来自网友【小虾米】的评论This is my stopGot to get offI might go popExcuse meI’ve got to be directIf I’m off, please correctYou’re standing on my neckQuestion one: “Self-esteem is important because…”It’s a quality that will stand us in good stead for the rest of our lives.Very good. Now, “The next time I start to feel bad about myself…”Stand before the mirror, look myself in the eye and say,“You are special. No one else is like you.”You two really have been pay attention! Okay, “There is no such thing…”As the right weight.Or the right height.There’s only what’s right for me.Because me is who I am.When you’re popular, all unpopular people look like anyway.I was ready to go before we got here.Can’t talk now. I’m chairing a meeting of the Resting Quietly Club.You’re good. When you put your mind to it, you’re very, very good.The world was once again safe for democracy.She said it was wrong to encourage cheaters and to profit from them.So, she is giving up being a lawyer?I asked her that,And I’m sure someday we’ll once again be on speaking terms.May I be excused?I’d like to go to the girl’s room and vomit up breakfast.Could you remove your glasses?Could you remove your halter top?I can’t take my glasses off.I need them to see scam artists.I supposed you realize that now I have to reconsider my position.Does no one have any ethics anymore?How do we know that what you tell us is the truth?You don’t. And that’s the greatest lession of all.Boy, she was really trying to make you insecure.I know. If I didn’t have such low self-esteem, she might have gotten to me.I was hoping it wouldn’t come to this, and I’ll deny I ever said it.Do you think I’d be out here letting you try and teach me how to be cool?I’d like to pay my check to society and get on with my life.Bureaucracy is the price we pay for impartiality.Nobody said the justice system would be fair.The only thing actually worse than reading is watching somebody else read.Dad, these tired bones maybe locked behind prison walls,But when I play this rusty old harp, my soul flies free as a bird.I don’t care. It’s been too long already.I’ve paid my debt.That’s right. I’m busting out.Mom and Dad are taking the night off from being jailers,So I’m taking the night off, too.The confinement has made me desperate.If I don’t get out, I’m afraid I might do something crazy.So, basically, you’ve convinced them that you were to dull to be worth grounding.Exactly, and the sad thing is, it’s kinda true.Reality is bizarre enough for me.Pass me a guitar string so that I might silence my friend.You don’t need any more holes in your head.Now my day’s complete.Do you ever feel like maybe you’re all wasting your life?Only when I’m awake.A healthy happy family comes before work. Always.Dammit! It’s my turn to say dammit!I hope the raging envy you’re feeling won’t affect our friendship.No way to contact the outside world! What a luxury.If you don’t mind, I’m gonna crawl back into myself for a while.That’s good, honey. You’re letting out some of that tension.Why couldn’t he just love me for who I was?My eyes are too blurry to read it.Quinn, everywhere you look you see doors opening.Everywhere your father looks, he sees doors closing.A long corridor of door slamming shut, and at the very end,There is one open door,He must someday enter…and never may he return.Rely on Mother’s hypocrisy to see us through this crisis.I don’t like to smile unless I have a reason.Daria, people judge you by your expressions.Yes, and I believe there is something intrinsically wrong with that system,And have dedicated myself to change it.You must have worked very hard to become such a colossal jerk so quickly.Maybe his death hit a little too close to home?Gee, I hope this doesn’t lower your opinion of me.Now he’s dead and I feel bad but I don’t feel that bad so I feel terrible!You’re worried that you’re not as nice a person as you thought.Boy, Daria, nothing gets through to you, does it.To make something positive come out of this devastating event.I’m not anybody, and I’d like to talk to someone.But you’ve been talking to everyone.No, everyone’s been talking to me. There’s a difference.When they say, “You are always unhappy, Daria,”What they mean is, “You think Daria”.I can tell because you don’t smile.Now this guy died and it makes me thinkAnd that hurts my little head and makes me stop smiling.So, tell me how you cope with thinking all the time, Daria,Until I can get back to my normal vegetable state.”Well, I don’t like it when I say people should die and then they do.I don’t want that kind of responsibility.It is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.Find some other way to feel. Then you won’t feel sad.You just made ten bucks off of that poor girl’s suffering.Yeah. That was wrong.Really. Next time…Twenty.
来自网友【篝火】的评论很喜歡這部作品,但是也覺得不必太激烈地看待其內容。我不相信大家在中學時代沒有Daria這樣的思維,那篇只是一瞬間,也該是有的,這個世界上的人是茫然居多,但真正的智力障礙還是少數的。與其羨慕劇中高中生的Daria就看明白很多事情,不如回憶一下自己有多少次任由這樣的思維溜走呢?思考不是一件容易的事,活得像個被動的傻子顯然更容易。而人,喜歡不用負責且更輕易的選擇。拋開年齡,基本的發育成熟後,大部分人就停在那裡。你可以輕易想起來很多三四十的人,他們依然一股子青春期憤青勁兒,不愛這個不愛那個,喜歡特立獨行愛虛榮,跟風夸的和跟風罵的都是一波人。看完這部劇的任何後悔和期待都是給自己找的“看似已經在進步”的理由,you need to do it now, or it will be a timeless miserable dream, without even realising what it is.