for other things. Like crying.你还在拍马屁让她资助你给化疗的孩子建一个游乐场?他们真的应该养精蓄锐做些其他事,比如流几滴眼泪- She's the suck-up.今晚是她拍我马屁- She asked you?她邀请你的?- She's smart. She knows if she buys me enough alcohol, my defenses just might be weakened.她算盘打得可响了,她很清楚只要三杯酒下肚,我就容易不设防了- Doesn't make sense. Unless she ran out of batteries.没道理啊,除非她振动棒的电池用完了- Hey…… I'm recently single. She's single.嘿……我最近离婚了,她又是孤家寡人一个- You're too nice for her to like you. She's not needy enough for you to like her. She's got an agenda, just not one that includes an appearance by little jimmy.你太天真善良,她不喜欢这一类型的;她不够困苦潦倒,你也不会喜欢她这一款;她确实心怀鬼胎,只是她惦记的不是你的肉体2. - Spring Chase from NICU, and I'll shut up about your date.把奇斯撤出新生儿重症室,我就不提你约会的事儿- NICU is short-staffed.新生儿重症室正缺人手- You suddenly lost the ability to lie.你突然不会骗人了- Nobody's quit NICU in two years. And if you're making up reasons, that means there is no reason. Which means he asked for the assignment, didn't he?两年内新生儿重症室就没人辞过职;如果需要你现编理由,就说明本来没有理由,也就说明是他自己要求的,对吗?- If Chase needs a break from you, he should take it.如果奇斯想暂时离开你的部门,就让他去吧- Absolutely.完全可以3. - So why are you down here? Hoping to expand your make-out pool to include the preemie to nine-year-old demographic?那你为什么到这里来?难道你打算把约会对象的搜猎范围扩展到早产儿至九岁儿童?- I needed a break. From the patients. They lie to us all the time. Foreman almost died trying to save a drug-dealing cop. I just wanted to get away from that for a while.我需要歇一歇,远离这些病人,他们嘴里没一句真话;福曼为了救个瘾君子警察,差点连命都丢了,我只是想暂时不让自己去回忆这些- What a complete load of crap. What am I, a nurse you're trying to prep with this vulnerability thing?简直一派胡言!你以为我是谁?听你诉两句苦就被会你勾搭上的护士?4. - Why should I argue? You'd just overrule me.我干嘛要跟你据理力争?你只会否决我啊- Enough! Get a pony or a watermelon farm. - House!- 够了!你还是遛马种瓜去吧!- 豪斯!- I need him to react. I need him to act like a human being. I need him to get over this boring near-death rebirth.我要他像个正常人一样,给我一点反应!我要他快点从这无聊的浴火重生状态里走出来!- I have changed. It's not something you get over.我的改变已然形成了,这可没法儿说走就走出来- Nearly dying changes everything forever. For about two months. Two months is too long. I need the guy I hired back, now.濒死经历造成的改变会一直持续……两个月,不,两个月也太长了,我要我雇的那个福曼回来,立刻!5. - In the meantime, stress her into having another seizure.与此同时,给她施压,让她重新发生一次痉挛- We can't, she's on haloperidol.不行,她被注射了镇静剂- You also can't because it's dangerous and highly unethical. Therefore, if you get caught, pretend you can't make coffee. Mental defectives get tons of slack.你不能这么做的原因还在于这太危险,且缺乏医德!所以要是被人发现,你就当场表演冲不了咖啡,毕竟人们都不跟智障一般见识6. - Not if he wants to get better.如果他想好起来,就不能保护他- He might not be able to get better.可是他也未必就能好起来- Well, then, I need a new neurologist.这样我就需要重新找个神经学家了- He got sick doing his job.他这可是算工伤!- If he got killed doing his job, I wouldn't keep him on the payroll. I don't care how guilty you feel or how touched you are by his reborn spirit.那要是他因公殉职,我们还不用付他薪水了呢;我才不管你有多内疚,或者多么被他的重生精神感动呢7. - Look, a few weeks ago, you were upset that I didn't consider you a friend. Now you're upset that I'm happy?你瞧,几星期前,我不把你当朋友,你难过,可现在我变得佛系了,你还是难过?- What can I say? Apparently, I'm a bitch.我能说什么?显然是我自己犯贱- I didn't say that.我不是那个意思- It's annoying. Insisting every day of your life is a blessing is basically calling everyone else shallow. Gets old.真是很烦人啊,你把每一天都当作生活的恩赐,就等于在变相指责别人的肤浅,太老套了8. - Accuse a recovered drunk of slipping, most of the time, you'd be right.指责一个曾戒酒的酒鬼重新走上老路,多数情况下不会错- So I drink. You're acting like this is my fault.我是喝了,你说得好像这是我的错咯?- People are gonna feel sorry for you. They'll tell you that you can't anticipate the unthinkable. The fact is, you can. It's just not all that pleasant.