来自网友【顾难】的评论第一集绝了!警察失去公信力的后果,一案就解说得清清楚楚。更可贵的是它并不怨天尤人,而是反躬自省。“For too many people, law enforcement has lost all credibility. And until every one of us takes a serious self-inventory, we can't begin to get it back.”“The NYPD, no, I, have a lot of work to do.” 这已经不是一部律政剧的格局了,二十年的常青剧居然还能别开一生面,更上一层楼。今天米国这个舆论气候,我本对这剧续播不抱希望,谁料它不选暂避锋芒,也不肯顾左右而言他,而是直道而行、迎难而上。见风骨,有担当。
来自网友【夏沐】的评论SVU和PD的E01真是如出一辙,因为对警察的不满导致最后案子的失败,现在这个局面确实太难做了。E02:小男生好好看。E04: That doesn't mean I'm more loyal to them than I am to you. E08:Every time that you say the jury is going to have a hard time, I think you mean you. E14:这集绝对是本季最佳。E16: 我的CP又又又成了!!!A partnership is a lot like a marriage. You fight. then you make up. But at the end of the day, you always have each others backs.