
夜班经理 第一季 The Night Manager Season 1-第06集


类型:动作 / 剧情 / 惊悚地区:英国,美国年份:2016

导演:苏珊娜 / 比尔

演员:德比齐 / 托尔内 / 阿赫塔尔 / 布朗 / 奥利维娅 / 汉娜 / 托雷 / 托维 / 阿蒂卡 / 托比亚斯 / 乔纳森 / 伊丽莎白 / 埃利斯戴尔 / 尤佩 / 汤姆





乔纳森(汤姆·希德勒斯顿 Tom Hiddleston 饰)曾是一名在伊拉克前线拼杀的士兵,退伍后,他来到了一间富丽堂皇的酒店之中,在此担任夜班经理的职务。某日,乔纳森在酒店里偶遇了名为索菲(奥雷·阿蒂卡 Aure Atika 饰)的美丽女子,对其一见钟情,然而,索菲是某军火走私贩的情妇,她将一份涉及到英国军火黑市大佬理查德(休·劳瑞 Hugh Laurie 饰)的机密文件偷偷交给乔纳森,随后便死于非命。
之后,乔纳森来到了位于瑞士采尔马特的酒店中工作,在那里,他结识了英国情报官安吉拉(奥莉薇娅·柯尔曼 Olivia Colman 饰),安吉拉向乔纳森抛出了橄榄枝,希望他能够协助自己调查黑市内的军火交易和秘密情报。


  • 来自网友【tony025】的评论 看完了第一季的最后两集,第5-6集,总体感觉就是这是一部cast强大,男女主角颜值顶级,但逻辑性不强的谍战剧。其实,你把它看作男小三上位记更合适。 看完了第四集。男主角在第三集挤入了老板的核心生意圈。而第四集男主角在几次随机应变中表现抢眼,让老板再次刮目相看。但是该剧缺乏逻辑的设定依旧延续。男主角在老板眼皮底下泡老板的女人,男主角的女上司将其冒着身家性命获得的绝密资料给很多军情处的人看,尽管她知道军情处中有内鬼。应该说,一部缺乏逻辑的谍战片,即使有漂亮光鲜的场景和人物,仍然是比较失败的。... 看这部电影英剧是因为优酷在地铁里做了大广告,宣传购买优酷会员就可以看全集。感觉优酷看到爱奇艺通过《来自星星的你》赚取了上千万会员,于是也想利用这部英剧也来赚一把。 看完了第一第二集,却感觉有些失望。影片场景精美,Tom Hiddleston扮演的夜班经理360度无死角的帅,Hugh Laurie作为反派老大也气场十足。但是剧情实在太弱了。抖森完全没有展现出一个超级间谍的智慧与能力,虽然他力图展现一个有情有义之人,但是能力的不足让人实在不能过多看好他。而剧情的拖沓也让此剧没有谍战剧的风采,而更像文艺片。如果将其和说话犹如机关枪的英剧《福尔摩斯》相比,可以说剧情慢上10倍绝不夸张。
  • 来自网友【Dr.Phisher】的评论An expensive perfume commercial with an espionage story that is full of plot holes and cliche. Tom is classically trained at Cambridge and RADA. I’m pretty sure he can act. But he did such a bad job in this show that even his Aegean blue eyes were not able to save it. The director herself was clearly a “Hiddlestoner”. So much so that the entire series became utterly an admiration of Tom’s intoxicating gazes and bright grins and his marble statue like body, which significantly derailed the story line and distracted audience’s attention. I enjoyed staring at Tom’ s face and body, enormously. I mean who wouldn’t? Tom was beautifully shot in most scenes. But it aren’t working for this show. It aren’t working for any show. We say that Tom is so attractive that “I can even watch him vacuuming an empty house over and over again without feeling bored”. Well I guess it aren't true. At least not for me. You gotta be careful about what you wish for. If there is something that’s worth mentioning it’s probably the so called “female gaze”, which presents the appreciation of a male’s body from a female’s prospective. For instance the “suiting up” scene and all the sex scenes and nonsex scenes that involved Tom in it. Inadequate acting, bad directing and worse story telling made The Night Manager a piece of work that’s even worse than a mediocre in this genre. It didn’t do le Carré justice. Although, I do believe Hugh Laurie and Olivia Coleman both deserved a Golden Globe. Their acting was fantastic and incredible. But Tom? He was definitely not ready for the role of the next generation “James Bond”. And he should probably take some time off and think about his choice of roles (and choice of life too). I mean, Crimson Peak? Skull Island? Taylor Swift? Seriously? (Don’t get me wrong. I’m a huge Taylor fan. But still).