人们确实会同情你的遭遇,他们会安慰你这些事天注定,不可预料,但事实是,你可以预料,只不过未必都是好事- You don't know anything about--你根本一无所知……- I know that people don't get crazy enough to kill someone without first being crazy enough for someone to notice. How many times did you go out for a drink because she was crying? How many times did you stay at work because you couldn't listen to her telling you what a bad mother she is? You were relieved when she shut down. Just sat staring for hours at a time. She held the pillow over his head. You slept while she went nuts. Not exactly a draw, but--我知道在一个人疯狂到去杀人之前,定会有过一些能惹人注意的疯狂行为:你有过多少次就因为她哭个不停,而夺门而出跑去酗酒?又有多少次加班不回家,就是为了不想听到她不停唠叨,说自己是个多么糟糕的母亲?她闭口不语,你如释重负;她手握枕头蒙在孩子头上,你坐着发呆一连几小时;她歇斯底里,你酣然熟睡;不至于半斤八两,但……9. - No matter how many people you tell otherwise, I am, and always have been, a woman. Estrogen is normal.不管你对多少人散布过谣言,我,从来都是个女人,有雌激素正常得很- Not this much. Not for at least another week. That's when you ovulate.但不会这么高,这应该是一周后的水平,一周后才是你的排卵期- What? You monitor my periods? Based on……when I get bitchy or……?什么?你还监控我的生理期?根据是我会变得暴躁还是……?- Once a month, when you leave the kids' cancer ward, your eyes glisten. And about three days later, you break your ban on sugar and chow down a bucket of frozen yogurt in the cafeteria, sprinkles included. Based on the last yogurt sighting, you've got another week before you ovulate. You're on fertility meds. With red clover as an herbal booster.每个月有那么一次,你离开癌症儿童的病房时眼里总闪着泪光;大约三天之后,你会破除自己不吃糖的禁令,在餐厅灌下一桶冰酸奶,大快朵颐,还撒上巧克力碎屑;而根据你上次你吃酸奶的日期,你要一周之后才排卵;你在服用助孕药,红苜蓿是草本催化剂10. - You just wanted all that crap you went through to mean something. Well, it didn't mean anything. It never does. Welcome back.你只是希望给自己经历的这段磨难赋予一些意义,但其实没有意义!也不会有意义,欢迎回来- Why are you doing this to me? I was happy.你为什么要这么对我?我原来就很知足- You were aspiring to be content.你以前追求的是“满足感”- Don't give me a semantic argument. I was content with the way things were! That's what happiness is.别跟我玩文字游戏!我以前也满足于周围的一切啊!这就是所谓的知足啊!- Yeah, if we were all just satisfied with what we had, what a beautiful world it would be. We'd all slowly starve to death in our own filth, but at least we'd be happy. Listen, I need your self-worth to hang on this job. I need you kicking ass here to be all that lets you rise above being miserable. If waking up in the morning is enough, I don't need you.对,如果每个人都满足于自己所拥有的一切,这个世界将会多么美好啊!我们将会在自我堕落中慢慢饿死,可至少我们会知足!听着,我需要你带着自大来干这份工作、在这里拆我的台,这是唯一让你能摆脱痛苦的方法;要是连早上活着醒来你都要感恩一番,那我不要你也罢第23集--------口吐芬芳的女孩1. - Everything about her heart is healthy.她心脏的检查指数都很健康- She's a Katrina victim.她是一名飓风的受害者- She's better than Crandall. He's a Katrina victim's victim.她可比克兰德尔幸运,他是一名飓风受害者的受害者- I don't think she was expecting your sympathy.我认为她并没有想博得你的同情- I think her point was, New Orleans was a third-world country. Toxins molds sewage in the streets.我猜她想说明的是,新奥尔良是个第三世界农村,街上到处都是毒素、霉菌、污水……- What if her heart is like my bike? Runs like crap when I'm by myself, but if I take it to the mechanic it runs great.如果她心脏跟我那辆车一个德行呢?骑的时候就像一堆破烂,可到了机械师手里又运转自如了2. - Donor 1284 likes square dancing. No one likes square dancing. 613's been practicing medicine for five minutes. Calls himself a "healer". Loves Mozart.1284号捐赠者喜欢跳方块舞,哪个正常人会喜欢跳方块舞啊?这个613号学了5分钟医学,就称自己为“医者”,居然还喜欢莫扎特- I'm not going dancing with them, I'm looking for healthy sperm. He got four living grandparents.我又不用和他们跳舞,我找的只是健康的精子,他两对祖父母都还健在呢- Who they are what they do--that doesn't matter?那他们是谁,是干什么的,这些你都不在乎吗?3. - The bigger issue is the jerk and poser genes. This Mozart lie--他的问题在于混账又装腔作势的基因,还莫扎特……- People can't like classical music?别人就不能喜欢古典乐吗?- You're designing a kid--a loser kid. He's already getting pummeled at recess.你在定制孩子,一个注定失败的孩子,我都能看到他被逼到墙角痛揍的样子了- Here. Knock yourself out. Go find sperm that can beat up 613's kids. And thanks for your help.够了,先把你自己揍醒吧,有本事找个能打败613号精子的人来,多谢你的帮助4. If you do the test one of two things happens. Either you're right or I'm right. If you're right I'll be miserable. And if I'm right I'll hate myself, 'cause I didn't trust her. Either way I lose.如果你做了亲子鉴定,无非就两个结果:要么你对、要么我对:你对的话,我会很痛苦;我对的话,我会懊悔自己当时没有相信她,无论哪种结果,我都是输家5. - Natural selection sucks. We pick our mates based on breast size, cars they drive. They did autopsies on married couples. Found a correlation in pancreas size. We're hardwired to pick for stupid reasons. You have the chance to pick for smart reasons.自然的选择不靠谱,我们挑选配偶都只看胸部大小、开车型号;有人对很多对夫妻的尸体做过研究,发现这些跟胰腺大小有关系,我们天生会做出一些愚蠢的选择!现在明明有一次明智做选择的机会摆在你面前- I think the Germans had a similar theory about 60 years ago.我想大约60年前德国人也有过类似的理论- I'm not advocating wiping out entire races. I'm just saying, you don't want to mate with the first plastic cup that buys you a drink.我并非在鼓吹种族灭绝理论,我只是想向你指出,你和提供了一杯饮料的塑料杯交媾,将来会后悔的6. - I find it very comforting. You defending a man you haven't seen in years. To know my friend no matter what, will always be my champion. My protector.我觉得这事儿很暖心,你居然在保护一个多年未见的人,看来我的好基友无论何时何地,都会是我的拥护者、我的守护神- I'm not protecting him I'm smacking her.我才没有在保护他,我在打击那个女儿- The modesty of a true hero.真是英雄的谦逊- Push me and I'll let her die, just so you'll stop annoying me.你再这么激我,我就弄死她,省得你再叨叨- Here's my theory. You're jealous. He's maturing he's accepting responsibility, you're emotionally stuck at 17.我的猜想是,你在嫉妒他:他成长了,变得敢于承担父亲的责任,而你的情感却还停留在17岁的雨季- He's manufacturing responsibility, he's not maturing. He hasn't changed at all.他这是在制造责任,这才不是成熟呢,他压根一点儿都没变7. - Here's how to become a great artist. First get miserable. Misery drives you to become a great artist, but the art does nothing for your misery, which drives you to drugs, which makes you a lousy artist.伟大的艺术家就是这样炼成的:首先,生活悲苦,而悲苦会把你造就成一个伟大的艺术家,但艺术无法却帮你摆脱悲苦,它只会让你染上毒瘾,从而让你堕落为蹩脚的艺术家8. You're a lousy con artist. First rule of the game is know your mark. Once you got Crandall to bite on the papa thing you had him. You could have told him that you were servicing al-qaeda suicide bombers for crack, and this guy would still have let you pick out the colors in your new room.你的骗术根本不入流:骗术的第一条原则是要了解你的猎物,克兰德尔这人只要跟他提爸爸这事儿,就拿住了他的命门;哪怕你当时说自己是基地组织自杀式爆炸的成员,这家伙一样会让你挑选新房间的颜色第24集--------幻觉的尽头1. - Now that is a bold position to take given that I shot you.你居然敢对一个向你开过枪的人口气这么豪横?- The shooting just makes you an idiot. You're an ass because you're trying to wrap it in the flag, like you did a good thing.你用枪打我,只能说明你傻;你的混账之处在于,你企图正常化你的行为,搞得自己在行善一般- You're an ass and a hypocrite. You don't believe in rules. You do whatever you think is right. That's all I did. You were my role model.你自己也既混账又虚伪:你目无章法,只要你认为是对的,什么都会去干;我也不过如此,你一度是我的榜样- Watch out. You're getting crumbs on the flag. I didn't commit to honor her. I didn't commit to never lie to her.说话注意,你为我摇旗呐喊就是拆自己的台;当时那个承诺会尊重她、永不欺骗她的人又不是我- Well, if you'd kept your mouth shut, she'd be alive, and you wouldn't be shot.可要是你当时能不那么多嘴,她就不会死,你也不用挨枪子儿2. You pretend to buck the system. Pretend to be a rebel. You claim to hate rules. But all you do is substitute your own rules for society's. And it's a nice, simple rule. Tell the blunt, honest truth in the starkest, darkest way. And what will be will be. What will be should be. And everyone else is a coward. But you're wrong. It's not cowardly to not call someone an idiot. People aren't tactful or polite just because it's nice. They do it because they've got an ounce of humility. Because they know that they will make mistakes, and they know that their actions have consequences. And they know that those consequences are their fault.你装得自己愤世嫉俗,一副叛逆者的姿态:你号称自己仇视规则,但你的所作所为,无非是用你的规则取代这个社会的规则,这规则美妙又简单粗暴,用最赤裸裸、最黑暗的方式诚实又直白地说出真相,让一切都各安其位,也各得其所;所有其他人都是怂包,但你错了!不去骂别人傻,并不是因为他们怂,人们表现得圆滑而礼貌并不仅仅出于友善,而是因为他们始终胸怀一丝谦卑,因为他们深知自己也会犯错、自己的一言一行都会有后果,他们知道自己最后都会自食其果3. But given that this case doesn't make any kind of sense whatsoever, maybe we should even question the basics.可既然这个病例没有一处符合常理,也许连他身体的基本构造都该质疑一下4. - If you've got a good life, if you're healthy, you've got no reason to bitch. No reason to hate life.如果你生活美满外加身体健康,你就没了愤世嫉俗和憎恨人生的理由- Here's the flaw in your argument. If I enjoy hating life, I don't hate life. I enjoy it.你这番言论存在逻辑悖论,如果我享受对人生的痛恨,那我就不是真正的痛恨而是享受了- I didn't say it was rational. HIV testing is 99% accurate, which means there are some people who test positive who live with their own impending doom for months, or years, before finding out everything's okay. Weirdly, most of them don't react with happiness. Or even anger. They get depressed. Not because they wanted to die, but because they've defined themselves by their disease. Suddenly, what made them 'them' isn't real.我没说这样符合理性:艾滋病测试的准确率为99%,也就意味着那些测试呈假阳性的人们,在末日的恐惧中生活了数月甚至数年之后,发现自己居然屁事儿没有;可奇怪的是,大多数人知道后并未欣喜若狂,甚至也不大动干戈,他们会万分沮丧,这不是因为他们真的想死,而是他们早就给自己贴上了艾滋病人的标签,可现在这个标签突然被扯掉了5. You have taken it one step further. The only way you could come to terms with your disability was to somehow make it mean nothing. So you had to redefine everything. You have dismissed anything physical. Anything not coldly, calculatingly intellectual.而你的方式更加过激,你唯一用来和自身残疾对抗的方式是,将其重置作为标准;让自己必须按这个标准定义其他事物,你摒弃了所有自然法则,只留下那些没有温度、可以量化的信息6. - Your concern is at if you act in the real world based on information that's not real, the results are impossible to foresee.你关心的点在于,自己是否身处一个由不实信息构建成的真实世界,其结果自然无法预见- With you so far.目前就你是不实信息- But information is incapable of harm in and of itself. Ideas are neither good nor bad, but merely as useful as what we do with them. Only actions can cause harm.但是信息本身是不能构成伤害的,诊断主意也不分好坏,只有用着管用与不管用之分,唯独行动才会造成伤害- That sounds like me.这话像我说的- So you do nothing. You refrain from taking any actions. Continue to throw out your ideas as you always would, but if they're based on faulty assumptions, your team will point that out. They won't do anything that could hurt him.所以你别轻举妄动,要克制住一切行动的欲望,继续像往常一样,只提出想法就行;一旦这些想法的前提错了,你的团队会帮你指出来,他们肯定不会做伤害病人的事儿- So I trust my team.所以我要信任团队7. If you want someone to hold you while you cry yourself to sleep at night, choose warm and soft. If you want someone to write you a poem, pick the sensitive loner. But if all you care about is that something's done right, pick the guy with the metal head.如果你希望有人在你哭泣时拥你入眠,找个暖和点的温柔乡;如果你想有人给你作首诗,找个细腻敏感的独行者;但如果你只是想找个把事情做得准确无误的,你还是找个铁头人吧8. That's all right. You don't have to say anything. Just let me soak into your subconscious. You think that the only truth that matters is the truth that can be measured. Good intentions don't count. What's in your heart doesn't count. Caring doesn't count. But a man's life can be measured by how many tears are shed when he dies. Just because you can't measure them, just because you don't want to measure them, doesn't mean it's not real.没关系,你什么也不用说,让我窥视一下你的潜意识就好:你内心认为唯一重要的真理,只有那些可以测出来的数据;诚心实意不能算、内心世界不能算、悉心照料也不能算;但是一个人的生命也可以用他葬礼上所获得的泪水总量来衡量,只是因为你没法去量化它们、不愿去量化它们,并不代表那不真实
  • 来自网友【费纸姬】的评论越来越觉得像小学时候看柯南的感觉,9等他灵光1闪那刻 ~~ 和Wilson在一起吧亲~~